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NCVO/BWB Trustee Conference 2018

5 November (9.30 – 16.45)
The Brewery, London

This year’s Trustee Conference will explore the key principles of good governance. Using the Charity Governance Code as a framework, we will give you practical tips and advice on how to support your charity.

As well as three keynote plenaries, you can choose from 12 breakout sessions. These are designed to help you get to grips with best practice in governance and to encourage development in your role as a trustee.

Our expert-led breakout sessions will

…explore how board diversity can make your organisation stronger and how you can act to make this happen

…. equip you with skills to successfully secure and maintain a robust safeguarding culture within your organisation

… motivate you to get the best out of your board, encouraging a culture of healthy board behaviours and of learning

… provide you with the knowledge to effectively respond to the ever-changing needs and expectations of your digital users

…and much more.


I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Sarah Hansen
NCVO events


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Alicia Cantabella is a local architect focusing in working with communities to
enhance their environment including the following fields;

  • Improvement
  • Premises
  • Play Areas
  • Workshops

Click here for a pdf with more details


Alicia Cantabella
​Architect and Urban Planner

Cantabella Architecture & Design
RIBA Incubator
76 Portland Place, W1B 1NT, London

mobile: 079 4263 2457


care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England

CQC Special Update

An update for local public stakeholders interested in health and social care       

We’re updating our approach to regulating independent healthcare services!

Earlier this year we ran a consultation to find out what people thought of our proposals to update how we regulate independent healthcare services. We proposed to make our inspections of these services more targeted and use intelligence being given to us to help us decide where to inspect. This will bring our regulation for independent healthcare in line with NHS hospitals, adult social care services and primary care, which already take this approach.

We’ve now published the response to our consultation and we’ve updated the guidance we give to providers setting out the changes we will be making in how they are regulated.

We received 263 responses to the consultation from a range of health and social care providers or professionals, members of the public and carers, CQC staff, trade bodies, the voluntary sector and from commissioners and Parliamentarians.

Overall, we received strong support for all of the proposals we consulted on. In particular comments were supportive of proposals to regulate independent healthcare consistently across sectors. There was also support for our plans to strengthen our monitoring of independent healthcare services, to become more focused and targeted in our inspections and to introduce ratings.

Read our response and provider guidance at


What are you hearing?

We want to hear what you’re hearing!

You can provide vital local information that helps CQC decide where to inspect.

You can send us your enter and view reports, surveys, comments from the public and any other feedback you gather.

This intelligence can help detect changes in quality at a service, either good or bad. You don’t need to wait until we’re inspecting a service to provide this information to us either, you can send us what you’re hearing at any time.

You can do this via the share your experience form on our website.

You can also call our national customer service centre on 03000 616161 or provide it to your local inspection team.

Care Quality Commission · 151 Buckingham Palace Road · London · SW1W 9SZ GovDelivery logo


Banner for Mayor's Sports Funding

Round 2 of the Good Growth Fund, Mayor Sadiq Khan’s £70 million regeneration programme to support growth and community development in London, is now open. Working with the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), the fund supports innovative, best practice regeneration activities.  The aim is to encourage active participation in local communities through the delivery of co-ordinated place-based strategies that support diverse and accessible local economies from high streets and town centres to industrial areas. 

A broad range of public, private and third-sector organisations are eligible to apply including:

  • London boroughs
  • Sub-regional partnerships
  • Town teams and business improvement districts
  • Workspace providers
  • Community groups, social enterprises and charities
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

Round 2 offers a further £20 million of funding for collaborative proposals that bring together a range of partners to focus resources and seize opportunities in a local area. No minimum or maximum grant levels are stated; in Round one the largest grant awarded was £2,957,505 and the smallest £90,000.

Deadline for stage one applications is 13 July 2018

The 27 projects funded in round one included:

  • Battersea Arts Centre Community Garden, received £150,000 to help provide an edible, sustainable community garden with artistic interpretation on a newly reopened and greened Town Hall Road in Lavender Hill, Clapham
  • Participatory City Foundation, received £850,000 towards a participatory programme centred on the development of a warehouse which will provide a range of facilities for local users, including a metal and wood workshop, industrial kitchen facilities, fabric workspace and teaching space
  • Inclusive Growth in Finsbury Park received £1,030,000 to provide affordable studio and workspace for community groups where disadvantaged residents will be supported to set-up and grow their own businesses and receive business support and training.

 Useful Links:

Good Growth Fund Prospectus

Frequently Asked Questions

Click Here for more info

My Community Logo

The Community Business Bright Ideas Fund, which supports aspiring community groups in England wanting to set up new community businesses has re-opened for applications.

Grants of up to £15,000, tailored business support as well as learning events are available to:

  • Give community groups the support and tools required to start setting up their community business
  • Provide them with the early stage finance to carry out consultations with local people and the opportunity for feasibility studies
  • To develop a community business idea, that the community wants and needs.

Community support provider Locality is delivering Bright Ideas on behalf of Power to Change in partnership with Co-operatives UK, the Plunkett Foundation and Groundwork UK.

Eligible business projects will be:

  • Locally rooted
  • Accountable to the local community
  • Trading for the benefit of the local community
  • Delivering broad community benefit

This round will close for applications on the 31st July. Interested communities can now read the Guidance and Register for a FAQs webinar with a live Q&A.

Click Here to find out more

Great British High Street 218 Awards Banner

Click the image to go to the Awards main page

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has launched the 2018 Great British High Street Awards.   The Awards recognise and celebrate local achievements on Britain’s high streets and support the communities in which they live and work.

High streets are eligible to win up to £10,000 for their local community, plus the opportunity for their local businesses and consumers to participate in a Visa GBHS Spend & Win Competition, which rewards the people that make our high streets so special.

Winners will be named in each of the four UK nations across two categories:

The Champion High Street category will recognise the nation’s best high streets.

The Rising Star High Street category will recognise the nation’s most ambitious high streets, which are taking the lead and working together to revive, adapt and diversify.

An overall High Street of the Year in Great Britain and Northern Ireland will also be named.

The awards are open to:

  • Business Improvement District
  • Local Authority
  • Parish Council
  • Town Team
  • Coastal Community Team
  • Town Centre Partnership
  • Community Interest Company
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Trading Association

Entries close at 23.59 on the 22nd August 2018.

Useful Links:

The Great British High Street Awards 2018 (Video)

Click here to register your interest

Great British High Street 2018 Awards Footer

Carers Network Logo

Dear Colleagues,

This is to let you know that Carers Network has just launched an exciting new crowdfunding campaign to provide information and tools to improve the health of local carers!

carers network footer banner

Three in five of us will become a carer at some point in our lives – looking after a family member or close friend. Every year more than two million people in the UK become a carer. This can happen very suddenly and radically change their lifestyle, which may lead to worse mental and physical health.

The project will give 100 carers the tools needed to improve their health while still attending to their caring duties. It will also give them the opportunity to meet other people in the same circumstances  – which will help them battle the isolation that being a full-time carer can lead to.

Could You Help?

The goal is to raise a total of at least £5,000. It is ambitious, but this cause deserves an ambitious goal. And with your help, we can make this happen!

Are you able to help us? If you are able to make a donation to our project it would make a great difference to the people we strive to help. It would also be helpful if you could share our campaign with your friends and family, on your social media or with anyone you feel may be interested.

For social media, a possible Tweet could be:

Carers Network example tweet

Click the image above to go straight to Twitter

Copy the text below to create your own tweet;
Please support @Carersnetwork ‘s @GlobalGivingUK #crowdfunding campaign to help carers live a healthier life! Donate here:

The more people we are able to reach, the more people we are able to help.

You can find out more about the project and donate here:

Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

carers network logo





You no longer need to keep a keen eye out for new grant-makers giving money away to charities like yours. Our research team has put together all the latest funding available in The Guide to New Trusts 2018/19.

This annual guide saves you time and resources by including over 100 new funders, registered with the Charity Commission or the Scottish Charity Regulator in 2017/18, whose giving criteria are broad enough to be relevant to a large number of charities.


At a glance you can find the details of each new grant-maker, their aims and objectives, the types of projects they fund and their application process. This new edition includes two new indexes (an index of causes and geographical index), making it even easier to find funding for your charity.


‘The Guide to New Trusts was indispensable to our trust fundraising programme. It’s been an excellent resource for finding new trusts by quickly assessing whether or not we match their criteria.’


      Adele Kaupaityte, Trust Fundraising Officer,

The Honeypot Children’s Charity






Interesting New Trusts fact

This edition saw a rise in grant-makers supporting social welfare, with an increase of 18% in the number of grant-makers supporting people with disabilities, and a 28% rise in funders supporting older people (when compared to the previous edition).





DSC is an independent charity offering training, policy & research, publications, events and funding sources for the charity and voluntary sectors.


Visit us at 352 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA | Call us on 020 7697 4200 |  Email us

© 2018 Directory of Social Change
Registered Charity Number (800517) & Company Registration Number (2320712 (England))

Direcory of Social Change Logo

dsc Social Change Awardsbanner

Click the image above to go to the Social Change Awards website

An exclusive and fun event with inspiring speakers, celebrating great stories.

What are the Social Change Awards?

DSC Social Change Awards celebrate the passionate individuals and organisations committed to making a positive impact in society.

You don’t have to be a charity to apply. Whether you’re applying as an individual, an informal group, a company, a public body or a charity; If you are passionate about social change then there is a category for you.

The nomination period is open until 31 August 2018.

Click Here to go to the Social Change Awards website

Could your organisation be more effective, efficient and sustainable?

We’re looking for ambitious charities and social enterprises based in England and Wales who need support to get to the next step in their development.

By working with us, organisations have:

  • increased the number of service users they reached
  • increased and diversified their income
  • improved their leadership and governance
  • learnt to articulate their vision and mission
  • understood their impact
  • raised their profiles by developing better marketing

Could this be your organisation?

Pilotlight is an award-winning charity that connects the charity and business worlds to create positive social change. Our programmes enable organisations and their leaders to develop the strategic business skills needed to become more effective and sustainable. Our programmes are free of charge.

For more information and to apply visit our website.

Apply by 3rd August to begin working with us from September 2018.

If you have any queries please contact Georges Lebreton at or on 020 7283 7022