People will soon have access to detailed information about the quality and safety of every NHS mental health trust in England, including where improvements are needed, as the regulator announces that it has now inspected all of them using it new regulatory approach.

Following the development, testing and roll-out of its new model over the last three years, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has now completed its comprehensive inspection programme of all 56 mental health NHS trusts in England, as planned.

The inspections are intelligence-driven and based on what matters most to people who use services. They answer the questions, are services safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led?  The inspections rate services as outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

Now that all mental health NHS have been inspected at least once, CQC is establishing a quality baseline of the country’s mental healthcare services, which it is using to drive improvements across the system and to inform how it regulates in future.

So far, CQC has rated 47 of the 56 mental health trusts in England. Nearly two thirds (30) are ‘requires improvement’ and around a third are good (17). One is rated inadequate (Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust – currently in special measures). None has yet been rated as outstanding.

CQC will continue to publish the inspection reports and ratings for the remaining 9 NHS mental health trusts over the next few months. Once all have been rated, CQC will analyse the full findings to date, to draw national conclusions about the quality and safety of specialist mental healthcare in the NHS, so that the system understands what is working well and what needs to improve.

Dr Paul Lelliott, Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals (lead for mental health) said: “I am grateful for the hard work undertaken by our teams in completing the first round of our comprehensive inspection programme on schedule, and for the way in which providers have engaged with the inspections.

“During these inspections, I am encouraged that we have seen some good care and we have met many thousands of staff who are compassionate and dedicated to providing the best support and treatment they possibly can for their patients.

“However, the emerging picture is that there are too many NHS mental health trusts that provide care that requires improvement before it can be considered fully safe, effective and responsive to people’s needs.

“Staff do not always provide care that is patient-centred, nor do they always fully respect people’s rights or fully involve them in decisions about their treatment and support. Too much inpatient care is being provided in outdated buildings that do not meet modern standards. These concerns can have a serious impact on a person’s recovery from a serious mental health problem.

“We expect providers to take these concerns on board, to learn from those we have rated Good, and to do everything within their power to ensure people get the safe, high-quality and compassionate care they deserve.”

Today’s announcement comes as CQC continues with its strategy for the next five years, which builds on what it has learnt from its comprehensive inspection programme and sets out plans for a more targeted, responsive and collaborative approach to regulation. This will include making greater use of focused and unannounced inspections, which will target areas where its insight suggests there is the greatest risk to patients. Also, CQC will work with providers to help them monitor and report on their own quality more effectively and understand what is expected of them.

CQC has already inspected every acute NHS trust, by the end of March 2016 as planned, as part of its comprehensive programme: work is underway to pull together the findings of these as the individual trusts continue to be rated. CQC remains on track to inspect every primary medical and adult social care service in England by 31 March 2017.

hfvc logo

Human Library pic

Never Judge a Book by its Cover

Human Books


Would you or a service user from your organisation like to challenge negative perceptions, prejudice, discrimination, stigma and stereotyping? Then why not become a Talking Book with HFVC’s ‘Human Library’.
This exciting project aims to break down barriers and create a better understanding through interaction and dialogue between people. Just like in a real library, a visitor to the Human Library can choose a Book from a range of titles, however, the difference is the Books are people and reading is a conversation.

The Human Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers. A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.

The launch of the HFVC’s Human Library will take  place at Lyric Square, Hammersmith, W6 0DA on the 28th September 2016 11:00 – 14:00 and will continue over a 9 month period in 9 other locations across Hammersmith and Fulham

Get involved: We are looking to recruit individuals to be Books. This can be for a 2-3 hour Library event or several. Training will be provided and travel expenses paid
If you would like to get involved or want more information, contact Ann-Marie
T: 020 8741 9876 


For more information on the Human Library concept, visit


The Council want to improve protection for private tenants and landlords in Hammersmith & Fulham. A third of H&F residents rent their homes privately. The Council want to do more to protect them from bad landlords – and to protect good landlords from badly-behaving tenants.

The Council also wants to help good landlords by creating a level playing field and discouraging bad landlords from operating in H&F.

The Council have five proposals to make things better that they are consulting on:

  1. Introduce ‘additional licencing’

Any “house in multiple occupation” (HMO) would need to apply to the Council for a licence. This will ensure its properly managed and not overcrowded.

  1. Introduce ‘selective licencing’

Properties in parts of the borough with high levels of anti-social behaviour will need to apply to the Council for a licence. They’ll have to meet minimum tenancy and property standards. This will protect landlords, tenants and neighbouring residents.

  1. Introduce an H&F private landlords’ rental charter

The Councils proposes that landlords to sign up to the charter and commit to best practice in management, housing standards, charges, protecting tenants’ deposits and security of tenancies. Tenants will be attracted to H&F charter landlords because they’ll know they can have more confidence in them.

  1. Revise minimum standards for HMOs (Houses in Multiple Occupation)

To ensure that HMOs are safe and not overcrowded, the Council proposes to introduce new standards for management, safety, facilities and living space.

  1. Set up a social lettings agency

This new type of agency will help residents on low or modest incomes find a home in the private rented sector and will help landlords find suitable tenants. It will incentivise landlords to let to benefit claimants by offering residents support to sustain their tenancies.

Please give us your views. Visit for more information and to respond to the consultation.

We would be grateful if you could ask the landlords, tenants and residents you represent to contribute their views too.


As a thank you, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win one of three prizes of Marks & Spencer’s gift vouchers worth up to £100.

Crowdfunding platform launches in H&F – residents, community groups and third sector organisations invited to find out more.

Do you have an idea for a project to improve your community, but not sure how to fund or plan it? Want to hear more about how crowdfunding could help?

Through Spacehive, a civic crowdfunding platform, people in other boroughs have raised anything from a couple of hundred pounds to six-figure sums for their ideas, with projects including community festivals, improvements to parks and playgrounds and high street projects to support local businesses.

Join Spacehive as they host an Ideas Event for Hammersmith & Fulham:

      Date: Tuesday 9th August

    Time: 6pm – 8pm

      Venue: White City Community Centre, India Way, W12 7QT

The aim of this event is to give as many people as possible the chance to learn how to put together a strong crowdfunding campaign and receive support and advice from Spacehive. So if you have any ideas of projects that might improve your local area, bring them along and Spacehive can help you turn them into a reality!



To attend simply register online at:

If you have any questions please email

This event is for providers interested in developing and delivering accommodation, care and support services for people with learning disabilities and people with complex needs in London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and City of Westminster.

Thursday 28 July 2016 1.30 — 5.00 pm
Small Hall, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX

We want to consult with the market on delivering our strategies for personalisation, choice and control for people with learning disabilities, and the management of personal budgets through Individual Service Fund arrangements.
We want to facilitate the development of partnerships between providers – large and small – who share our vision of people having real choice and control to live well and contribute to their own communities. Providers offering community support, supported living, and accommodation based support are encouraged to attend, network and discuss innovative approaches to providing flexible support.

At the event you will have the opportunity to:
 Hear about the local strategic direction and commissioning plans
 Discuss local needs, demand and aspirations
 Share ideas for extending choice and developing the local market
 Network with other providers
 Meet with Commissioners from the Councils

Registration Information

Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis and limited to two representatives from each organisation.
To book a place, please email Marjana Tharin:
Please email if you are unable to attend but would like to have the information from the event sent to you, or if you would like an individual meeting with a Commissioner to discuss the startegy.

Heatwave temperatures have today been forecast for almost all parts of England, prompting warnings from Public Health England.
The Met Office has forecast that heatwave conditions may hit by lunchtime today in London (Monday, July 18).
Dr Yvonne Doyle, regional director of PHE London said:
“Much of the advice on beating the heat is common sense and for most people there’s nothing to really worry about.
“But for some people, such as older people, those with underlying health conditions and those with young children, summer heat can bring real health risks.
“This summer we’re urging people to keep an eye on those at-risk and if you’re able, offer help to stay cool and hydrated. This is a good time, before the warmer weather arrives, to think about who you may be able to assist and what you may be able to do – there’s lots of guidance on the NHS Choices and more detail in the Heatwave Plan for England.”
The Met Office declared a Level 2 heat-health alert this morning – that means that there is a high chance that temperatures will hit certain thresholds for two days and the intervening night.
Paul Gundersen, Chief Operational Meteorologist said:
“High pressure, warm air and light winds will result in widespread very warm conditions today (Monday), becoming locally hot, with isolated thunderstorms developing, these most likely across northern England. Tonight temperatures fall a little, but then through tomorrow temperatures rise again as very warm air pushes north from across the Continent. This will lead to widespread hot conditions, with increasing humidity as well. The very warm and humid weather will continue through Tuesday evening and much of Wednesday leading to a hot and humid night. Meanwhile, intense thunderstorms may develop, these most likely across northern England.
News Release
“On Wednesday fresher conditions gradually arrive from the west across England,
clearing away the thunderstorms eastwards.”

Top ways for staying safe when the heat arrives:
 look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and
those with underlying health conditions
 drink plenty of water – sugary, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can make you
more dehydrated
 close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and
remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors
 open windows when it feels cooler outside and it’s safe to do so
 never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young
children or animals
 try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
 if you have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear
a hat
 avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day
 wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes

Dr Doyle said:
“The hot weather won’t make life difficult for all of us, indeed many of us will make the
most of it when the sun shines. But some people may not be able to adapt to the extra
strain hot weather will put on their bodies and may feel the ill-effects.
“Each year we hear stories of people who have fallen seriously ill because, even
though it’s hotter they may wear clothes which are too warm for hot weather, they may
not drink enough or just try to do too much.
“By looking out for each other this summer we, health professionals, councils and the
public, can all help each other stay well this summer.”

Now’s the time to nominate your volunteers for an award from the Mayor of London as part of the Team London 2016 Achievement Awards. Volunteers can be nominated in a number of categories, with awards for volunteers under 25, volunteers over 25, and people who volunteer in a team.

Nominations close on 31 July 2016.



Supportmatch Homeshare Service offers a simple but effective solution to meeting housing and support needs. It enables people to preserve their independence, remain living in their own homes, while providing affordable accommodation to capable homesharers who can offer both companionship and practical support. Click here to find out more.


Who are we

RampAge Holiday Project is a unique charity that arranges friendly group holidays for the over 50’s particularly organises them in order  to encourage people with mobility challenges and those least able to organize a holiday for themselves. RampAge is aware that a large number of older people suffer from a variety of medical conditions, including breathing, visual and/or hearing impairments. We will try to assist and make arrangements, where possible, to ensure no one is disadvantaged. If you have any individual requirements, please contact the office where our special needs support officer can assist you.  All holidays are accompanied by a RampAge representative.

How to book a holiday

Holiday bookings can be taken, either by telephone, email or by calling in person to our office at The Dawes Road Hub any Wednesday between 12.30-2.30pm.   A non-returnable £50 Deposit, per person, will be required to secure each holiday booked, with the balance to be paid 8 weeks before departure. A short booking form is required to be completed.

Please note holiday insurance is NOT included in the cost, you are advised to take out personal insurance to cover yourself.  Information sheet on a range insurance companies is available from the office.


New Hours

Office Times;

Monday and Wednesday will be from 12.30 – 3.30pm.

Weekly drop in session;

Will now be on Wednesday afternoons between 12.30-2.30pm for bookings, payments and enquires

The Dawes Road Hub

20 Dawes Road

Fulham London SW6 7EN

Tel: 020 7952 1230 during office hours

Mobile phone contact 07514 380 533 out of hours


Buses: 295, 211 Stops at the last stop in Dawes Road from Hammersmith

28, 391, 14, 414, 424 Stops at Fulham Broadway about a 5 minute walk away.

Charity no: 299666         Companies no: 2317041




The Osbourne Hotel, Ilfracombe, Devon

 Saturday 23rd July – Saturday 30th July 2016


8 days -7 nights.   Bed, breakfast and evening meal and includes return travel by tail lift coach from the Apollo theatre Hammersmith Broadway

Price: £399 per person

We are offering The Osbourne Hotel, a friendly, family run hotel known for its comfortable and relaxing en-suite rooms, spacious dining room and bar lounge with nightly entertainment. 

The hotels reputation for service and friendliness is high, as a genuine family concern, they make a huge effort to ensure a welcoming atmosphere with all aspects being run by family members.

Whilst parts of Ilfracombe are hilly, the Osbourne Hotel is ideally situated with easy level access to explore Ilfracombe and its charming harbour and quay. Within walking distance there are lovely gardens, a museum, local theatre and enough tea rooms to have cream teas until you can’t move anymore, and access lots shops.

We will travel by tail lift coach, which will remain with us departing on Saturday 23 July 2016. There will be 3 trips out that will include places like; Barnstable Market, Dartington Crystal, Clovelly, Lynmouth and touring the Exmoor National Park.  These trips will take place on Monday 25th, Wednesday 27th and Friday 29th.

There is easy access to public transport, so don’t forget your freedom pass.



The Palm Court Hotel – Eastbourne

Monday 28th November – Friday 2th December 2016

5 days – 4 nights.   Bed, breakfast and evening meal and includes return travel by tail lift coach from The Apollo theatre Hammersmith Broadway

Price: £280.00 per person

The Palm Court Hotel is a friendly, family owned and managed hotel, which has built its reputation on providing courteous friendly service, ideally situated a short walk from the Beach, Bandstand and theatres. All 38 rooms of the hotel have an en-suite with hospitality tray, CD radio, television and telephone

There is a licensed bar with comfortable lounges and large plasma screen. A large permanent ramped entrance and a talking lift to all floors make the hotel fully accessible to wheelchair users.

They offer home –cooked food with a choice of menu and are able to cater for all diets, including vegetarian and gluten free.  Nightly entertainment is provided.

We will travel on Monday 28th November 2016, by tail lift coach.  The coach will not be staying with us, as it’s a short break.  However, Eastbourne has an easily accessible seafront with many attractions, good shopping and good bus links –so don’t forget your freedom pass.



Monday                                                               Christmas Eve

Meet in the bar for Drinks Reception

6.00-7.00pm                                                       Dinner is served

7.30-8.00pm                                                       Cash Prize Bingo

8.30                                                  Entertainment in the bar until 10.30pm

Tuesday                                                               Christmas Day

4.00pm                                Afternoon tea and Christmas cake served in the lounge/bar

6.00-7.00pm                                               Christmas Dinner is served

7.30-8.00pm                                                       Cash Prize Bingo

8.30                                            Festive Music & Dancing in the bar until 10.30pm

with a visit from Father Christmas

Wednesday                                                             Boxing Day

6.00-7.00pm                                                        Dinner is served

7.30-8.00pm                                                        Cash Prize Bingo

8.30                                                       Entertainment in the bar until 10.30pm

Thursday                                                              New Year’s Eve

6.00-7.00pm                                                       Dinner is served

7.30-8.00pm                                                      Cash Prize Bingo

8.30                                                  Entertainment in the bar until 10.30pm

Friday                                                            Departing at 10am


Brexit and beyond, here are four useful Brexit news articles on a sector wide and local level that we hope you will find useful.

Brexit: Community Cohesion

Sobus is shocked and deeply upset by the increased incidents of hate crime across the UK and specifically in Hammersmith and Fulham on the Polish Centre.

Brexit has brought a lot of uncertainty however it is more important than ever that we pull together. Sobus is supporting the #SafetyPins campaign to help protect those being abused as a result of the Brexit Referendum. We understand people’s concerns and underlying fears of the uncertainties we all face now, we urge you to join together to support and value all members of our communities.

Brexit: What it might mean for the VCS

It looks like the UK or most of the UK is going to Brexit and leave the EU and this has heaped even more uncertainty on the voluntary and community sector. It is too early to say if Brexit will be good or bad for the long term prosperity of the UK but the short term impacts are already being felt.

NCVO has written a very useful summary the current situation and the potential longer term effect for the Voluntary and Community Sector. For more information click here.

Brexit: What it might mean for employers

The shock of the outcome of the referendum vote, the ensuing resignations and the impact of the value of shares and the pound make it feel like everything has changed. However nothing changes until after we actually leave the EU and even then the UK government may keep some or all the employment laws the same.

The Guardian has written an article on what would leaving the EU mean for employment rights. For more information click here.

Brexit: EU funding

Sobus wants to get a better understanding of the impact of Brexit on organisations and funding that comes into the borough. We will use the results of the survey to inform our discussions with funders to minimise any future impact on the sector and local residents. Please take 2 minutes to complete a very short survey here.