Open Age have been continuing apace with our development of a remote offering that our members can access from the safety of their own homes. After testing for a two week period we launched a very basic programme of remote activities on Monday the 4th May and have been steadily building on this ever since.

Our “How to use Zoom” classes have proved to be a popular and effective way of ensuring our members are able to access this new tool. In these sessions we invite small groups to join a teleconference where they are talked though how to download Zoom to their device and how to set up an account. They are then sent a meeting invite and talked though how to join a meeting before the session moves to using Zoom itself, and members are given a short introduction to its various features.

Between 4th and 15th May we ran 33 of these session for 93 members. All those that took part are now able to access our remote activity offered via Zoom.

For the Open Age Virtual activity programme for next week please click here.

Natwest want to help community organisations access the support, funding and digital services that are available. Find out more.

We want to hear about the treatment and care you received.

Whether you’ve had a positive experience or there is room for improvement, have your say on the Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham website today.

You can even leave feedback anonymously.


ValueYou is a charity which provides free discount cards to long serving volunteers who have volunteered over 100 hours within the past 12 months. The card is free and is a way of saying ‘Thank you’ to volunteers for their hard work.

The ValueYou initiative started in London, where it currently runs in eighteen Boroughs with more than 650 independent high street businesses taking part. There are a wide range of independent businesses offering discounts, such as cafes, hair & beauty salons, book stores and much more, which offer a minimum of 10% discount to cardholders, and several businesses that offer discounts of up to 25% off on online purchases.

Volunteers can use our online application forms if they volunteer for a registered charity, a hospital, school, library, parks service and some non-registered charitable organisations: To apply, you will need to provide the email address for the person that manages your volunteering to use the online application form. If you don’t have this email us at .

Our initiative partners with local independent businesses who want to give by offering a discount to our volunteer members. Membership is free of charge, and our work helps to encourage people to shop locally and support small businesses. We first launched the scheme in Ealing in February 2014, and we’ve steadily been adding new areas to where our services are being offered.

For more information or to apply, visit or contact us on .

In smaller charities, Chairs often take on multiple roles and have to balance competing priorities. The Association of Chairs has put together a handy list of hints and tips. Find out more.

The Alcohol Service is a free service to the residents of, Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. We are a welcoming service for people having trouble with alcohol use or who are affected by alcohol use issues. We offer a range of services including Family and Carers, Older peoples, and Counselling.

At these troubling times we are still here to help but working in different ways. Our staff are ready to support and help you stay safe. Why not join our open Zoom Coffee Mornings to find out more?

Please contact us: Tel: 0800 0147440 or email

Click here for our Service Users’ Guide.

In these strange and uncertain times, a healthy mind is imperative. You might find this link useful to share with your team. Click here



Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness week. This year, the theme is kindness.

In times of crisis, it’s never been more important to take care of our mental wellbeing and look out for others. To help, we now have brand new courses available to join free, made by experts at top universities and institutions to help you:

On our blog, we’ve gathered some ideas on how to Stay Healthy During Lockdown and be kind to your mind during times of upheaval.

For more resources to help, head to our collection of courses to Support Your Mental Health In Lockdown.

View more courses

The Coronavirus pandemic can impact anybody’s mental health, which is why the mental health charity Mind have launched a new campaign called #SpeakYourMind. Reach out to someone who needs a friend with a positive message, or share your top tips for coping to help someone feel they don’t have to face things alone. Find out more.

Explore the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on wellbeing and mental health at an individual, group and societal level.
