Older People’s Outreach Worker
Salary £26,342-£27,877 NJC SCP 26-28 pro rata (28 hours)
Contract: 1 year


Job Description

Enthusiastic, efficient and self-motivated Older People’s Outreach Worker needed to enable isolated older people to access befriending and events in Hammersmith and Fulham. The Older People’s Outreach Worker will undertake outreach work with isolated older people to enable them to access the new H&F Connect 55+ project Your focus will be on isolated older people who are living in sheltered housing or not in receipt of any other befriending services. The Outreach worker will also help the Older People’s Services team cover essential services such as telephone befriending and preparing publicity for events. Applicants should ideally have excellent office skills and a minimum of one year’s recent experience working with older people and volunteers. Experience of hosting events for older people is an asset. The post is for 28 hours a week.
Older People’s Services
Older People’s Services covers a range of projects delivering befriending, casework, events and advocacy support through trained volunteers to isolated or lonely older people in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Bishop Creighton House

Older People’s Services is part of Bishop Creighton House. BCH is a multi-purpose charity which was founded in 1908. We run a community resource centre and a number of social support and welfare services mostly for people living in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. We specialise in meeting the needs of people who are older, disabled, vulnerable or socially excluded, and aim to support their independence, health and well being, and to help them maximise their potential.
Apply via website : www.creightonhouse.org
Keep Active Westminster Coordinator
Salary £27,877 – £29,698 NJC SCP 28-30
Contract : Permanent

Job Description
We are looking for an experienced coordinator to oversee and deliver a new exciting expansion of our Keep Active volunteer programme into the City of Westminster. The Keep Active Co-ordinator will recruit, train and support volunteers to enable older people referred from Community Rehabilitation Services to regain mobility and independence through indoor and outdoor exercise support. Applicants should ideally have a minimum of one year’s recent experience of managing volunteers and working with older people. Knowledge of Westminster is desirable. The job will be based at Bishop Creighton House in Fulham but will involve extensive working in Westminster.
The Keep Active project
Keep Active Westminster is a pilot partnership project with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and is being funded for 3 years by Public Health. Keep Active will provide volunteers for 9 weekly sessions to older people who have lost some function due to illness, stroke or fall. Volunteers help older people to stay mobile and engage with their local community. All referrals will come from the Westminster Community Rehabilitation Service (CRS) for clients being discharged who could benefit further from volunteers giving them motivational companionship and support. This project is an expansion from our Keep Active Hammersmith & Fulham Service which was shortlisted for the Guardian Charity Awards 2014.
Bishop Creighton House
Keep Active is part of Bishop Creighton House. BCH is a multi-purpose charity which was founded in 1908. We run a community resource centre and a number of social support and welfare services mostly for people living in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. We specialise in meeting the needs of people who are older, disabled, vulnerable or socially excluded, and aim to support their independence, health and well being, and to help them maximise their potential.
Apply via website : www.creightonhouse.org

H&F Connect 55 + is a new service commissioned by Hammersmith & Fulham Council for local residents who are in need of befriending. The service is provided by Bishop Creighton House through volunteers and is available for anyone aged 55 years or older who lives in the borough and is feeling lonely or isolated. The befriending will be short term (3-6 months) with the aim to help residents become more connected with their local community, get involved with activities they are interested in, meet new people to form lasting connections and to beat isolation in the longer term.

The project urgently needs volunteers and it will be a great chance to make a real difference to someone who may not see many people socially during the week, learn more about the community and make new friends. In addition, it will be an opportunity to create new community links for both volunteers and older people. To volunteer please call Marianne on 020 7385 9689, email mmandjano@creightonhouse.org or visit www.creightonhouse.org.

Advance logo

Female* VAWG Family Support Worker (Maternity Cover)
Fixed term contract to cover maternity leave to July 2016
Salary: £20,485 per annum inc Inner London Weighting
Working hours: 35 hours per week with some on-call cover required
Work Location: Based at Children’s centres in Westminster and the ADVANCE Hammersmith office


The Family Support Worker will work within a dynamic, fast paced, crisis intervention, advocacy and support service to ensure the voice of survivors informs every stage of the process specialising in working with clients who have children and are engaged with a children’s centre in Westminster or are referred either by agencies in Westminster or the Angelou Partnership. They will work within the team to make proactive contact and provide high quality advocacy and support based upon a client led needs and risk assessment. The post holder will have an excellent understanding of domestic violence and its effects on women and children and of best practice within domestic abuse services and in working with women with children. As an experienced domestic violence advocate who has worked with complex and multiple needs, the postholder will be skilled in risk management and safety planning, remaining calm in a crisis and in handling sensitive information on a daily basis. Experience of direct work with female survivors of domestic violence, of supporting women with children, and of working within safeguarding procedures is essential for this post, as is the need to adopt and promote a strong partnership approach to service provision.
ADVANCE is committed to equality and diversity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. The post will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and is open to women only (*Exempt under the Equality Act 2010 Schedule 9, Part 1).
Benefits include 30 days holiday and a non-contributory pension scheme.
Closing date: 23rd September at 12 noon Interviews: 30th September
Previous applicants need not apply
To apply: please download the application form and Job Description from our website at http://advancecharity.org.uk/#/come-work-for-us/4550289399
Completed applications should be emailed to althea.k@advancecharity.org.uk or posted marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to :
Althea King, ADVANCE (BSU Recruitment)
Unit 6,The Lanchesters 162-164 Fulham Palace Road
London W6 9ER

Full Job Advert

Registered Charity Number 1086873

building better opportunities

Where we are

The deadline for the first round of stage one applications closed on Monday 3 August, and we received 325 applications in total across the 71 project outlines published. You can see how many applications were submitted in each area in the related documents section on our website.

We plan to launch a second round of funding opportunities in October 2015. Keep checking these newsletters and following our twitter account @BigLotteryFund for further information.

We want your views

Later in the year we plan to award an independent evaluation contract for Building Better Opportunities which will help projects share learning and improve their service delivery along the way. As part of our market testing we are inviting potential bidders to complete a short questionnaire for their views on our proposed contract.

The questionnaire can be downloaded here and should be submitted to us no later than 12 noon, 7 September 2015.

Thames Valley Berkshire project outline re-opened for applications

Big Lottery Fund would like to apologise as we made an error in the Thames Valley Berkshire ‘Project 1 of 3 – supporting families with complex needs’ project outline. This error means we have closed the competition we ran between 5 June and 3 August 2015 without accepting applications, and will re-open from 1 September 2015 with a new project outline.
Existing and new applicants have time to consider the new project outline and submit their application by 12 noon, Monday 3 November.

For further information visit the Thames Valley Berkshire LEP page

Your questions answered

We had lots of new questions in the days leading up to the deadline so we have updated our Questions and Answers to include them all, new ones highlighted in red. We hope this will be a useful tool for potential applicants in round two, but if your question isn’t already answered email esf@biglotteryfund.org.uk

Solent LEP joins us

We are pleased to announce that Solent LEP is opting in to BBO and will have a funding opportunity open in round two. We have now submitted all funding applications to the managing authority and if approved, expect to give out approximately £315 million to 134 projects across 38 LEP areas.

Further details of funding opportunities in Solent and all other LEP areas are on our website.


The Hilden Charitable Fund, a small grant-making Trust, is looking for a permanent PA to the Secretary, based in North End Road, London W14 0SH. We are seeking someone with good word processing and dbase skills, experience of basic bookkeeping and a good telephone manner. 18 hours a week: salary £22,568 – £27,755 pro rata.

For further application details please visit our website: www.hildencharitablefund.org.uk or email: hildencharity@hotmail.com

Closing date for applications: Wednesday 16 September 2015
Interview date: Thursday 1 October 2015

We are looking for an enthusiastic and passionate
person to be part of this amazing resident led project.

Post:       Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Salary:     £11,200

Hours:     16 hours per week

Contract: Initially fixed term until March 2016

To request a recruitment pack contact Emma at Emma@whitecityenterprise.com or on 07817 839 500

For more information

Brief for researcher to produce an evaluation of Befriending to be considered by the Big Local Partnership Board and used as the basis for decision making.

We would like to complete the review quite quickly, ideally by the end of October. We want an independent look at what we are doing, but one that engages those currently involved in trying to make the service work and helps them to implement the change needed. There is a Big Local Partnership Board on 6th October and interim feedback for that meeting will be vital.


Up to £4,000 inclusive of all costs and VAT.

Expressions of interest

  • An outline of the proposed methodology
  • Details of previous work in this field including contact details for two referees
  • Information about the people who will work on the assignment and the number of days each will contribute to the review
  • Budget

Should be sent to Melanie Nock at Hammersmith United Charities by 3rd September. melanie@hamunitedcharities.com

For more information


White City Enterprise are looking for an enthusiastic and passionate person to be part of this amazing, growing project.

Post:       Project Worker
Salary:     £7800 per year
Hours:     15 hours a week
Contract: Fixed term until June 2016 (with the possibility of extension)

Recruitment Poster

Job Description


Free, accredited 5 day course for young adults with an interest in faith and community in London starting on Wednesday 28th October 2015

Inquisitive and passionate Londoners aged 16-25 are invited to take part in a free 5 day training course on 28th, 29th, 30th October & 8th & 15th November based at Heythrop College in Kensington.

Catalyst is one of the UK’s most dynamic and interactive young leader training programmes. It involves a range of activities and learning opportunities based on themes such as: Networking, Leadership, Teamwork, Inter Faith, Communication and Community. The course runs between 10am-5pm each day, and it is required to attend all days (why would you miss out?!)

Catalyst allows young people to explore controversial and sensitive issues in an open, friendly and supportive environment. The programme develops teamwork and provides leadership skills in a non-academic environment that make a real difference in communities. It’s particularly good for:
• Youth, charity or community workers;
• those involved in or who’ve just finished formal education;
• those considering career options or;
• anyone who has been waiting for a chance to be challenged and identify their skills!

The programme is run by the St Phillip’s Centre in Leicester and is made available for free to young people in London through Near Neighbours. Don’t miss out! Email:applications@kingscentresouthall.org.uk for an application form – candidates must apply as soon as possible to secure a place.

Some views from young people who have experienced Catalyst:

“Through the course, I have improved my skills and learned not to judge other people. The course has made me more confident when interacting with people from different backgrounds & cultures”. Sital Patel, student at Leicester College

“We’ve did lots of things together which has helped develop our team building and communication skills. I now have a lot of new friends too!”. Anonymous, student at Gateway College

“I was asked to do a talk recently at work. Old me would have run a mile, but new me gave the talk and handled the questions and answer session afterward with great self-belief and confidence”. Sharmina Uddin, charity worker, London

“Catalyst reveals hidden talents and helped me to become positive and confident to achieve my goals”. Mohammed Zaman, volunteer, Lewisham

“The Interview workshop helped hugely in my preparation for a university interview”. Anonymous, student QE College


HF Mind Logo

“Helping people in mental health crisis in Hammersmith and Fulham”

1 day workshop




Aim of Training:

  •  North West London Collaboration of CCG’s has commissioned training to achieve some
    of the aims of the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat.
  •  1 day workshop aims to ensure that staff across all professional sectors are better
    equipped to support people in mental health crisis and with their recovery.
  •  The training is free for frontline staff in the Hammermsmith and Fulham borough.
    Further details on reverse.

Who should attend:

Frontline staff in non-specialist mental health services from all sectors: NHS primary care
including reception/practice managers, local authority, voluntary & community sector care
providers, private sector care providers, Met Police.
Date: 15/09/15
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Sir Oswald Stoll Mansions, 446 Fulham Rd, Fulham, London


Commissioned by:

Crisis Care Concorde North West London Clinical Commissioning nGroups


H&F Mind
309 Lillie Road
E: Rhiannon.whipps@hfmind.org.uk
T: 020 7471 0594


A sandwich lunch will be provided.

Book your place:
Or contact Rhiannon Whipps on Rhiannon.whipps@hfmind.org.uk / 02074710594 for further

 For more info see flyer below
