After Julia Unwin’s two year inquiry into Civil Society Futures, the final report has been published – ‘The story of our times: shifting power, bridging divides, transforming society‘.

The inquiry heard from over 3,000 respondents via conferences and events, workshops, interviews and meetings, exploring how civil society needs to adapt to the changing social landscape. The inquiry examined four themes: place; belonging & identity; reimagining work & purpose; and how we organise.

The final report identified four areas (PACT) which are in need of major changes to ensure that charities and other civil society organisations increase accountability to their beneficiaries:

  • Power: there needs to be a shift so that decisions involve everyone
  • Accountability: organisations need to be accountable to the communities they serve
  • Connections: broader and deeper connections are needed within and between communities
  • Trust: trust in organisations needs to be built and earned in line with their values.

Read the full report now.

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Helping you to manage stress and lift your mood

Call: 0300 123 1156

Everyone feels stressed sometimes. If you are feeling on edge, finding that you’re snappier or more tearful than normal, we can help you get on top of your stress.

At Back on Track if you live in Hammersmith & Fulham you can join our free workshop program to learn relaxation techniques, find out how to get a better night’s sleep, learn to be more assertive and learn how to live life more mindfully. Our workshops teach you tried and tested techniques that really work. You can speak with one of our trained therapists to figure out the best way forward.



ArtsFest Logo





Culture Seeds logo




HF ArtsFest have teamed up with the Mayor of London to bring the an information session about Culture Seeds Funding to H&F. This is a two-year rolling programme, so you can apply at any time for funding between £1,000-£5,000. The new grants will be used to support community-led cultural projects in every London borough. Culture Seeds will support not-for-profit, small or informal organisations and groups as well as individuals as it is often harder for them to access funding.

Date: Thursday 31st Jan
Time: 2 – 4pm
Venue: QPR Community Trust

For more info visit

Register for the event here:

ArtsFest Logo

Are you an artist or creative living and working in H&F?

Are you a community group interested in arts projects?

HF ArtsFest is your local festival celebrating arts and communities across the borough. If you’re interested in being involved, have an idea for a project, performance, exhibition or gathering, take a look at our website and fill in an expression of interest form

Sobus is hosting a FREE coffee morning for local businesses on Wednesday 19th December, 2018 from 8:30am- 10am. We would like to connect with all businesses, whether you are a Start-up, Social enterprise, Charity or a Commercial business.

Given the hard time this area has suffered, the idea is for all businesses to connect, network and use our coffee mornings as a platform to be more visible and maybe serve the local community better.
We hope that monthly coffee mornings will assist businesses to work in conjunction with one another and for the potential of building new business opportunities.
This is an open invite, so please with us, welcome anyone who may benefit from this FREE business community networking event and pass it on to your colleagues/fellow businesses if you are not able to attend.

For this initial coffee morning why not come in, grab a croissant and just say hello!

Click here

Click the image above for the main website

Riverside Studios will reopen its doors in 2019 after a 4 year redevelopment. The new multi-arts venue, back on its old site in Queen Caroline Street and Crisp Road, will include three flexible performance spaces for theatre, dance, music and TV production. It will also have a cinema and screening room open for all, a community and rehearsal room, event spaces for hire and a display of Riverside’s archive that spans its remarkable history.

Restaurateur Sam Harrison – who owned Sam’s Brasserie in Chiswick and Harrison’s in Balham, will launch his new independent 90-seat restaurant, Sam’s Riverside next summer, and the Riverside Studios award winning Bar & Café will also open with stunning views of the River Thames and Hammersmith Bridge.

The Riverside Studios team are currently conducting some valuable audience and local resident research and need your help! Please complete this survey to give us your feedback.

You could win a meal for two and two tickets to a show of your choice at Riverside Studios when the venue reopens.

To stay up to date with the latest news from Riverside Studios and be the first to hear about building updates, career opportunities and our opening programme, you can join the Riverside Studios mailing list at the end of our survey.

Click Here to go straight to the survey

DSC footer Logo

How good is your charity? How do you find out? How do you improve? Whether it’s funders, donors, beneficiaries or your trustees asking, where would you start?

One of the best places is the Charity Excellence Framework – a free online tool designed to give you answers you need, in order to gain results you want.

We recently worked through the questionnaires ourselves and achieved the Quality Mark for DSC (we’re so proud!), so what are you waiting for?

Click here and let’s get started!

The DSC Team

LBHF logo and link

27 November 2018

Please come along and take part in the fourth and final series of public exhibitions on the scheme to breathe new life into the western end of King Street.

I am grateful to everyone who has given us their views and advice so far. We have listened and improved the scheme with each consultation.

We propose to demolish the ugly Town Hall extension and bring Hammersmith:

  • A new four-screen cinema, with room for cafes, shops and restaurants
  • 204 new homes of which 52 per cent will be classified as genuinely affordable for local residents
  • A new public rooftop bar and restaurant
  • New community art and event spaces
  • New affordable, flexible office spaces for start-up businesses
  • New corporate offices for an established business that will bring revenue and hundreds of new employees who’ll be customers for our local shops, eating and drinking establishments
  • New public space in front of the restored Town Hall for performances and events
  • New homework spaces for children and students
  • Inclusively designed buildings to ensure full access for Disabled people
  • Eco-friendly buildings to minimise our carbon footprint and cut fuel bills.

Our new civic campus will allow the council to cut building maintenance and rental costs. And by opening up the Town Hall to the public, local start-up businesses and our partner agencies, it will support our mission to modernise the council’s culture and have Hammersmith & Fulham deliver the best public services anywhere.

I hope you will come and see the updated designs at one of our exhibitions at Hammersmith Town Hall.

The exhibitions take place on:

  • Friday 7 December, from 4pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 8 December, from 10am to 2pm

You can also view the latest designs on our website here:

Scroll to the bottom of this page for links to view/download information about the latest designs

Some of the changes since the last set of proposals were exhibited earlier this year include:

  • Reduction in the height of the town hall roof extension by one storey
  • Reduction in the size of the shading around the roof of the new glass extension
  • Improvements to the lighting for the Assembly Hall and Courtyard
  • Addition of new winter gardens on the new homes facing King Street and the A4 to improve air quality.

What we’re aiming to do and when

  • Early 2019: planning decision made.
  • Spring 2019: council moves out of the town hall and extension.
  • Summer 2019: demolition work begins.
  • Early 2020: construction works begins.

You may recall that this scheme has benefited from the experience and wisdom of three resident volunteers who worked (without pay) as our Independent Town Hall Commissioners.

They’ve worked tirelessly with our architects (Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners) and the developer (A2Dominion) to help deliver a scheme that will benefit our borough for decades to come and significantly improve Hammersmith for all of us. I am particularly grateful for all they’ve done and would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

I hope to see you at one of the exhibitions and look forward to hearing your views and advice.

With warm regards

Cllr Stephen Cowan

Leader of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

Click Below to see;

  1. Town Hall refurbishment Info Board
  2. Town Hall refurbishment Info Board Text
Sobus Logo

Click the image above to go to the main website

The POPS Forum coordinated by Sobus brings together a diverse range of voluntary and community sector organisations delivering services to older people in Hammersmith & Fulham.

It’s aims include:

  • developing a shared understanding of older people’s issues and influence and influence and shape local strategy and policy.
  • To work together to increase provider’s capacity and effectiveness in responding to the needs of older people

The POPS forum currently has a membership of over 30 voluntary sector organisations. In addition, representatives of the H&F GP Federation, H&F Clinical Commissioning Group, H&F Integrated Care Partnership representatives and Senior managers of LBH&F Adult Social Care and the H&F Older Peoples Commission attend on a regular basis.

Issues addressed at the forum over the past year have included Adult Safeguarding, Technology and older people, Commissioning and engagement with LBH&F Adult Social Care.

Some key successes:

  1. Frequent Attenders Project at Charing Cross A&E department. This was a joint collaboration project involving Imperial, H&F CCG, H&F Mind and POPS Forum. It has involved a worker using a social prescription model based at the hospital working with a cohort of frequent attenders at A&E. Many of these attenders required other than A&E support. The work to date has resulted in 60% drop in attendance by this cohort at A&E at Charing Cross.
  2. Engagement and communication with LBH&F Adult Social Care and other departments has improved. Senior officers from key departments attend forum meetings on a regular basis. This includes the cabinet member for Health & Adult Social Care
  3. Engagement with H&F Integrated Care Partnership. POPS Forum members are engaging with the H&F Integrated Care Partnership which includes H&F GP Federation, Imperial College, Chelsea & Westminster Foundation, Central London Community Health Trust, H&F CCG, West London Mental Health Trust and Sobus. POPS forum representatives sit on the Older Adult Workstream of the ICP.

If your organisation works with Older People in Hammersmith & Fulham and you are interested in attending POPS Forum meetings or want to find more about the Forum please contact Shad Haibatan: or

Click Here to go direct to the Sobus POPS page

the FSI logoDid you know that next Friday (14th December) is Local Charities Day? Each year Local Charities Day shines a spotlight on the incredible work local charities do to build healthy and happy communities in our country. Read on to find out how to get involved and what the FSI and partners are offering on the day.

Free webinars
To support our fantastic local charity members and celebrate Local Charities Day, the FSI will be running 15 free 30 minute webinars from 12th-14th December.

Topics include:

  • Fundraising From Trusts & Foundations 
  • Developing Your Fundraising Strategy
  • Developing Your Case For Support 
  • Stewardship – Retaining & Maintaining Donors
  • Annual Appeals & Regular Giving
  • Developing Corporate Relationships
  • Demonstrating Your Impact 
  • Legacy Fundraising
  • Community & Events Fundraising 
  • Supporting & Managing Volunteers

Click Here to book now on the FSI website

Facebook Live
We will also be live on Facebook at 10 AM on the 12th December for the Developing Your Fundraising Strategy webinar, and again at 10 AM on Local Charities Day (14th December) for Community & Events Fundraising. Follow our Facebook page to be notified when we go live!

Home Office webinar
We are also hosting a special guest webinar from the Home Office: EU Settlement: Communications and Support. Find out more about the new EUSS grant scheme and whether it’s relevant to your charity.

NCVO initiative
NCVO will be making some of their member content free for the day, including resources on:

You can also access their open content on Funding and Managing Volunteers. Don’t forget that subscription to Funding Central is free for organisations under £100k turnover and NCVO membership is free to FSI members under £50k turnover using the promo code NCVOFSI.

What is Local Charities Day 2018? 
This year’s Local Charities Day will take place on the 14th December – you can find out more from this blog by the new Minister for Sport and Civil Society Mims Davies.

Each year Local Charities Day shines a spotlight on the incredible work local charities do to build healthy and happy communities in our country. They need the support of local people and businesses in order to flourish.

They’ll be adding lots of ways for you to get involved to the Local Charities Day website in the coming days, so do check back and ensure you’re following them on social media for the latest updates (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Other ways you can show your support:

  • Download the Local Charities Day toolkit, with materials to help promote the day on your channels
  • Add the #LocalCharitiesDay Twibbon to your social media profile pics
  • Promote the Local Charities Day Map and encourage local charities you know to add their details so people can find great charities in their areas
  • Let them know your plans for Local Charities Day 2018 – email them at
  • Share pictures and stories of what you’re up to – #LocalCharitiesDay
  • Email them one brief sentence alongside an image of your charity and they will create a I’m supporting Local Charities Day graphic for you to share
  • Want to write a short blog post about your work and why you’re supporting Local Charities Day? Email them at

Share the link to our free Local Charities Day webinars