Legacy fundraising is a sensitive topic there’s no doubt about it. However, it’s not a source of funding that charities should shy away from. In the UK alone, charities receive billions every year from Wills and bequests. With the right guidance you can learn to get your ask right without upsetting anyone.

Legacy and In-memory Fundraising

This leading guide brings together the biggest thinkers and most experienced fundraisers from the charity sector worldwide to offer you sound practical advice to getting your bequests right.

You’ll learn techniques and strategies, as well as other important things to consider such as ethics, timing, using events and identifying those to target.

This is a key textbook for anyone responsible for fundraising, whether your post covers legacy giving in particular, or you have a wider remit.

Click Here for more information and to -order your copy on the DSC Website

Localgiving’s annual Local Hero campaign launches on 1st April and runs until 30th April 2018.

Each year, Local Hero highlights the incredible ideas and feats of local charity fundraisers.

Throughout April, all participants will be ranked on the Local Hero leaderboard according to the number of unique online donors who sponsor their page. At the end of the campaign the winning fundraiser will be awarded a £1,000 donation to their cause. Many more prizes will be announced soon.

Whether you’re a runner, a painter or an abstainer this is an amazing chance to help a local charity or community group near you raise their profile and raise some extra funding. All you have to do is set up a fundraising page and persuade as many people as possible to donate between the 1st and 30th of April.

Click Here for Key facts, Leaderboard info, how to Take part and FAQs

The Fundraising Regulator (FR) has launched a three-part consultation on the Code of Fundraising Practice that aims to improve standards in relation to online fundraising platforms, complaints handling and the TPS Assured Certification. This consultation has two separate timescales.

The first two parts (A and B) invite feedback on specific issues raised by the sector in relation to complaints handling and the TPS Assured Certification. The deadline for response on these is 28th February 2018.

Part C proposes to introduce a new section to the Code for online fundraising platforms and aims to ensure that these platforms provide adequate and clear good practice guidance to individuals setting up a fundraising page on their sites.

It also aims to ensure relevant platforms follow the legal requirements set out within the recently introduced Payment Services Regulation 2017. The deadline for response on fundraising platforms is 14th March 2018.

These changes come as a result of the engagement had between the Fundraising Regulator and many of the fundraising platforms, and with the Financial Conduct Authority, the statutory regulator for the Payment Services Directive.

All have recognised the need for regulation following a sharp rise in the use of fundraising platforms over the past few years by members of the public wanting to raise money for causes they care about.

The consultation document can be found here. Please send your response to consultations@fundraisingregulator.org.uk

The Peabody Community Grants programme exists to support projects and activities designed to improve the quality of life of Peabody residents. Grants of between £500 to £5,000 are available to support local activities that:

  • Are responding to identified community need
  • Bring communities together
  • Promote wellbeing

Closing Date: 21st March 2018

For more information Click Here

The GLL Sport Foundation is an athlete focused support programme providing individuals in Hammersmith and Fulham with tangible support to aid their sports performance, support includes training membership access to over three hundred venues across the UK, access to physio and injury rehab support and financial awards up to the value of £1,250.

Details and access to the application portal can be found via this link 

Should you need any further information please contact Phil Kemp on Phil.Kemp@GLL.ORG or 07548132890

The programme was launched on 11th December 2017 and the deadline has now been extended to 9am Monday 22nd January 2018. 

WLCCG (NHS West London Clinical Commissioning Group) has made available one-off funding of £150,000 for a range of mental health self-care activities. These activities must be aligned to Community Living Well, a network of services based in the community to support people with stable long-term mental health needs supported by primary care. New self-care activities will extend the range of options available to people and support making the best use of community mental health resources.

If you are a charity, voluntary organisation or social enterprise and have an idea for an innovative project you would like to test, or you would like to expand an existing service, this could be the funding for you. You can learn more and apply by visiting this page on the KCSC website

It’s time to start thinking about making your application to Tesco Bags of Help to be considered for the March/April voting round.

Your community project could be awarded up to £4,000 with funds raised from the 10p carrier bag charge! Applications made before the end of January will be considered for the March/April voting period. I strongly encourage to you to make your application as soon as possible.

For information on how to apply for Bags of Help click here

or to make your application click here.


Trust for London offers grants to organisations undertaking charitable activities (you do not need to be a registered charity) that aim to tackle poverty and its root causes in London by dealing with issues such as deprivation, unemployment, inequality, homelessness and poor health.

At this workshop, Helal Abbas from Trust for London will outline new priorities for this important London funder.

When: 9 January 2018, 10:30am – 12:00pm

Location: One Westminster
37 Chapel St
London, NW1 5DP
United Kingdom


Bid Writing: The Basics


Who are the winners and losers in grant funding. How to identify the weaknesses in your project. What questions will funders will ask themselves about your bid. Common reasons for applications being rejected. The key terms in bid writing explained with examples of each. Make your application short but effective. 

Start telling funders the things they really want to hear. How to build greater credibility in the eyes of funders. Demonstrating that the beneficiaries of your project are involved. The importance of getting your numbers and totals right. What to do with all your supporting documents. Make your proofreading foolproof.

Bid Writing: Advanced


Are you applying to the right trusts ? Are you looking for trusts in all the right places ? Are you applying to enough trusts ? Are you applying in the right ways ? Are your projects the most fundable projects ? How do you compare with your competitors for funding ?

Are you carrying out trust fundraising in a professional way ? Do you understand what trusts are looking for ? Do you know how to turn your competitors into your ambassadors ? Is the rest of your fundraising hampering your bids to trusts ?

Click Here for more Info, dates, costs and booking details

The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew have teamed up with Lemos & Crane to help community groups around the country transform their local spaces into beautiful, inspiring and colourful wild flower havens.

Apply for £2,000 – £4,000 funding before January 15th 2018

Click Here to find out more