Last year, Hammersmith & Fulham council ran an emergency response ‘hackathon’ with local community organisations, where we came together to see how we could help each other in an emergency. On the day, it was decided we needed a space online to work together in the event of an emergency, and also that we should set up a training day to show more about what we do. With this in mind we have set up a Community Resilience Event on Saturday 7th July from 10am to 2pm (including lunch) at Hammersmith Town Hall and we would love you to join us.

The Community Resilience Event will include showing how we provide for displaced residents in a fully operational rest centre, how our extensive CCTV network assists in managing incidents, and seeing some of the command and control vehicles from the frontline services we work alongside.  There will be a presentation to attendees for them to learn more about what we do, as well as professionals in attendance to answer questions.  There will also be an opportunity to sign up for specific further training such to train your staff/volunteers as rest centre officers. To book your place on this event (2 places per organisation are available), please email or call 07748 932 584 for more details. Once we have your interest, I will send the official invitation with more info.

In addition, we’ve built and launched a ground-breaking new community emergency response website!  The “extranet” allows us to include chosen partners in a website designed to help us work together in an emergency to achieve the best outcomes for our community, therefore strengthening our community resilience.  It’s also a place where we can communicate with each other and share vital information before, during and after an emergency event. If you would like to be a member of this website, please email so that you can be added.

Camilla McBrearty
Emergency Planning Officer
Emergency Services Division
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
Mobile: 07748 932 584
Director of Environmental Health: Nick Austin

The last POPS meeting had an interesting presentation from the Frequent Attenders Project, which works with a small cohort of people with multiple and complex issues, including mental health needs, who are frequent attenders at local hospitals and A&E.  The service has achieved a 70% reduction of hospital presentations, through a wide ranging support service, which supports clients with physical and mental health management, and addresses a wide range of other issues including housing, social care, welfare benefits and isolation. To read on, click here.

The next POPS forum will be held on Monday 18th June at Bishop Creighton House, 10am – 12pm

For further information on the ICP programme, please contact or


Hammersmith and Fulham’s ICP Programme is working to improve health and well-being outcomes for local people by integrating care around individuals’ needs. When we talk about integrating care, we mean that a group of existing, local organisations need to work more closely together to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in H&F.

Our work with the NHS “Integrated Care Partnerships” began with a series of workshops earlier in the year, which explored how the ICP could better engage with the local 3rd sector.  The workshops were well attended, with more than 30 organisations participating and contributing to the discussion and shaping the proposal for how the 3rd sector could be supported and involved in the ICP programme.   We are delighted that the ICP has agreed the proposal, which includes Sobus operating as the information hub for ICP, facilitating and inviting your input and contributions, and providing feedback through our website, newsletter and networks.

Older Adults ICP workstream
In order to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, we need to:

  1. Look at what we know and what people have already told us, because improvements must be based on understanding what local people need.
  2. Work together to develop and achieve the results that really matter to local people and help them to lead healthy lives.

EVENT: The NHS would like to invite you to a workshop focusing specifically on health and well-being priorities for older people on Thursday 21st June, 9.30-12.30 at the White City Community Centre.  We are seeking attendees who are older people with lived experience of using NHS services, and/or their carers.

You can register for a free ticket via this link:
Alternatively, to get more information about the event, confirm your attendance, or request assistance with getting to the workshop or at the workshop itself, please contact:  Pete Ellis (NHS Hammersmith and Fulham Project Manager): / 020 3350 4869.

Please ensure you include your full name, role / reason for attending, and organisation (if you have one). If you require any kind of assistance or reasonable adjustments, please could you contact us about this by Thursday 7 June.

GDPR has of course been on everyone’s mind for some time, with new legislation in force since 25th May.  If you’re still in a GDPR muddle – don’t panic!  GDPR requirements seem rather daunting, but in reality, particularly for small organisations, it shouldn’t be as overwhelming as it appears.  Remember – you didn’t have to have everything in place by 25th May, but you should have a plan on how you will work towards being GDPR compliant.

The following link will take you to the Information Commissioners office (ICO), which has lots of helpful information.

To read on, click here.

ECHO is a startup Community Interest Company which is specialised to build bridges between Charities, Non-profit Organisations and Citizens. We are equipped with state-of-the-art tools which allow us to grant greater visibility for our partner organisations introducing their work to the wider public via cinematic short stories and video sharing community development.

We also encourage our community members to financially support our partners and in exchange they receive compact knowledge “bites” of the world’s most pressing issues (in relation with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals) we are facing every day, and they also could get involved in raising awareness of those problems and finding alternative solutions.

We strongly believe our modern, engaging approach leads the way towards a sustainable, prosperous future for all of us. Find out more here.

Our hubs in Fulham and in North Kensington offer affordable, modern, serviced office space, close to all amenities and special discounts available for charities and social business and enterprises.

Private office space and multiple desk spaces are available now at our brand new build, Freston Road Hub in W10.

We also have six desks spaces available at Dawes Road Hub in SW6.

Find out more on our website:

To enquire/ arrange a viewing please call 020 7952 1230 or email

Please find below a list of community events to mark one year since the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy.

There will be a nationwide one minute silence at 12pm on the 14th June.

For more information visit the Kensington & Chelsea Social Council website.

Community Events

Places you can go to over the anniversary

What to do if you need NHS support


Community Events

St Clement’s Garden of Peace and Healing
Sunday 10th June, 10.30amFollowing the Parish Mass, the dedication of the new garden by the Bishop of London and Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, will be at 11.45 am.

Followed by refreshments in the Sirdar Road garden.

St Clement’s Church Evening Vigil
Monday 11th, 7.30pm

Find out more

St Clement’s Church 24 Hour Grenfell Vigil
From Wednesday 13th, 6pm

A 24 hour vigil will be held to mark the first anniversary of the Grenfell fire, from 6pm on the evening before the fire began. Prayers will be said at 1.30am. The vigil will continue throughout 14th June, concluding with a Eucharist at 5pm. Find out more.

Those who wish will then join the Silent March from nearby Notting Hill Methodist church on Lancaster Road, which will leave shortly after 6.00 pm.

Mass at St Francis of Assisi Church
Wednesday 13th, 7.30pm

St Helen’s Church Anniversary Memorial Service
Thursday 14th, 11am

Public unveiling of a community mosaic
Thursday 14th, Maxilla Gardens, 11.30am

Remembering Grenfell at St Philips Church
Thursday 14th, 12.30pm Eucharist

St. Philips Church will be open for prayer all day on the 14th June, and at 12.30pm, a Eurcharist will be offered in memory of those who died and with prayers for those affected by the fire.

Remembering Together at Kensington Memorial Park
Thursday 14th, 7pm

Special Prayers and Remembrance at Al Manaar Muslic Cultural Heritage Centre
Thursday 14th, 8.45pm

Community Together at Avondale Park
Saturday 16th, 12pm to 6pm

Grenfell Unity Fun Day at Kensington Memorial Park
Saturday 16th, 12pm to 6pm

Community Cream Team at Latymer Community Church
Saturday 16th, 3pm to 5pm

Places you can go to over the anniversary

There are a number of places open over the anniversary, where you can call in to spend time, be around other people, or have a chat over a cup of tea.

Clement James Centre, will be open as usual from 9.30am to 6pm on the 14th and 15th June.

The Samaritans will be based at the Clement James Centre, offering support on the 13th and 14th.

The Dalgarno Trust drop-in. A quiet and comfortable space to be around other residents. 9am to 5pm throughout the week.

The Curve will have quiet places available over the anniversary. Open 10am to 8pm on 14th and 15th June and 11am to 6pm on Saturday 16th June. The centre will have extended opening hours on the Thursday 13th June with Iftar from 8pm to 11pm.


What to do if you need NHS support

  1. Visit your GP. If you are not registered with a GP, you can do this in person at your nearest practice, do this online at, or speak to the NHS outreach team.
  2. For urgent emotional health and wellbeing support call 0800 0234 650. Lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  3. Contact the NHS outreach team – the outreach team is working locally and can visit you in your own home. To arrange a visit, ring 020 8962 4393.
  4. Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service – offers support to people if they feel traumatised, anxious, stressed, worried or are unable to sleep. You can self-refer online at or ring 020 8637 6279, or email

HF ArtsFest 2018 and Elgin Close Resource Centre present an exhibition of artwork by older local artists who attend the centre.

Click here for the event flyer


Are you an experienced restorative practitioner who is looking to further your skills and develop your ability to deliver training in this field.  If so, please join us for a three day training course (9th and 16th October, 2018), two days of which will be in the learning environment, the final day will be an observation of your delivery of training.

This course is delivered by Janet Clark and experienced Trainer, Accredited Restorative Practitioner, Assessor, Consultant and someone who has been working in the field for over 17 years.

For further information, please contact Janet Clark on 07825 315624 or

Carers Week Logo

Caring for a friend or family member can be extremely rewarding. However, it can be easy for carers to neglect their own needs and they can be unaware of the support available to them.

For Carers’ Week (11th – 17th June) we’ve put together some of our information guides to help carers fulfil their role as carer, both practically and emotionally:

There are currently around 6.5 million carers in the UK – so it’s likely that you’ll know a carer, or are one yourself.

From: Age UK Information & Advice