As you may know, LBHF staff are able to volunteer locally for up to 2 days a year to support local organisations in Hammersmith & Fulham. At a recent staff event with the council, Sobus was promoting Comoodle as a vehicle for staff to offer their skills to local organisations – and a number of staff are keen to sign up! For further information, click here.

To all our arts based groups, please come along to the Riverside Studios on Wednesday 11th March for an information and networking event. For full information, click here.

Whether it’s reading bedtime stories, killing time on your commute or following tried and tested recipes, we’ve all appreciated a good book at one time or another. As the UK’s biggest charity publisher, it would be rude of us not to celebrate World Book Day, so here’s something special for you.

Purchase your copy of Collaborative Working for only £2.75 – that’s including P&P! But be quick; offer ends next week (12 March).

Discover more book bundles and special offers 

Happy reading!


Homes4Health programme provides free home energy visits and support to residents to help them keep warm, make their home energy-efficient, save money on energy bills and improve their health.

Delivered by the environmental charity Groundwork London in partnership with the Council, this free service offers health and financial advice to some of Kensington and Chelsea’s residents – particularly young families and elderly residents and those with multiple health conditions.

Interested? You’ll find more information here.

Author talk
10 March – 6.30pm to 7.30pm
Kensington Central Library

We are very excited to announce this talk by Jennifer Nadel, who will discuss the book she co-wrote with Gillian Anderson (yes, that Gillian Anderson) – a friend and co-conspirator with whom she concocted an inspiring, empowering and provocative manifesto for change aimed at women everywhere.

We is a not a theoretical treatise but instead a rallying cry to create a life that has greater meaning and purpose.

Do something special for the International Women’s Day – come along, this promises to be a thrilling talk!

For more information and to book click here.

The Advocacy Project is looking to appoint an Independent Advocate .

Closing date Wednesday 18th March 12 noon.

For full information, click here

Carers Network have launched a new project called Carers Cuppa in partnership with Charing Cross Hospital. Each hospital will have a designated “Carers Cuppa” table within the hospital cafés, offering a place to support unpaid carers of the sick and disabled.

Carers Cuppa Volunteers will reach out to hidden carers and highlight that the Carers Cuppa table is designated place to meet other unpaid carers in a similar position, whilst networking with hospital staff to promote the project to patients. The volunteer will also promote our services and facilitate referrals to Carers Network.

For more information,click here.

Good Thinking is a FREE, NHS-approved website which has been used by over 400,000 people to help relieve anxiety, stress and depression.  This resource can be used anywhere at anytime to access a list of online tools, free apps and urgent support information.  Please visit the website if you would like some support:

Link to Good Thinking:

Masbro Tunes & Tea Elders singing group starting next Thursday February 27th 2020.

Masbro Centre, 87 Masbro Road, W14 0LR



WAND UK is pleased to offer FREE dancing programme at Fatima Community Centre from 26 February 2020.

Please see below for more information.
