While many of us enjoy the lead up to the festive season, and spending time with friends and family until the New Year, January can often bring a bit of a slump in our mood. 

Taking care of our mental health is absolutely vital – especially those working and volunteering in voluntary and community services that our clients are so often highly dependent on.  It’s is really important to take care of your own wellbeing, in order to better support those who are turning to you for help, advice and assistance.

The cost of living crisis is beginning to bite, the post Christmas credit card bills are landing on our doormat, and the continuing short days, damp and cold weather without the sparkle and glow of Christmas lights can make January a bit of a low season.  However, for many, the January blues could be seasonal affective disorder (SAD) –  a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.

SAD is sometimes known as “winter depression” because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter.  Symptoms of SAD can include:

  • a persistent low mood
  • a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities
  • irritability
  • feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
  • feeling lethargic (lacking in energy) and sleepy during the day
  • sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning
  • craving carbohydrates and gaining weight
  • difficulty concentrating
  • decreased sex drive
  • For some people, these symptoms can be severe and have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities.

Read more

Be aware of the upcoming industrial action dates during January 2023

A slew of industrial action and strikes have been well reported in the news in recent months, with transport industries, NHS staff and others walking out in protest.  Here are the dates of the strike action currently planned for January.  This may well change if unions manage to strike a deal with Government and employers.

Rail strike days:

  • 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th RMT members of Network Rail and 14 train operating companies
  • 5th January – ASLEF train drivers
  • 12th January – Prospect members on the Elizabeth Line

Bus strike days

4th, 5th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 25th and 26th January: Unite Abellio bus workers in South and West London.

We strongly recommend checking with staff and volunteers that they have alternative ways of getting to work on transport strike days.  It might be advisable to consider moving meetings online if a large number of attendees are going to struggle to travel to a face to face meeting.

NHS Ambulance Staff

  • 11th and 23rd January – Unison Ambulance staff
  • 11th January – GMB Ambulance Staff

NHS Nurses

  • 18th and 19th January – Royal College of Nursing staff

Are you one for making New Year’s resolutions, or do you ignore this tradition as you know you’ll have lost all motivation to stick to it, a few short weeks into the new year?   How about we shift the focus from individual, to organisational resolutions?

One thing I’m regularly asked in January, is whether I’ve made any New Year’s resolutions.  I’m not a New Year Resolutions person!  Ok, in the past, I’ve said I’ll lose weight, get fitter, decorate various parts of the house or overhaul the garden, cut out chocolate, attempt a 5k “fun run” (in my opinion, never has an activity been less accurately named!) or some other such personal ambition – only to either fail to start them completely or given up only a week or two (if that) in to the new year.  Willpower was never my strong suit!

However, I’m not alone in this.   According to research, only about 16% of people are able to stick to their resolutions, with the majority giving up within 1-6 weeks of starting.  Despite our best intentions, it can be difficult to persevere, whether it’s to start a new good habit, or give up a bad one – it comes down to motivation and opportunity. 

However, perhaps we in the voluntary and community sector could consider instead, the opportunity to make some “organisational resolutions” – plans to create better habits for our organisation, our people and ultimately, those we support. Read more

Happy New Year!  Here’s hoping 2023 will be a successful year for us all.  The Sobus team has returned to work this week, after a much deserved rest over the Christmas and New Year period.

January is often a bit quieter, giving us an opportunity to take a couple of weeks to catch up with emails, tackle pieces of work we’ve been putting off, and take the time to plan our workload for the coming months.

There is though, an important task that we all have to complete before the end of January – submit our annual return to the Charities Commission.

All organisations must submit their annual return within 10 months of the end of their financial year – for the majority of VCS organsiations, we run on an April-March financial year, therefore the 10 month deadline for our annual return is 31st March each year

The amount of information you must provide depends on the annual turnover of your organisation:

  • Organisations with income under £10,000 – you only need to report your income and spending.
  • Organisations with income between £10,000 and £25,000 must answer questions about your charity, but do not need to include any other documents.
  • Organisations with income over £25,000 must answer questions about your charity in an annual return and also provide copies of your
    • Trustee annual report.
    • Accounts
    • Independent examiner’s or audit report.

The questions you will be asked depend on your income, the type of charity and what the charity does.

How to submit your annual return:

When your charity was registered, you’ll have been sent your login details.  If you’ve lost these, go to the Charity Commission login page and click the ‘Forgotten Your Password?’ link.  You’ll need your registration number.  A password link will be sent to the contact email you gave the Commission.  If you don’t know what this is, go to your charity’s entry on the Commission register and click the contact details link on the left.

As always, Sobus is here to help if you’d like any information or guidance on submitting your annual return.

‘The Charity Commission recognises that many charities are facing difficult circumstances resulting from rapidly increasing costs. This may include their own cashflow but also concern for those they serve and for their own staff facing cost of living pressures…’ Read more here.

During the cost of living crisis, many more individuals will reach out to charities for vital support. We understand the pressure on services and staff alike, so we’ve put some of our key resources in one place. From funding guides and staff training to insightful commentary, articles and links, these are resources designed to help you to help others, especially those seeking welfare support. View our cost of living support hub here.

‘The charity sector has been through a period of drastic upheaval. It has seen huge digital acceleration, shifts in working models, streamlined operations, the arrival of new tech, the optimisation of old tech, and much more – all in the past two years.’ Read more here.

‘A number of people across the charity sector have received recognition in the New Year Honours List 2023. Scope’s chair, Robin Millar, has been recognised in the King’s New Year’s honours list.’ Read more here.

When you think of inspiration what comes to mind? Inspirational people you’ve met, inspiring quotes you’ve seen, inspired ideas that you’ve witnessed come to life? In the charity sector, we are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by inspiring people doing amazing things every day.’ Read more here.

2023 is upon us, but it’s not too late to get yourself and your charity ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. Whether you’re looking for funding, reviewing your strategy, making tough decisions, or just trying to react as best you can to everything that’s thrown at you, here are some brilliant ways to make your next year as successful as possible.’ Read more here.