As the ‘ping-demic’ disrupts services across the country and the furlough scheme comes to an end, it’s more important than ever that charities are supported and can continue to provide their vital services. Pro Bono Economics are eager to uncover how your charity is feeling about lockdown lifting, complete their survey here.

The charity leaders body ACEVO is hosting a survey to find out more about people’s experience of grants from central government departments. If you’ve had a grant that was bureaucratic and terrible to manage, or flexible with good partnership working, or anything in between – take a few minutes to complete it today (or before 6 August when the survey closes). Your evidence will feed into discussions with Ministers and officials. Complete the survey here.


Alongside Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham they are co-producing a project to investigate how young people aged 11-18 who live or go to school in the borough are feeling and need your help to reach out to as many young people as possible!

They want to find out how the COVID-19 pandemic affected mental health?

Are they aware of what mental health services and support is available to them?

Do they know how to access help?

We want to know whether the support available is working for young people and to make recommendations for any improvements needed and work with professionals to make sure they are actioned.

We would really appreciate it if can you share with and encourage the young people you work with to complete it. Please also share through your networks and in any newsletters.

Can this be perhaps, be done as part of a workshop or PHSE session? In registration or assembly.

We are also asking professionals working with young people who may not have digital access to support them to complete this wherever possible. Please contact for support.

Access the survey here

The survey is open to anyone who has been discharged from hospital. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Your feedback will help to improve the discharge service across North West London

Hammersmith & Fulham is one of the most diverse places in the country, home to communities of people with different identities, cultures, languages and traditions including some of the poorest and some of the wealthiest in London.  We encourage participation from all sections of our diverse community, irrespective of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council are consulting local residents and organisations on their draft Equalities Plan, and would welcome your views.   The consultation closes on Friday 14th May, and you can find the consultation documents, including an easy read version by following the link below.

NCVO are conducting the largest UK study exploring the impact of Covid-19 on the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector. The latest round to the survey is now open until 26 April. Complete the survey here.

Complete the survey, if you meet the criteria, to help advance the involvement of deaf and disabled people, service users and others who are facing barriers when accessing certain services. Find the survey here.

NCVO and the University of Kent are currently working with partners on a collaborative research study looking at volunteering during Covid-19. The research aims to strengthen the evidence base on the impact of Covid on volunteering and what support is needed within communities and organisations. Learning from the research will generate recommendations to help inform recovery and shape future policy. Complete the survey here.

A perpetual challenge for voluntary and community sector organisations is how to afford salary increases – particularly when a multi-year grant does not include inflationary uplift, and your employees’ salaries are based on national pay scales.

This question was raised again recently by Rory Gillert, CEO of Bishop Creighton House, and is particularly timely given the heightened financial difficulties that many organisations are facing.

As a very quick benchmarking exercise, Sobus would like to ask you to complete a very short survey to try and find out what pay scales local organisations use.  The survey is only 3 questions (4 if you add want to add any additional comments), so only takes a minute or so to complete!  Your answers will of course be kept completely confidential, but the collated results will be available for your information in the next month or so.

You can find the survey here:

ASE is a Community Interest Company based in Hammersmith and Fulham and a service provider for LBHF delivering Holistic Mentoring.

To help us to further plan our sessions to provide the best support please complete our survey which you can find here.

The idea is to have Parents/ Carers supporting each other. We are setting up online and via telephone support.

For a copy of the e-flyer for the PCCN programme please click here.