Hammersmith & FulhamImage result for H&F Brilliant Business Awards




We’re working hard to make H&F the best place to do business in Europe,” said Cllr Andrew Jones, H&F Cabinet Member for the Economy and the Arts.

“Enter our Brilliant Business awards this year and shine a light on your business.”


The awards form part of H&F Council’s Industrial Strategy (pdf 2.6MB) which aims to make the borough the best place to live, work and play in Europe.


Judges’ Prize

Enter your business into up to two of the categories below and increase your chances of winning an award.

  • Best Community Focussed Business or Social Enterprise – NEW
  • Best Creative Business
  • Best Cultural or Arts Business
  • Best Customer Service
  • Most Inclusive Employer – NEW
  • Best Place to Drink
  • Best Place to Eat
  • Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Best Independent Business on the High Street
  • Best Small Business
  • Best Micro or Nano Business or Sole Trader – NEW
  • Best Night Time Economy Business – NEW
  • Best Technology Start-Up

An expert panel of judges will then draw up a shortlist and decide who deserves the glittering gong at the gala presentation on Thursday 21 November at Olympia London.

Entries close on Friday 25 October.


Public Vote

Get residents, shoppers and workers in the borough to nominate you as their favourite business in Hammersmith, Fulham and Shepherds Bush.

There is no application process – just encourage your customers to say you’re the best!

Promote the awards in store and online and ask people to nominate you at the awards website. Each nomination counts as a vote.


Closing date for public nominations is Sunday 10 November.

  • Best Fulham Business
  • Best Hammersmith Business
  • Best Shepherds Bush Business


The five businesses with the most votes in each category will be invited to the gala presentation on Thursday 21 November at Olympia London, with the winner being the one who gets the most – it’s that simple.




Prince’s Trust – Training course opportunities for young people 16-30 and who are NOT in Education, Training or Employment. 


You can take that step

We believe you have the talent to achieve anything you want to in life. That’s why we make your journey to success even easier by giving you the skills, tools, training and confidence you need to secure the job you want.


Our programmes:

Start your business. Take that idea you’ve been dreaming of and, with our Enterprise training, mentoring and funding, become your own boss.

Get a job. Get to know an industry that suits your personality, with free ‘on-the-job’ courses that will help you gain valuable experience.

Build your confidence. We’ve got a range of programmes to develop your skills and boost your confidence. Try something different with new friends today.




Visit Prince’s Trust Website to find out more.

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Crowdfunding: Ride Side-by-Side


The History of Bikeworks

In its short history Bikeworks has already achieved a significant amount making a positive difference to the lives of many thousands of people, winning numerous awards and expanding the reach of its work outside of East London.


Who will it effect:

Participants over 60 who have an issue with mobility, social isolation, or be visually impairment.


How it Works

People will book a trip by phone. A rider will pick them up, riding a side by side cycle and take them on a trip of their choice for an hour and half.


Why it’s a great idea:

Ride Side-by-Side will tackle loneliness and isolation. People will have an opportunity to chat with their co-rider (Pilot), interact, tell stories about themselves and reminisce.

Ride Side-by-Side will help people with things they need to do like shopping, visit friends and family, explore the borough or get to an appointment.

It will have a broader impact with regards to reducing motorised trips and showcase other ways to get around that are emissions free.

By giving people the opportunity to be active, reduce their reliance on the NHS since it will improve their well-being due to the exercise and the conviviality.


Steps to get it done:

  • Produce and distribute project publicity materials
  • Engage local social housing estates and organisations
  • Run 4 ‘roadshows’ at key locations in the borough ahead of the launch
  • Take 4-8 people out on cycle trips of their choice every week
  • Collect quantitative & qualitative data
  • Collect materials for case studies and project video
  • Publish project report
  • begin delivery in 2 additional locations


The project cycles are power assisted to enable riders to travel further and ride for longer in any road environment.


How will the Money be Used

The funding will be used to purchase a small fleet of these cycles for the project, to train and pay the ‘pilot’ and for development work linking to local social housing estates, care homes, dementia groups, older people’s networks and groups for the visually impaired.


To get more information, visit Bikeworks Website.


To view/ download the flyer, click here.





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Free Tour

  • Come and visit Freston Road Hub to see the spaces we have available
  • Chat to us about your office space and meeting room requirements and
  • The support you need to establish and grow your business


Free Hot-Desk space

  • Free hot desk for two hours between 10.30am – 4.30pm (subject to availability)


Free Mailbox Service

  • Two months free Mailbox Service for anyone taking out an annual mailbox service between 11th – 22nd November 2019


Free or reduced Membership Fee

If you think you might be interested our Hot Desk or Mailbox services before the end of March 2020, take advantage of the special offer available from 11th – 22nd November 2019

  • 25% discount for local businesses based in RBKC
  • FREE membership for North Kensington residents



For information about other local events during Enterprise Week please visit: www.rbkc.gov.uk


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Growing Your Business

Taking on staff: people management and team building



Sobus are pleased to offer a free workshop for small business owners and entreprenuers in the North Kensington area who are looking to grow their business.


The workshop will explore:

  • building teams
  • managing people
  • An introduction to HR management


Tuesday 19th November

10.30am – 1pm


Spaces are limited and will be prioritised for North Kensington businesses and residents.


To request a place, please visit www.eventbrite.com and search for “Sobus“ or email: reception.frh@sobus.org.uk


For information about other local events during Enterprise Week please visit: www.rbkc.gov.uk




Hammersmith & Fulham




The relationship between H&F Council and the local community and voluntary sector

CEO and Leaders’ Meeting


On Monday 9th October, LBHF Cabinet are considering a report which will initiate local discussion and dialogue regarding the future relationship that needs to be established and developed between themselves and the local 3rd sector.

Please follow the link below.




Clearly, this is an important piece of work that we need to discuss and engage with and we would really welcome input from local organisations


Obviously, Sobus will be looking at a range of opportunities to engage with local groups and organisations about this – but to start with, I would like to invite you, together with a few other CEOs from local organisations to meet for an initial meeting with Ruth on Tuesday 15th October, 10.30-12.30.


For this first meeting, we are hoping that the most senior individuals from local organisations (i.e. at CEO or Board level) can attend – as we need those with the appropriate authority in their organisations to help shape and inform this important piece of work.


For further information and to book a place, please contact admin@sobus.org.uk




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Great news!


We are so excited to announce, that our new sharing platform Comoodle H&F home page is now live.





Visit https://www.comoodle.com/h&f



How to get involved?
Please think about what Stuff, Space or Skills you might be able to share to help your local community or you may want to borrow stuff, so have a look what’s being offered up.



If you need to know more, just get in touch

LCF Logo

The Grenfell Young People’s Fund is an Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund initiative. The Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund was set up in 2010 to help grassroots charities tackling poverty, inequality and exclusion across the capital.

On the day of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, the Evening Standard newspaper and The London Community Foundation launched a fundraising campaign for those affected by the fire. In the subsequent months, The London Community Foundation received funds from other appeals, including the #Game4Grenfell football match (whose proceeds were added to the Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund), the Artists for Grenfell fundraising single, the FA Community Shield football match and from The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.


The aim of this fund is to improve the lives of children and young people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.



Through this fund, we want to provide funding for organisations who can provide the following outcomes for the children and young people being supported:

• Children and young people have improved wellbeing
• Children and young people are engaged, empowered and have a role in society
• Young people are ‘work ready’ and/or employed




  • Organisations directly supporting children and young people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire will be prioritised for funding. Projects indirectly supporting children and young people (e.g. through supporting parents and carers) may be considered. No more than 20% of organisations funded in this Round will be where children and young people are indirectly supported.
  • Priority will be given to organisations who are locally based in North Kensington. Up to a maximum of 20% of overall Grenfell Children and Young People’s Fund money can be made available for organisations who are based outside of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. All organisations who are not based in The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea will have to demonstrate how they work in partnership with local organisation(s).
  • There is no maximum or minimum organisation turnover size. Smaller organisations (under £500,000 income) will be prioritised. A maximum of 20% of organisations funded will have an income of over £500,000.
  • Applications from organisations currently in receipt of funding from Round 1 of this fund will not be eligible to apply.


Grant size

Grants of up to £15,000 per year over 3 years are available, so a total grant of £45,000 will be available per organisation over the 3-year period. Organisations can apply for a maximum of £15,000 per year.


How to apply

To apply to this fund, firstly, please take a look at the fund guidelines and application form guidance by clicking on the buttons below or at the top right hand side of the screen. Then if eligible, click on the ‘Apply’ button to complete the online application form.



Midday 23rd October 2019


Contact details

Please contact The Programmes Team at The London Community Foundation.


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The conference is a celebration of our Champions, who are all local residents working within voluntary and community sector organisations across Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster.


It offers an opportunity to bring them together with the many services and partners they work with, and to enable senior decision-makers to meet the Champions.


This year will be our seventh year and the theme for the day is ‘Celebrating Diversity’.

  • Date: Wed 13th November, starting 10am, finishing 1.40pm, followed by lunch till 2.30pm
  • Venue: Kensington Town Hall (Great Hall), Hornton Street, W8 7NX


The conference starts at 10am and will consist of a number of champions and other speakers on the theme of diversity, two round round-table discussion slots, an award ceremony, and hot lunch to finish.


To find out more, click here.

Click here to view/download the invitation.


Public Health England is launching a major new mental health campaign, called Every Mind Matters, on 7th October 2019.


Public Health England, with support from some of the most respected organisations in the field.


The campaign aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions.


You can download the resources here to learn more about the campaign and find out how you can take advantage of a range of opportunities available.


Watch webinar to learn more about Public Health England’s major new mental health campaign.


The webinar covers:

  • Background and campaign aims
  • Key learnings from the pilot
  • Campaign plans for October
  • How you can get involved