Put your general knowledge to the test and see if you can take home the trophy at the Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham quiz on Thursday 8th June! Doors will open at 6pm in time for you to grab a drink and get cracking on the picture round before Round 1 starts at 6.30pm. With tickets costing just £25 per person (£150 for a full team of 6), you’ll get dinner, drinks and a whole host of great quiz questions to keep you entertained all evening!

All the information and team tickets can be found here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/age-uk-hf-quiz-night-tickets-630892485407

Please get in touch with Sarah (sarah@ageukhf.org.uk) to purchase individual tickets.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Carers Week this year runs from 05 – 11 June. To mark the week, Carers Network has a jam-packed programme of activities and events for local unpaid carers. These includes trips to The Royal Mews, Houses of Parliament, The Wallace Collection, Chiswick House, St Paul’s Cathedral, The Museum of Brands, Kew Gardens, Chelsea Physic Garden, and more.

The A full programme of activities and events can be downloaded here
To register interest, local unpaid carers should email: events@carers-network.org.uk

‘Volunteers are the backbone of the charity sector, so this Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), why not show your appreciation and do something special to recognise and celebrate the valuable contribution that they make to your charity…’ Click here to continue reading.

‘The Big Help Out is set to become an annual event, according to organisers of the volunteering day. More than 30,000 charities were scheduled to hold 55,000 events for volunteers at the inaugural event, established to mark the coronation of King Charles III…’ Read more here.

We are completing a community action project to work with communities around our practice to address a local health priority. Our project aims to address low breast cancer screening uptake within the community. Local organisations interested in our future proposed interventions based on feedback after speaking to women as to why they might not attend, please contact:

Alain alain.geneste20@imperial.ac.uk  & Sharon sharon.manoj20@imperial.ac.uk  (Third-year medical students, Imperial College London, currently completing placement at The Bush Doctors)

Breast cancer screening poster

Author of Fundraising Strategy, Richard Sved, takes us through the first steps in building an innovative strategy that will elevate your fundraising to the next level. Take a look here.

If you’re looking for some data regarding the cost of living crisis and it’s impact on charities, the results from the latest State of the Sector survey have revealed some interesting findings. Knowing that you probably don’t have enough time to read the whole report, our brilliant researcher, Ross Hardy, has abstracted everything you need to know. Read his latest summary here.

‘Emails are an important part of your fundraising toolkit. They are a powerful and cost-effective way to drive donations. But getting your email opened, let alone read is no mean feat. So how can you structure one that won’t only get people reading, but also donating?’ Read more here.

‘Unfunded NHS pay rises are likely to mean the scaling back of essential frontline public health services, senior sector figures have warned. The ongoing pay negotiations between the government and unions have seen nurses offered a 5% pay rise, which was rejected by the Royal College of Nurses last week…’ Read more here.

Our fantastic Marketing Intern Lucy Martin has put together some of the best tips and tricks for building your charity’s online presence. Read the full article here.