
The Holiday Grants programme provides grants for recreational trips and holidays for groups of children aged 13 and under in the UK who are disabled or disadvantaged.


Key Grant Details

Grant size: £500 – £2,500
Length: One-off short grants
Decision timescale: 6 weeks
Deadlines: Submission dates vary depending when trips or holidays take place

Qualifying criteria

Please only apply for this grant if you meet the following criteria:Location: UK-wide, with priority to the 20% most deprived areas
Funding covers: Short holidays and recreational trips
Organisation type: Schools, small charities and not-for-profit organisations

Click here for more information

Contact us

Please contact us if you have a question.
Call: 020 7264 4970

We currently have funding to provide FREE Fire safety checks and fire retardant bedding for people aged 65 or over or who have a vulnerability or are registered with a disability who live in LBHF.

As well as this we have funding for Free draught proofing until December 31st 2017 for the above Clients. If you have any Clients who you feel would benefit from our services, then please request a referral form from saferhomes@creightonhouse.org Please do not reply to this email as referrals for these services MUST come via  saferhomes@creightonhouse.org

NHS England will be awarding grants of up to £2,000 to a number of voluntary sector projects that showcase good practice around patient and citizen participation in healthcare.

In your application you’ll need to tell us about how you have involved patients and citizens in a healthcare project, and how you plan to use the grant to share and showcase your work in a creative way.

The grants can only be awarded to a voluntary organisation. Please ensure you read the guidance document before you apply, to check that your organisation and project is eligible. If you are eligible you will need to complete the application form by 31 October 2017.

Please note you cannot save the online application and return back to it. You may want to cut and paste your answers from a saved document.

Apply now.

People or organizations can now bid for small grants from the council.  Hammersmith &Fulham Hive is open to communities wanting to raise funds for local events, make improvements to their environment or set up new services.

This is all about making it easy for people who want to make a positive change for their community. Local charities and community groups can use H&F Hive to tell people about their plans, and potentially unlock funding from both the council and other generous donors in the community.

Take a look at the link below


Groundwork London are working to administer the grant and can partner on projects with local organisations to develop and deliver them. Please get in contact with Paige on 07711897850, and/or 02087620321; or contact Martin on 02072391292. If you have any ideas or queries that we can help you with.

Further detail of the programme is on the City Hall website https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/environment/parks-green-spaces-and-biodiversity/greener-city-fund.

Grants of between £5k – £20k (small grants) and £20k – £50k (medium grants) are available. There are two strands to the grants programme:

  • Community Tree Planting Grants, to support community groups to plant trees and help improve access to nature through increasing and maintaining London’s Tree Canopy cover.
  • Community Green Space Grants, to give community groups and local people the chance to design and create new spaces, and improve existing spaces, by providing grants, advice and support.

The deadlines for the first round of the two strands are as follows:

  • Community Tree Planting Grants: deadline 29 September (just under one week), with decisions expected end of October for activities between November 2017 and February 2018;
  • Community Green Space Grants: deadline 20 October, with decisions expected November/December 2017 and delivery between January 2018 and January 2019.

For further information please see the prospectus here

We can assist groups with I.T. Grant’s – UK Wide for the provision of:

PC’s, Laptops, Smartboards, Projectors and Networks.
Most Main Stream Capital I.T. is Eligible.

We have been assisting the Third Sector for over 20 years and work on the basis of supplying the Awarded Kit (At no cost to your Organisation or Ongoing commitment).

Any UK NFP group or Charity with UK Beneficiaries is eligible.
One Application per Year.

-Type. Grant – 100% Aid
-Term. Spend within One Year
-Covering. Grant Aid to UK Voluntary groups / Charities
-Support. The Grant’s are for I.T – Full Support

Please see – www.netsolutionswales.co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.html

Applicants to email: Triana@netsolutionswales.co.uk

We can assist groups with I.T. Grant’s – UK Wide for the provision of:
PC’s, Laptops, Smartboards, Projectors and Networks.
Most Main Stream Capital I.T. is Eligible.

We have been assisting the Third Sector for over 20 years and work on the basis of supplying the Awarded Kit (At no cost to your Organisation or Ongoing commitment).

Any UK NFP group or Charity with UK Beneficiaries is eligible.
One Application per Year.

-Type. Grant – 100% Aid
-Term. Spend within One Year
-Covering. Grant Aid to UK Voluntary groups / Charities
-Support. The Grant’s are for I.T – Full Support

Please see – www.netsolutionswales.co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.html
(Full Info on Word Document – Opens in New window)

Applicants to email: Triana@netsolutionswales.co.uk

Drug & Alcohol Relief Fund
We are delighted to offer this one-off programme for 2017-18, thanks to a generous donation from the Drug and Alcohol Service for London (DASL) following its closure. For 35 years, DASL’s core work focused on providing community services to meet the health and social needs of local people, valuing the capacities that individuals and communities have to be able to develop resilience and find solutions to challenges. The Drug & Alcohol Relief Fund will enable DASL’s work to continue and we encourage applications from small organisations which are firmly rooted in their local communities.

The Fund is available across London for work which supports people affected by drug and alcohol addiction, and their families. We know that there are a number of factors which lead to an individual developing an addiction and that this can have a negative impact on every area of their life. This fund will therefore support all work which will help a person to achieve and sustain recovery, as well as preventative work to help individuals identify risky behaviour that might lead to a later addiction. The fund will also help families to cope with the stress of addiction and to support their family member’s recovery process.

Fund Themes
Applications must address at least one of the following Themes:
1. The prevention of alcohol problems, substance misuse and related diseases – in particular but not exclusively, through support with finances, employment, relationships, health and housing.
2. The provision of support services for people with substance misuse problems and their families – such as therapy, information, advice and guidance (IAG) and if necessary, treatment.
3. Social inclusion – helping people with drug and alcohol problems to feel part of their community and preventing people from becoming socially excluded. This can include support for individuals, families and communities affected by drug or alcohol addiction.

Grant size                                          £2,500-£10,000 for projects of up to one year
Income threshold                           Priority will be given to organisations with an annual income of less than £1m
Deadline for applications             5pm on Friday 22nd September 2017

Click here for further information: http://www.londoncf.org.uk/grants/available-grants/overview.aspx?showgrants=all#grant-81

Please contact Donna Yay on donna.yay@londoncf.org.uk or 020 7582 5117 for further information.

We can assist groups with I.T. Grant’s – UK Wide for the provision of:
PC’s, Laptops, Smartboards, Projectors and Networks.
Most Main Stream Capital I.T. is Eligible.

We have been assisting the Third Sector for over 20 years and work on the basis of supplying the Awarded Kit (At no cost to your Organisation or Ongoing commitment).
Any UK NFP group or Charity with UK Beneficiaries is eligible.
One Application per Year.

-Type. Grant – 100% Aid
-Term. Spend within One Year
-Covering. Grant Aid to UK Voluntary groups / Charities
-Support. The Grant’s are for I.T – Full Support

Please see – www.netsolutionswales.co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.html

(Full Info on Word Document – Opens in New window)

Applicants to email: Triana@netsolutionswales.co.uk

The Earls Court Opportunity Fund awards grants for local community activities and services that benefit residents and the community of the West Kensington and Gibbs Green estates (WKGG) and the immediately surrounding areas.

To find out more and to apply please click here

For ECOF eligibility map click here