Dalgarno Trust Logo

The Dalgarno Trust is recruiting for a health programme manager for a 6-month contract (this could be extended subject to funding).  The role is 35 hours a week and we will consider flexible working.

The role is to manage our successful and dynamic HealthWorks programme.  Through this programme we work with a number of partner organisations supporting the organisation and delivery of activities that promote well-being and physical activity.

If you would like an informal char about this job, please email Ann Goodger – ann@dalgarnotrust.org.uk to arrange this.

Applications should be sent to ann@dalgarnotrust.org.uk by Monday 10th September 2018.  Interviews will take place on Friday 14th September.

Click Here fore the Job Description

Click Here for the Application Form

Ann Goodger
Director – Marketing & Projects

 The Dalgarno Trust
1 Webb Close
Dalgarno Way
London, W10 5QB

Email: ann@dalgarnotrust.org.uk
Website: www.dalgarnotrust.org.uk
Tel: 020 8969 6300
Direct: 020 7042 7185

Charity No:1105119
Ltd Company No: 05093320

The Refugee Council’s Supporting RCOs project is delighted to invite you to a training session on “Crowdfunding”. This free training session will introduce you to crowdfunding, how it works, and what are most suitable forms of Crowdfunding for voluntary and community organisations and how to successfully plan and  launch a crowdfunding campaign.

The training session will explore theory and examples of successful case studies that could inspire your Crowdfunding campaigns.

Learning outcomes:

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the different sources and forms of crowdfunding available
  • Identifying the right crowdfunding platform for your campaigns
  • Take simple steps to increase your chances of raising funds through crowdfunding
  • Act on practical next steps – choosing, planning, costing and launching your crowdfunding campaign. There will be an opportunity for you to prepare your own pitches, and deliver them to participating colleagues for peer (crowd) critique.


Course title: Introduction to Crowdfunding

Date:      20 September 2018           

Venue:    Resource for London, 356 Holloway road, London N7 6PA

Time:      10am-16:30pm

Lunch will be provided and travel expenses will be reimbursed for participants from London-based Refugee Community Organisations (copy of your receipt required).

Book your place now

To book a place and to confirm your attendance please complete the online booking form available here.

Ezechias Ngendahayo  MInstF (Dip)
Projects and Training Coordinator
Development team
Refugee Council
PO Box 68614

E15 9DQ
T: 020 7346 1163
F: 020 3070 0228

w: www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/supportingrcos

Healthwatch Logo

Do you believe that people should be at the heart of the way our health and care system is designed and delivered?

At Healthwatch Central West London we have three local committees that represent the boroughs we work in.

They provide the link between local people and community members with the board, as well as a way of ensuring that Healthwatch is responsive to local issues and that our work plan is co-produced.

This year we became an independent organisation and therefore need to hold elections for local committee members. To find out more about what this role involves and the process of being elected, please click more information.

More Information

If you are already a local committee member, or wish to become one, you will need to complete an application form by the 9th September. To find out more, please click on apply.

If you need any help while completeting your application, or would like further information, please email info@healthwatchcentralwestlondon.org




We want your views and opinions!

We plan to build the Sands End Arts and Community Centre which will house a nursery, community café, a large hall and smaller community rooms in Peterborough Road.

Our vision is for the community centre to not only provide new services for residents of the Sands End ward, but also build a stronger more vibrant centre for all residents in south Fulham.

We plan to open the community centre in late 2019.

Please complete the survey and tell us what you think?

Click here to got to the full post and link to the survey on the LBH&F

Kamal Hanif
Communities & Regeneration Manager

LB Hammersmith & Fulham Council
3rd Floor, Hammersmith Town Hall Extension, King Street, W6 9JU
Web:    www.lbhf.gov.uk
Email:   kamal.hanif@lbhf.gov.uk
Tel: +4420 8753 4563
Mobile: +447771 843975

Homeless Link Logo

The Homeless Link social investment project with which is designed to support the homelessness sector in England. We offer dedicated support and flexible loan/grant packages from £25,000 to £150,00 to enable sector organisations to increase their impact by developing new models for income generation/funding or to invest in other areas to strengthen their organisation’s long-term sustainability. Click Here for our brochure which gives more information of our fund and includes case studies of our first investees.

Jaishree Mistry
Investment Manager
Homeless Link
Minories House | 2-5 Minories | London EC3N 1 BJ
Tel: 020 7840 4435
Mob: 07507 506378

The London Community Foundation

For groups that would benefit from attending a ‘Meet the Funder’ event delivered by The London Community Foundation for our Save London Lives programme. The session will support organisations to understand the criteria and focus of the programme, how to complete the application form and provide an opportunity for organisations to ask questions on a one to one basis before the programme closes on the 10th of September 2018.

Save London Lives, part of the Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund (ESDF), aims to build a better and more robust community response to youth violence in London by increasing the impact and resilience of organisations working to reduce violence among young people across London. The fund will encourage and support locally based solutions that are developed and delivered by a range of organisations, working together in areas across London.

Through this fund we will provide grant funding, capacity support and networking opportunities to organisations in London who are responding to youth violence under at least one of the following three themes:

  • Trauma
  • School
  • Family

Grants of up to £20,000 are available over two years, and organisations operating in any London borough with an income of under £500,000 are eligible to apply.

There will be two sessions and the dates and venues are:

23rd of August- Hugh Cubitt Centre – 48 Collier Street, London N1 9QZ
Time: 2pm-4pm
Room: Main Hall
Closest station: Kings Cross

28th of August- Pembury Community Centre – 1 Atkins Square | London E8 1FA
Time: 2pm-4pm
Room: Studio 2 and Studio 3
Closest station: Hackney Central or Hackney Downs

To book one of the dates, please follow this link

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Inter Faith Youth Trust - Banner

The Inter Faith Youth Trust, the only UK charitable trust solely to fund inter faith projects for young people is offering Grants of up to £500 as part funding for projects or activities. Priority is given to projects that: Actively involve young people, promote positive action are Non-statutory organisations, Focus on children and young people aged 11-25. Projects supported will be focused around Inter Faith Week, the 11th to the 18th November 2018. Grants are awarded for proposals for inter-faith activities involving children and young people from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and other faiths and those of no formal faith in understanding and co-operation. More information, examples of activities and tips on how to make the most of Inter Faith Week can be found in the Toolkit available to download from the website.

Deadline: 14th September 2018 Click Here to apply for fund

World Alzheimer’s Month - Banner

Globally there is thought to be poor understanding and a great deal of stigma surrounding dementia, so the work of World Alzheimer’s Month is vital and is growing and targeting the stigma and lack of understanding and knowledge surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as well as supporting those suffering with the disease.The month is an opportunity for individuals, businesses and charities to hold events and raise awareness in their communities of the effects of dementia. Participants can get campaign materials for their event from ADI, and anyone unable to arrange their own event but keen to take part, can find events run by their National Alzheimer’s Charity and participate in those. For more info click here

the FSI Training Banner

The heatwave may have let up (for now!), but don’t let the weather stop you from achieving fundraising success this summer. Whether it’s too hot or too wet, you can stay inside and learn at your desk with our Summer Webinar Series, starting at just £5!

These opportunities have limited space as they emphasise activities and interaction with your trainer – along with opportunities for Q&A throughout the session. Our aim is to improve your knowledge, skills and confidence without you having to leave the comfort of your office. There is something for everyone in this wide range of vital topics:

Thursday, 23rd August

  • Developing Your Fundraising Strategy
  • Developing Your Earned Income 

Wednesday, 29th August

  • Developing Your Fundraising Strategy

Tuesday, 4th September

  • Annual Appeals & Regular Giving
  • Plan & Deliver Capital Campaigns
  • Legacy Fundraising 

Thursday, 6th September

  • Community & Events Fundraising 
  • Preparing Successful Tenders (Statutory Commissioning)
  • Stewardship – Retaining & Maintaining Donors

Book Now

Venue: Your desk!
Cost: £5, full details on our deposit policy available on our website.

 Local organisations are being encouraged to bid for funding for projects to get more people cycling - Banner

Community groups in H&F are being encouraged to apply for grants for schemes to help get more people cycling.

Transport for London’s Cycling Grants programme, now in its fourth year, helps groups who are traditionally under-represented in cycling, to get pedalling.

The scheme is managed by Groundwork London and this year has £240,000 available to help up to 30 groups deliver new cycling initiatives.

These can be anything from courses teaching basic cycle maintenance, to guided rides and more. Projects will receive up to £10,000 over three years.

Applications now open at www.cyclinggrants.london  and close on 17 September.

You can read H&F Council’s cycling strategy here, which outlines our plans to make it easier and safer for more people to riding.

For more information about TfL’s cycling initiatives visit tfl.gov.uk/cycling.

Click here to see the article on the H&F website