Bikeworks exists to enable everyone to get the enjoyment and benefits of cycling. A not-for profit company that makes an impact on society through cycling. Cycling is good for health and wellbeing, saving money and most of all offers enjoyment and fun.

You can join various cycling projects across Hammersmith and Fulham that will help you fix your own cycle and learn basic and intermediate cycle mechanics skills. You can also improve your riding with cycle training giving you the skills and confidence to cycle wherever you wish. Or simply enjoy cycling in a local park on some of Bikeworks wonderful cycles at our Cycling Club.

  • Cycling Club on Little Wormwood Scrubs – this takes place every Friday and on alternate Saturdays between 1100-1300. Anyone can join. You get the chance to ride on one of our wonderful cycles.
  • Beginners and intermediate cycle maintenance training & Recycle the way you travel These courses run regularly on Maxilla walk. These are free if you live, work, or study in Hammersmith and Fulham or Kensington and Chelsea. You will learn to fix your cycles and get some cycle training
  • Cycle Skills training for people in Hammersmith and Fulham

See for information

Call to Action

Bikeworks will be launching Ride Side By Side in the Spring, a cycling project for people over 60, with a mobility issue or visual impairment (See . If you’d like us to run a taster session for your community group or organisation in H&F please get in touch.


Call 020 8980 7998

We’ve had a couple of queries from groups asking for some clarification on social prescribing and Primary Care Networks – what they are, what they do and how they will work.  We’ve pulled together some information on this, which you can find using the links below.

Social prescribing

Primary Care Networks

Once again, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is supporting local isolated older people by holding their largest ever Big Christmas Day Lunch for up to 250 local residents who would otherwise be on their own. Guests will enjoy a festive meal & live entertainment in good company at Novotel Hammersmith. Residents, the Mayor, councillors & council staff will all be volunteering their time and pulling together to give the guests a memorable day.  The Big Christmas Day Lunch helps to combat loneliness during the festive season; it brings the community together to share a delightful day; and the opportunity to meet new people. It also makes guests aware of services that might help them throughout the year, such as befriending, home care, meals on wheels and lunch clubs. And it helps our social services team to identify and offer support to vulnerable residents they may not already be aware of.

Funding for the event is being raised through SpaceHive – please forward this information on to your contacts who might be interested in supporting this brilliant local event.

For me, as for many others, Christmas seems to have crept up on me again this year!  One minute it was the start of the school term, and what feels like 5 minutes later, its time to haul the Christmas tree out again and spend a considerable amount of time untangling miles of Christmas lights!

For many of us – updating our audited or examined accounts to Companies House adds a bit of festive pressure – with 31st December deadline not far away – if you haven’t done yours yet, you need to make sure you put it in your diary to complete on time.  Don’t forget, the deadline for the Charities Commission is at the end of January.

Many local organsiations close during Christmas – taking a well deserved break for a week or so, however, there are of course lots organisations who stay open.  Hammermith & Fulham Council are also again providing a wonderful Christmas Day event for up to 250 local older people who would otherwise be on their own – see the article in the newsletter about how you could help. Homelessness and rough sleeper organisations, FoodBank, faith groups, advice services and many othersall continue to open their doors and support our residents with an often literal lifeline of support and assistance.  Thank you for your continued hard work and efforts – I am, as always, inspired by the commitment, hard work and dedication of your staff and volunteers.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful Christmas and New Year.


In October 2019, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Cabinet agreed a report, “Developing Our Relationship With the Voluntary & Community Sector”.  The report set out an emerging new relationship between LBHF and the local voluntary sector. Find the full report here.

Sobus convened a CEO forum on 15th October, and were delighted that over 40 local groups and organisations came along to talk to Ruth Redfern, the senior council staff member who authored the report.  It was reassuring to hear from Ruth that the council plans to maintain the current grants budget for the voluntary sector – but without a doubt, will need to rethink how this is allocated in order to gain maximum benefit for local residents – whilst continuing to support the sector as a whole. You can find a write up of the meeting here.

It will be important to keep the momentum going on this – as in order to inform and influence how our relationship with Hammersmith & Fulham council develops.  We will set up a follow up meeting for mid-February – please look out for the invitation in your inbox.

Our community hall is available to hire, and is currently under-utilised. We would like to attract more hirers. It is a large community hall (Maximum occupancy 80) with kitchen and toilets, on the ground floor and fully accessible.

Cost of hire
Bayonne Estate residents – £25/hour + £100 refundable deposit
Non-residents – £35/hour + £100 refundable deposit

Rene Davis Memorial Hall
Bayonne Estate
Laundry Road W6 8PZ

Linda Charlesworth Tel: 07939 665 834 Email:


Hammersmith & Fulham website lists venues for hire here:

A new community group is using knitting and crocheting sessions to help combat loneliness – while giving the clothing they make to homeless people to stay warm!

‘The Purls Club’ was formed this summer and meets each week at The Invention Rooms Cafe on the Imperial College campus in White City.
If you’d like to meet new people, get creative and help homeless people too, come along to a session.

For more information call 07862 294 794 or click here.





Hammersmith and Fulham CCG has published an informative leaflet, on where to access local medical help and advice, as part of a co-produced communications campaign with the Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham Local Committee. It includes information about the resulting changes from its consultation, which Healthwatch Central West London assisted with earlier this year.

You can read the service signposting leaflet on the H&F CCG website. You can raise concerns or questions on 020 8968 70497049 or

Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham, and our Local Committee, produced a response to the Digital First Primary Care Policy, as part of a consultation on patient registration, funding and contracting rules by NHS England.

You can read our Response to Digital-First Primary Care Policy consultation at


Our aim is to encourage people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, faiths, ages and backgrounds to come together to socialise, develop new relationships and most importantly enjoy their day out of London. We visit sea-side/coastal areas (beaches), Theme parks, Safari Parks, Water-parks and more that are mainly based in the UK.

We create community development and make these trips available and affordable for individuals and families that can’t necessarily afford to travel at weekends or during the holidays.

All trips are being promoted/marketed via our contact mailing lists (email and What’s-App), flyers, posters and on social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; where we are growing a strong and supportive following from the LBHF and wider community.

We are currently looking to enrol our media into Youth groups; Community based centres, Care homes, Play associations etc.