Look no further than our in-house services. Whatever the size of your team or their objectives, one of our specialists will create a unique training package and deliver it whenever is best for you.

Our aim is to build the confidence and skills of your team, to help your organisation thrive for years to come.

We cover a wide range of topics:

Can’t see what you need from the list above? It doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Get in touch with our friendly team, we’d love to hear from you.

Join Change Grow LiveConnecting London to mark this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week which runs from Monday 16-22 November on the theme of ‘Alcohol and mental health’. The campaign provides an ideal opportunity to highlight the link between alcohol and mental health and how by making changes to our drinking behaviour we can reduce our risk of developing or worsening mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Connecting London is a partnership of Change Grow Live services across the London area. During Alcohol Awareness Week, we’ll be hosting events and activities on Zoom and sharing resources. For more information and to access the full timetable, click here.

We will kick start the week with an online event via Zoom on Monday 16th Of November at 11am. The event will be focused around a Q&A session with our very own Dr Julie Scheiner (Chartered Psychologist) who will be answering questions on the effect of alcohol on mental health. If you would like to send in a question for Dr Julie beforehand please email to thealcoholservice.info@cgl.org.uk

Details of how to join all the activities

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88949712930?pwd=eVdPUE1QV2VsOTZHOGdiczczMFlUdz09

Meeting ID: 889 4971 2930

Passcode: 387107


The Charity Learning Consortium has put together 10 reasons to use technology to support L&D in the third sector. See the great things that can happen when charities incorporate eLearning into their training mix. Find out more.

Are you a local unpaid carer, or do you have a family member or friend who is? Thursday 26 November is Carers Rights Day 2020! This is a national day to raise awareness about your rights and where you can get help and support!

Carers Network is a local charity supporting unpaid carers in central London. We would love to be out and about in the community meeting local carers, but due to current restrictions we are instead going to be hosting an online ‘virtual stall’ on the day. Why not pop in, meet the team over a cup of tea or coffee, and find out how we can help you! We will have a morning session from 11am-1pm and an afternoon session from 2pm-4pm. We’d love to meet as many carers on day as possible. There is no need to register, and the log-in details are the same for the morning and afternoon:


Meeting ID: 878 4631 9852

Passcode: 247911

We look forward to hopefully meeting lots of local unpaid carers on the day!


The Business Charity Awards, which recognise the work of people and teams behind corporate and charity partnerships, have opened to entries for 2021. Third Sector have reported that the awards will feature 25 categories, spanning sector partnerships and teams. Entries are also open for people to nominate either themselves or a colleague to sit on the 2021 awards judging panel. Find out more.

With the country going into the lockdown again from Thursday, we expect there will be changes to the library provision too.

For all the updates about the Library Service in Kensington and Chelsea over the next month, please head over to our website, where you will find the latest information and the most recent updates related to Covid-19 and the libraries service.

We are going to continue providing you with a full programme of online events – talks, workshops and book clubs, as well as a boosted virtual offer of sessions for children and adults on our social media platforms.

We are hosting the 12th annual London History Festival in the last two weeks of November, but before that, we have some fantastic events to help you through the lockdown.

Come along, enjoy and learn with us!

Taking place on World Diabetes Day (14 November), the United Through Diabetes online event will bring together healthcare professionals and people living with diabetes.

This free to attend, patient-led event, will include inspirational sessions and up-to-date information to help people living with all types of diabetes, and their families and friends.

Colleagues from our NHS Diabetes programme will be talking to attendees about the latest technologies and tools to help people manage their condition during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.

We are delighted to be launching our Peer Leadership Development programme, as part of our commitment to develop 500 peer leaders by 2024.

Our innovative online personal development programme is for people with lived experience who are committed to working collaboratively with the NHS to help shape how health and care are delivered.

If you have any questions, or would like more information about the programme, email england.pldp@nhs.net

It’s no surprise that our Directory of Grant Making Trusts consistently tops our best-sellers list. This is the key information source for fundraisers, saving you time on finding funding prospects, targeting the grant-makers most relevant to your charity and discovering funders you might not have known existed.There’s more than 2,000 funders with more than £50,000 each to give. In fact this little tome has more than £5 billion inside.

Whether it’s company giving, educational grants or grants for individuals in need; we have the tailored books that can take you directly to funders. Explore all our fundraising titles here.

Of course the quickest and most flexible way to find funders and keep track of your applications is our Funds Online database, which does the leg work of sifting through more than 8,000 funders offering more than £8 billion.Whether you are a new subscriber to Funds Online or a seasoned veteran, join our expert George Knight for a free 30 minute webinar exploring tips and tricks to help get you access to the funding you need – our next date is 16 NovemberBook here.

And you can always join our Maximising Support from Trusts and Foundations next Friday to learn how the funders think so you know exactly how to get money from them. You can check out all our fundraising courses here.