See live theatre again at Kiln Theatre for their new production NW Trilogy (please see e-flyer here).

£10 tickets are available for all performances from Mon 6 to Sat 18 Sept.

To book you can call the Box Office on 0207 328 1000 (phonelines open Tue – Thu 12pm – 2pm) or online and use my promocode BID.

Find out about services and classes at H&F Age UK here. To join a class, simply call 0207 386 9085 to book and enrol at our reception.

Introducing a more accessible yoga class which is especially good for people recovering from injuries, beginners who need to work on their flexibility, anyone with mobility issues, older people or office workers who want to improve their posture!

Practicing in a chair helps yogis reap all the benefits of yoga in a way that is respectful to their body, yet also highly effective in its benefits. It adapts traditional yoga poses so they can be performed while sitting in a chair, or while using a chair for extra support. It also uses guided breathing and simple meditation techniques that can help with stress and improve your mental health.

These classes are run in partnership with Hammersmith based, not-for-profit, Lumi Foundation

When is it? Every Friday at 3pm-4pm

How much is it? £3 or free for Dive In Members.

Find out more

The Wild Mind Project are running free programmes to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of young people, including running specific programmes for the young LGBTQ+ community.

We also have free workshops for parents/carers of young people (up to 25 years of age) struggling with their mental wellbeing, that they can attend together as a family.

Find out more

Locality Convention ’21 will bring us together to celebrate the work of hundreds of organisations whose compassion and resilience have helped our local communities through a global pandemic. Join Locality to connect with some of the sector’s best and brightest community organisations, leaders and policy-makers on 16-18 November 2021.

Find out more about the event here.


Black Heroes is a living exhibition telling the stories of our heroes. This Pop-Up exhibition supported by Westminster Council, launched on Windrush Day 22 June and runs through to 27 July, with DSC Trustee Joyce Fraser as an artist-in-residence. Click here to find out more.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council are working with the local youth activity provider LMP Action and the Holiday Activity and Food Programme to offer a summer of food and fun activities and events for children and young people.  The activities are spread in parks across this borough and run for 5 weeks, starting on 26 July and through to 27 August 2021.

We have more than 25 different providers delivering across H&F and there will be something for everyone! Sport, music, arts and crafts, drama, dance and family fun for four to 18-year-olds – or up to 25 for those with additional needs.

The most important thing, this summer, is that every event is free.  This year, we are ensuring that families can have access to a regular source of free nutritious meals over the summer holidays, whether at a local club or event and /or join an array of community activities.

Summer in the City is also about enrichment, learning and wellbeing. We think of it as a ‘big learning tent’ and wherever you go will be warm, welcoming and offer a range of unique and exciting opportunities for children and young people.

Click here


VCS engagement in the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)

Sobus has been the local VCS representative on the ICP Board and Leadership Group since 2018, but this is becoming overly time consuming, and with no resources from the ICP to enable and facilitate our engagement, we need to reconsider how we can support the voice of the local VCS in this area of work.

With some of the workstreams (“campaigns”) now established, there are clearer engagement opportunities for local groups on specific areas of work.  We would very much like to see organisations directly engaging in this work, with Sobus supporting and enabling your participation.

We would like to invite local VCS organisations to come together to discuss how this might be managed going forward, and will send out a meeting invitation to you in due course.

If you would like to discuss this in further detail, please contact Sue or Shad at Sobus.

National Co-production Week (5 to 9 July) is back for a sixth year to celebrate the benefits of co-production, share good practice and promote the contribution of people who use services and in developing better public services.

Find out more about National Co-production Week.