Do you often have difficulty understanding what people are saying? Is your television turned up too loud?

Do you miss hearing the door bell ring?

Perhaps we can help you with this common problem and suggest solutions.

We encourage you to join one of our free 1.5 hour sessions. Chat about your hearing problems and learn great tips of how to overcome them.

Click Here for the course flyer which coontains the nformation in this post as well as contact and more course details

Course details

Friday Nov 9th 2018 from 10.30am – 12.00pm for 7 weeks.

Elgin Close Resource Centre, 3 Elgin Close, Shepherds Bush W12 9NH (Click Here for a map)


Jennifer Thaxter

Community Outreach Worker
phone: 020 3815 2186 | mobile: 07872 811113 | email:
Notting Hill Genesis   Elgin Close Resource Centre 3 Elgin Close, Shepherds Bush W12 9NH

The Ascent project is a pan-London project funded by London Councils, which aims to tackle sexual and domestic violence and abuse across London. It is made up of six strands – the Support Services to Organisations strand aims to support voluntary and community organisations working with those affected by domestic and/or sexual violence.

You can access all of the Ascent project’s trainings here, and read about the events we are holding here, but I thought I’d send you a selection of our upcoming offerings. All of our trainings are free to London-based organisations or projects working with those affected by sexual and/or domestic violence:

Safe Minimum Practice Standards for BME organisations

Expert-led Training delivered by Imkaan

7 November 2018, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Cost: Free to BME Women in by and for BME ending VAWG sector in London

Learn more and register here.


Family Law in the News

Expert-led Training delivered by Rights of Women

1 November 2018, 10.00am – 1.00pm

Learn more and register here.


Finances for Joint Projects and Consortia

Sustainability training delivered by Women’s Resource Centre

15 November, London N7 9DP

Learn more and register here.


Dismantling Barriers: Improving the accessibility of services for disabled women and girls

Special Event delivered by Women’s Resource Centre

22nd November, London N1 9PW

Learn more and register here.


Cara Atkinson
Development Officer
020 7697 3461

Understanding and supporting women and their organisations.

United House, North Road, London, N7 9DP | 020 7697 3450 |
Talk to us on Facebook or Twitter
Reg. Charity 1070606 Ltd Company 02462336

Advance LogoAdvance is a well-respected, award-winning and innovative women-only organisation, established in 1998, providing emotional and practical support to women experiencing domestic abuse and supporting women with custodial and community sentences to reduce offending. Our values are to listen and support, to empower and respect, to collaborate, innovate and be accountable. We have expanded our services significantly over the past 2 years, with annual income to over £3m and 75 staff, reaching over 3000 women and their children.

Current Opportunities

  • Female* Community Keyworker – Minerva WA service Click Here for the link to the Job Advert and information

Click Here to go to the Advance Job website and to download the application form and Job Description for the above and other current roles.

This post is open to *female applicants only as being female is deemed to be a genuine occupational requirement under Schedule 9, Paragraph 1 of the Equality Act 2010. 

Would you like the opportunity to support your local community in an emergency situation?

CAMERA is a new and innovative emergency response & recovery volunteer team that has launched in the London Boroughs of Camden and Hammersmith & Fulham which will enable local people, businesses and organisations to help in a time of emergency through volunteering skills and experience as well as donating goods and space. The experience of the Grenfell Tragedy has highlighted that local people want to offer their skills and experience in an emergency, but were not allowed to as there was no time to vet their skills or train them. CAMERA will enable local people who have useful skills and experience, to offer their skills in an emergency, easily. Volunteers will be fully trained and will be called upon in an emergency situation.

There are a variety of ways to get involved in the project, depending on your skills and interests. Roles we have come up with include Rest Centre Officers, Social Media Assistants, Entertainers and Donation Sorting Assistants.

Click Here for the full leaflet and information

Philip Boye-Anawomah

Head of Volunteering

Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre
148 King Street, London. W6 0QU
020 8741 9876 –

Registered Charity Number: 1062032

Following the engagement update I sent to you last month please find here the next update, which outlines some of the engagement and information provided to patients and patient groups across NW London throughout the month of September 2018. Please let us know if you would like any further information about the activities highlighted in update.

Donjeta Zogi

Engagement Assistant

North West London Clinical Commissioning Groups

Tel: 02033504664

2nd Floor, 15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD

NHS North West London CCG Logo

UNITED in Hammersmith and Fulham Advert

Click the image above to download the recruitment pack

Fundraising Now 2018 Banner

Click the image above for more info and booking


Ever wanted to hear from the fundraising gurus themselves? At Fundraising Now, over 30 sector experts will be sharing their knowledge on 40 topics to help you bring in the funding your charity needs to thrive in the service it delivers.

The countdown continues with just over 40 days to go. Have a look at the schedule of fundraising sessions, as well as who is speaking, below.

Click Here to view the two-day schedule

Click Here to look up who’ll be speaking

DSC footer Logo

We would like to offer you the opportunity to attend our 2nd annual Healthcare Digital Technology Congress, the event will take place on the 6th of November 2018 @ ETC venues, central London

Key event topics:
•    The Global Digital Exemplars
•    Local Digital Roadmaps
•    Digital Maturity Assessments
•    GDPR Compliance
•    The New Clinical Digital Council / Role & Aims
•    5 Year Forward View / Next Steps
•    Paper Free at the point of car

Benefits of attendance:
•    Listen, learn and engage with 10 industry leading speakers
•    Input directly to the discussions and panel debate sessions
•    Gain 8 CDP Points
•    Network with 10 thought leading commercial sector solution providers

How to register:
To register your place please email or go onto the website:

Charing Cross 200Staff at Charing Cross Hospital will be showcasing their services to members of the public at a special open day to celebrate its 200th birthday this month, having been founded in October 1818 by Dr Benjamin Golding.

The open day, taking place in the hospital on Tuesday 30 October from 15.30-18.00, will feature:

  • service stands on the ground floor to showcase the great work that comes out of Charing Cross
  • health MOTs
  • fun activities for children
  • a recruitment zone with on the day interviews should you be happy to be interviewed
  • education talks to showcase what it’s like to work or volunteer for the Trust and opportunities currently available
  • history and clinical tours giving a behind-the-scenes look at some of our key services
  • the Hospitals that make history exhibition which we designed to celebrate NHS70
  • entertainment and music
  • Imperial Health Charity activities, including showcasing the new anniversary garden.

This event is open to all and all activities are free. Come along and help celebrate this landmark anniversary!

Advance LogoAdvance is a well-respected, award-winning and innovative women-only organisation, established in 1998, providing emotional and practical support to women experiencing domestic abuse and supporting women with custodial and community sentences to reduce offending. Our values are to listen and support, to empower and respect, to collaborate, innovate and be accountable. We have expanded our services significantly over the past 2 years, with annual income to over £3m and 75 staff, reaching over 3000 women and their children.

Current Opportunities

  • Female* Young Women’s Keyworker position. Click Here for the link to the Job Advert and information

Click Here to go to the Advance Job website and to download the application form and Job Description for the above and other current roles.