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The BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme which supports children and young people up to the age of 18 living with severe poverty as well as additional pressures such as domestic violence, disability or poor health in the family is currently open for applications from referral organisations that will be able to apply for grants on behalf of families or young people.

The fund will cover the purchase of critical items such as gas or electric cookers and other essential household items. The referrer’s organisation should also be able to administer and supervise the grant on behalf of the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme.

All applications must be made by a registered referrer.

Register as a referrer

Start Here

Make an Application


Click Here to go to the application website for Eligibility, How we help and How to apply.


Important documents

Frederick Soddy Schools Award Banner

Secondary schools across the UK and Ireland schools that are planning expeditions and fieldwork can apply for grants of £200 to £600 towards the costs of the trip. Preference is given to projects that involve a strong element of human geography and those that take place within the United Kingdom and Ireland. The next deadline to apply is the 18th January 2019 and the funding is offered by the Frederick Soddy Schools Award through the Royal Geographic Society.

Click Here to go to the website



virgin money foundation banner

Here at the Virgin Money Foundation, we’re on a mission to support community regeneration by backing people who can make big changes happen locally.

We love helping local communities thrive so every two months, we’re giving three local charities the chance to win £1,000 – with awards of £500 and £250 for the two runners-up.

The awards will go to the charities with the most votes from Virgin Money customers and Lounge members.

We’d love to support projects:

  • Run by smaller local registered charities. That means annual running costs of less than £500,000
  • Working in the parts of Inner London that need money the most
  • With strong local roots
  • Benefiting the wider community

Funds can be used to buy materials and equipment, make improvements to a community building or sports facility, clean up an area of wasteland or support an event. The money could also pay for staff to run an activity.

If you know of any local charities you think fit the bill and deserve to feature on our voting unit, they should apply to the Virgin Money foundation online.

Grow Wild is awarding grants of £2,000 or £4,000 to groups across the UK to deliver projects in their community focused on UK native wildflowers, plants and fungi.

Grants are being made to group and projects in the UK that are working toward a number of objectives including (but not limited to) working with young people; communities in urban areas and focussing on UK native flora.

Click Here to go to the Grow Wild funding webpage

Click Here for the main Grow Wild website

On 11 October Big Lottery announced details of their new £15m Digital Fund, which is to run for the next two years.

The fund is designed to help voluntary sector organisations use digital tools to support communities across the UK.

Check out more about the announcement on Funding Central and see if you are eligible for either strand of funding; ‘Digital Pioneers’ or ‘Digital Natives’;

  • ‘Digital Pioneers’ (strand one) is aimed at established charities with a minimum income of more than £500,000 that want to use digital to take a major leap forward. Grants of up to £500,000 and a tailored support package will be provided.
  • ‘Digital Natives’ (strand two) is aimed at more recently established organisations that are successfully using digital but now need help scaling this up. Grants of up to £500,000 will be made available.

The grants for both strands will last from one to four years

Click Here to go to the Big Lottery Digital Fund website

We are committed to supporting local groups that provide valuable community services and the coach trip scheme offers a one-off contribution of up to £300 towards the cost of a coach or minibus for local groups to have an outing. In order to be eligible to apply, organisations:

  • must be based in H&F and be mostly made up of people living in the borough
  • should have a local management committee (of at least 3 members) and have their own governing document
  • must be able to show they support residents from all communities
  • should have an annual income of less than £10,000

Top priority will be given to older peoples’ groups which are currently not funded by the council. Groups run by statutory organisations – such as schools, the council, or NHS Trusts – are not eligible.

Application pack documents are linked below but if you would prefer to request an application pack, or want more details, please call Sacha Mortimer on 020 8753 5009 or email:

Application form, feedback form and information sheet

Groups or organisations new to the council or those that have not received funding in the last 3 years must complete a new vendor form.

Return your completed application forms to:

Community Investment Team, Room 39, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London W6 9JU

This grant funding is open to supplementary schools which are based in H&F.

Applications for a maximum of £2,500 per year will be considered, with the possibility of grants being extended to cover three years’ worth of funding (a total of £7,500 maximum across three years).

Application Deadline – 18th October 2018

Panel Meeting – w/c 22nd October 2018 (start of half term)

Applicants informed – By 26th October 2018


Click here for more info and to apply.

Reaching Communities make grants of over £10,000 in England, supporting organisations with great ideas that enable communities to thrive.

The Big Lottery wants to make it easier for smaller organisations to apply, so have done away with the two-stage application form process. In its place, applicants need to contact the Lottery, to give them a brief outline of what you want to do, either through an online form, a phone call, a video, or an email.

Nicholas Timms, Big Lottery Funding Officer for Central London, will outline new guidelines and process of this important funding programme and answer your questions.

NB. Please read the funding criteria  before registering for this event to check your organisation eligibility.


When October 16th, 2018 10:30 AM   through   12:00 PM

Location    One Westminster
37 Chapel Street
London, NW1 5DP
United Kingdom


The Octavia Better Lives Community Fund (OBLCF) provides grants of £2,000 – £5,000 to fund work with residents of the following boroughs:

  • Westminster
  • Kensington and Chelsea

Our aim is to award grants to a wide range of organisations and projects.  Our expectation is that we will award a mix of smaller and larger grants.

There is one grant fund for distribution in the 2018/19 financial year; this will be distributed in either one round, or two rounds, dependent upon the number of eligible applications received.

The closing date for applications is: 11 November 2018.

Our criteria

Our aim is to tackle the effects of loneliness through these grants and help build social connections for those who are most in need.  The effects of loneliness are increasingly recognised as being detrimental to emotional and physical health.

Our grants will support local charities and voluntary groups that are working with communities, groups and individuals experiencing loneliness.

Grants will be given to organisations that clearly demonstrate outcomes and impact and specifically how they reach local people, how many they reach and what difference they expect the project to make.

Click Here for a link to the full details on the Octavia Foundation’s website

Lauren Palmer is Programme Manager at the London Community Foundation, a funder, ‘I just wanted to get in touch to bring your attention to a new fund which opened today and which might be of interest to your members or partners’.

It is called the Tampon Tax Community Fund and it is a national fund set up to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls.

Grants of £5,000 – £10,000 are available to projects working in all London boroughs with the exception of Hackney, Tower Hamlets, City of London and Newham. This is because these four boroughs are covered by East End Community Foundation and so if your project is based there, please go to their website for more information.

Funding is available to support groups working predominantly with women and girls, and the main themes are:

  • Building skills and confidence
  • Improving health and well-being
  • Building social networks

The closing date is midday on Friday 26th October.

More information, including the full fund guidelines, eligibility criteria and application form, can be found on our website. Interested in making an Appliction? Please read through those thoroughly before making their application.