Hammersmith & Fulham residents advised to visit pharmacy for winter illnesses

Christmas and New Year can be a busy time when mundane chores like checking medicine supplies can be overlooked. But local GPs are warning people to order repeat prescriptions early to ensure they have enough to tide them over the holiday period when many GP practices and pharmacies are closed.

Patients on repeat prescriptions are advised to request them ten working days before the winter break to allow enough time for processing by both GP and pharmacy. This means that all repeat prescription requests should have been made by 10 December.

For added convenience, patients are encouraged to register for GP online services to order repeat prescriptions or even book practice appointments from a smartphone, tablet or computer.

With the weather turning colder, people are recommended to seek advice from their pharmacist at the first sign of a winter illness, even if it’s just a cough or cold.

Older people can be more susceptible to developing serious health problems when it is cold outside so they are reminded to think about keeping their houses warm7 and staying active. At the same time, the general public is asked to keep an eye on elderly neighbours in the cold weather.

Dr Tim Spicer, Chair of Hammersmith & Fulham CCG and GP at Richford Gate Medical Centre in Hammersmith, commented:

“It’s important for patients that rely on repeat prescriptions to stock up in good time for the winter holidays. That will help them to stay well over the break.

“We recommend that people with an underlying health condition like bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart disease, stroke or kidney disease; or who are aged 65 or over, take extra care in the cold weather.

“At the first sign of a cough or cold, it’s worth asking your high street pharmacist for advice. If they can’t help you, they’ll be able to refer you to a service that can.

“And if you’re eligible for a free flu vaccine, it’s not too late – contact your GP practice or pharmacist to organise it.”

Christmas and New Year can be a busy time when mundane chores like checking medicine supplies can be overlooked. But local GPs are warning people to order repeat prescriptions early to ensure they have enough to tide them over the holiday period when many GP practices and pharmacies are closed. Patients on repeat prescriptions are advised to request them ten working days before the winter break to allow enough time for processing by both GP and pharmacy. This means that all repeat prescription requests need to be made by 10 December. For added convenience, patients are encouraged to register for GP online services to order repeat prescriptions or even book practice appointments from a smartphone, tablet or computer.

With the weather turning colder, people are recommended to seek advice from their pharmacist at the first sign of a winter illness, even if it’s just a cough or cold. Older people can be more susceptible to developing serious health problems when it is cold outside so they are reminded to think about keeping their houses warm7 and staying active. At the same time, the general public is asked to keep an eye on elderly neighbours in the cold weather.

Dr Tim Spicer, Chair of Hammersmith & Fulham CCG and GP at Richford Gate Medical Centre in Hammersmith, commented:

“It’s important for patients that rely on repeat prescriptions to stock up in good time for the winter holidays. That will help them to stay well over the break.

“We recommend that people with an underlying health condition like bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart disease, stroke or kidney disease; or who are aged 65 or over, take extra care in the cold weather.

“At the first sign of a cough or cold, it’s worth asking your high street pharmacist for advice. If they can’t help you, they’ll be able to refer you to a service that can.

“And if you’re eligible for a free flu vaccine, it’s not too late – contact your GP practice or pharmacist to organise it.”

More than two million North West London residents are benefiting from improved GP services, with extra appointments being made available over Christmas and New Year including 24, 25, 26 December and 1 January.

In addition to normal opening times, GPs and nurses are offering patients appointments in the evening, on weekends and bank holidays.

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Click here for the NHS Festive advert


Taking place on 15th December 2017, Local Charities Day provides a platform to celebrate the work of small local charities and community groups across the UK. You can find out more about the campaign and get involved by downloading this digital toolkit.

Carers Network has partnered with Rethink Mental Illness to provide a new Carers Support Group in Hammersmith and Fulham.

This group will:

  • provide support to people who care for others with a mental illness
  • offer a range of workshops, which provide supportive tools and information
  • Have public speakers who can offer advice and guidance on issues affecting carers and mental health

The first meeting will be held Tuesday 9th January. To register please email events@carers-network.org.uk or call 020 8960 3033.

The rules and regulations on data protection are changing and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will effect all organisations big and small. This workshop will help ensure your organisation has an understanding of GDPR and what you need to do next. Places are limited and to book your place click here

Click through the links below to find out more

In-depth resource on addiction, recovery and their affects on sleep

Disclosing a Mental Health Condition to Others

Disability, Substance Abuse & Addiction

The Comprehensive Guide to Home Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Recovery

Financial Burdens of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

The Guide To Keeping Your Home Through Debilitating Disease

8 Ways to Prevent Relapse

Healing After the Passing of Your Parent: How to Nurture Your Grief Without Drugs or Alcohol

Daisy Coles is a Sixth Form student who wanted to do more for older people in Hammersmith. For a year and a half, every week at lunchtime she had been visiting the residents of a local care home when she read an article about the science behind how people with Dementia who take part in creative activities reduce their stress levels and  experience greater feelings of well-being. So it was only natural that Daisy, who has 52 hours of volunteer time required to satisfy her Gold Duke of Edinburgh award , wanted to find a way to make it easy to access artistic stimulation such as painting and drawing.  After attending a training seminar put on by the charity Arts 4 Dementia with Dementia Pathfinders, Daisy started organising small art workshops in neighbourhoods where there were few, if any, visual art activities available.  She set about vetting venues, interviewing art facilitators, getting friends to join her and meeting an LBHF Councillor to discuss how the council services could support her idea to increase the provision of art for people with Early-Stage Dementia who live independently. To find out more click here.

The next series of workshops starts on Saturday, 13 January 2018 inside the Hammersmith & Fulham Town Hall.

Welcome to our biggest ever consultation on childcare in Hammersmith & Fulham. We want to hear from everyone using childcare for under 12s in H&F. As well as having your say, you’ll be entered into a draw to win a £500 John Lewis voucher. What’s more the five runners-up will each win a £100 voucher. People tell us they love our 16 children’s centres and the many fantastic projects run by schools, charities and private organisations but we know more can be done.

What do you think? What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? Do you get what you need when you need it? Are services and activities close enough? This is your chance to tell us. Join our Big Childcare Conversation. It will only take a few moments and then you’ll be in the running to win that £500 John Lewis voucher. The childcare consultation is for parents and guardians of children aged 11 and under and people will be entered into a draw to win a £500 John Lewis voucher.

Deadline: 18th December

Click here to take the survey





Stress, anxiety and depression are the biggest cause of sickness absence in our society. In fact, work related stress accounted for 45% of all working days lost to ill health in the UK in 2015/16.

Mental health related absences cost UK employers an estimated £26 billion per year – over £1,000 per employee – on top of the value of lost productivity. It is estimated that by taking a few simple steps to improve the management of mental health in the workplace, UK employers could save 30% or more of these losses – at least £8 billion a year.

Visit our website to find out more about the importance of Mental Health First Aid training and to view the courses we have available.