Please see link to the currently running consultation about the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme in Hammersmith and Fulham –

We are very keen to hear your views and gain your valuable insight, as professionals who support children, young people and families as well as the users themselves, about the current school nursing and health visiting service in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Please use this opportunity to have your say and promote amongst your networks, colleagues and the parents and young people you support.

In response to the latest national lockdown, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been extended for a month with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked and further economic support announced. Find out more.

We are delighted to be launching our Peer Leadership Development programme, as part of our commitment to develop 500 peer leaders by 2024.

Our innovative online personal development programme is for people with lived experience who are committed to working collaboratively with the NHS to help shape how health and care are delivered.

If you have any questions, or would like more information about the programme, email

NHS Blood and Transport is opening a further 14 convalescent blood plasma donation centres to urgently collect plasma for coronavirus treatment trials and potential use in hospitals. They are encouraging you to come forward if you have had confirmed or suspected coronavirus.

Blood plasma is a liquid that makes up about half your blood volume. After a virus, your plasma contains antibodies that help fight infection. A transfusion of plasma from someone who has recovered from coronavirus may help people who are still ill.

It’s no surprise that our Directory of Grant Making Trusts consistently tops our best-sellers list. This is the key information source for fundraisers, saving you time on finding funding prospects, targeting the grant-makers most relevant to your charity and discovering funders you might not have known existed.There’s more than 2,000 funders with more than £50,000 each to give. In fact this little tome has more than £5 billion inside.

Whether it’s company giving, educational grants or grants for individuals in need; we have the tailored books that can take you directly to funders. Explore all our fundraising titles here.

Of course the quickest and most flexible way to find funders and keep track of your applications is our Funds Online database, which does the leg work of sifting through more than 8,000 funders offering more than £8 billion.Whether you are a new subscriber to Funds Online or a seasoned veteran, join our expert George Knight for a free 30 minute webinar exploring tips and tricks to help get you access to the funding you need – our next date is 16 NovemberBook here.

And you can always join our Maximising Support from Trusts and Foundations next Friday to learn how the funders think so you know exactly how to get money from them. You can check out all our fundraising courses here.

UK Parliament Week is an annual festival that engages people from across the UK with their UK Parliament, explores what it means to them and empowers them to get involved.


A number of businesses have been in touch to request a little more time to complete (or start!) their entries to the West London Business Awards 2021.  In response we are extending the deadline beyond the weekend to Wednesday 28 October, giving you five more days to complete your nominations!

With an extra weekend allowed for entries, you are strongly encouraged to make your entry for one of our awards categories ASAP. Entries are accepted from all organisations in West London! – For the full list of boroughs see our website.

Whether you have a nomination already in progress, or you are starting your entry for the first time, you can make use of our dedicated nomination portal until 10pm on Wednesday 28 October.

Enter the awards

West London Business has been selected by London Business Hub to deliver the Government’s new Peer Networks programme locally.

This programme will establish diverse groups of business leaders from across West London to work collaboratively through business issues and widen professional networks.

Each network will use interactive action learning to enable you to discuss your own challenges, gain and reflect on valuable feedback from your peers, and implement practical solutions to overcome problems and challenges.

From finance and HR to sales, marketing and more, expert facilitators will work with you to give you the flexibility to create a trusted support network – helping you to build and strengthen your business and improve its overall performance.

Peer Networks is a free programme delivered through a series of high-impact group sessions, with each cohort led by a trained facilitator. Click here