We know this is an extremely difficult time for local businesses with the coronavirus crisis bringing huge changes to H&F.

We’re here to help and we’re doing everything we possibly can to support you.

That’s why we’ve launched our new Shop Local, Shop Safe campaign in partnership with local business leaders to give our town centres, high streets, retailers, small businesses, arts organisations and markets a boost as the lockdown is eased, and businesses begin to reopen across Hammersmith, Fulham and Shepherds Bush.

Public safety will remain our number one priority as we help businesses reopen safely, keeping both your employees and customers safe. Working together, we can help our local economy bounce back stronger than ever.

We’ve launched a highly-visible Shop Local Shop Safe poster and sticker campaign, introduced temporary widened shopping areas in King Street, Hammersmith, and Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, with more on the way across the borough, and temporary cycle lanes to make it easier for residents and businesses to social distance when commuting to and from the shops and work.


Have your say on health and social care services in Hammersmith and Fulham

Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham is the independent consumer champion for health and social care, and we are an existing provider in the borough since April 2020.

Healthwatch was created by the health and social care reforms of 2012 with a powerful ambition of putting people at the centre of health and social care.

We will play a role at both local and national level to make sure that your experience of health and social care are taken into account by the service provider.

Tell us about your experiences of health and social care services in our area and help us improve services for the people of Hammersmith and Fulham.

Please visit our website : https://healthwatchhf.co.uk/services

We are living through exceptional times, and thinking about whether your website cookie policy is compliant is probably quite low down on your priority list. Fortunately, if you haven’t already updated the cookie policy on your website in line with the latest ICO rules, you still have enough time to make your website compliant. Find out more.

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector which makes an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world. Learn more and get involved.

As we enter a new phase of the pandemic, charity leaders and trustees are having to adapt their organisations, and quickly. Our most recent (and upcoming) webinars are packed with expert advice to help you make the right decisions under pressure.

A quick reminder that the government’s emergency covid-19 support grants are available to apply for.

And #SmallCharityWeek starts on Monday. Here’s what we’re doing and some resources

We are delighted to announce that our Elders Project programme is now online! Have a look at our weekly zoom sessions below:







Masbro Elders Tea Club

Zoom sessions


A friendly space to meet and chat with different topics to explore each week. New Special Guest speakers will be invited along plus  exercise sessions,  quizzes and more.


Please contact Tina via email to receive the latest programme and your personal invitation to join the zoom session: tina@upg.org.uk or telephone: 07738789 427






Will’s Theatre Workshops


Will Hudson is a drama practitioner specialising in community theatre, inviting you to share scripts, poetry and music and your own unique stories! Will is going to be bringing along some of his creative friends to join in the sessions – so watch this space!



Please contact Tina via email to receive your personal invitation to join the zoom session: tina@upg.org.uk or telephone: 07738789 427










Pilates is a gentle exercise method which will help you to strengthen your core muscles, encourage flexibility and improve balance and coordination.


Please contact Tina via email to receive your personal invitation to join the zoom session: tina@upg.org.uk or telephone: 0773 8789 427




Watch our first monthly briefing for business leaders across West London; a mix of COVID19 economic response and some good news stories! Watch now

 The Business Secretary confirmed yesterday evening (Tuesday 9th June) that shops in England selling non-essential goods will be able to reopen from Monday 15 June, thanks to continuing progress in meeting our 5 tests.

High street retailers and department stores, including book shops, electronics retailers, tailors, auction houses, photography studios, indoor markets, and shops selling clothes, shoes and toys, will be allowed to open their doors again provided they follow the COVID-19 secure guidelines set out by the government in May.

Employers should also display a notice visibly in their shop windows or outside their store to show their employees, customers and other visitors that they have followed this guidance. The downloadable sign can be found here: https://bit.ly/CV19Sign

Full details of workplace guidance can be found here: https://bit.ly/CV19WorkingSafely.

Whether it’s on the news, on social media, or in your community, people are talking about black lives. A long overdue conversation. Although it might sound like this conversation is louder than ever, black people have been fighting all their lives. Find out more from UK Youth.

We’re hopefully moving out of the social lockdown, but vital services that charities provide to people up and down the country are still under threat. During the COVID19 pandemic the public, philanthropy and government have responded with extra support – but is it enough?

That’s why the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign has launched a new website to help communicate the message and champion the vital role the charity sector plays to improve people’s lives. On the site you’ll find briefings, research and actions you can do today to help – like template letters for writing to your MP – so check it out!