‘The recruitment market has certainly seen some changes in recent years. The lockdown years of 2020 and 2021 saw redundancies, furloughs, and people across all sectors working remotely through necessity. Since the UK opened back up, many have reassessed what they want from their jobs, looking for the flexibility in working practices brought by the pandemic to continue.’ Read more here.

The 10th December marks the end of 16 days of international activism of violence against women and girls (VAWG). The United Nations describes this as “the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide affecting more than an estimated 1 in 3 women”.

As a Community Organiser, it has been humbling and a privilege to speak to a number of women and young girls that have shared their stories of their lived experiences. It is clear that more funding and  work needs to be done to support organisations that provide services to vulnerable women and girls. It is the hope that we could strive towards a day when these campaigns and services will not be need. Will this ever happen?

At the local level exist some outstanding organisations dedicated to offering support to the rights of women and girls. See below for a list of organisations operating locally and links to more information.

Organisations operating in London Brough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Useful Links:

Help us improve planned surgery for adults with bone and joint problems in north west London. Click here

Having recently attended the NCVO & SCVO webinar, ‘How to manage rising energy costs with Utility Aid’, I’d like to share with you the really useful information that they provided below.

Utility Aid 

NCVO (for organisations based in England)   

SCVO (for organisations based in Scotland)  

Help us to ensure charities get ongoing support with their energy bills 

  • Last week we wrote to Secretary of State, Grant Shapps, to advocate for ongoing support for charities. If you are worried about your charities’ energy bills, please write to your MP. You can find a template letter to use (as well as a copy of our letter) on our website. This is urgent because the energy review is due to be published before Christmas.  
  • If you would like to speak to the NCVO policy team about our work to influence government, please email policy@ncvo.org.uk. It is always helpful for us to hear about your experiences to strengthen our case.   
  • Your experiences make a difference. If you are happy to help us by sharing your story with the media, please contact our communications team. Communications@ncvo.org.uk

Join us – NCVO and SCVO are membership organisations 

  • If you are a charity or voluntary organisation in England, join NCVO. Become one of our over 17,000 members. Membership is free to organisations with an income of under 30k.    
  • If you are a charity or voluntary organisation in Scotland, join SCVO. It only takes a few minutes
  • to complete our application form and membership is free to eligible organisations with an annual income of under £100k


The Charity Excellence Framework was set up to advise and help charities with a huge online resource base including a completely free funding finder. It links you to 400+ other less well known free funding directories and online funder lists, enabling you to:

  • Click through to more trust and foundations than any other directory and;
  • Making finding the right grant funding quicker and easier by finding online funder lists, where someone has already done the hard work for you.
  • Latest Funding.It’s updated weekly, with the latest funding opportunities displayed using its ‘Recent Additions’ search category.
  • Small Charities.Its small charities & community groups search category makes finding grant funding much easier for small organisations.
  • Core Funding.It’s core funders search category finds grant makers that fund core costs, including many less well known and niche grant makers; there are 150+.
  • It’s the only UK directory that searches globally, so you can find funding in areas, such as the US and Europe.

This week, NCVO and the Civil Society Group wrote to Grant Shapps MP, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, urgently calling for the government to ensure voluntary organisations get continued support from the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS). They’ve also drafted a letter that you can download and use as a framework to write to MPs. Learn more and take action here.

What can data tell us about fundraising during the cost-of-living crisis? Six words – keep calm and carry on asking. Find out more about who’s donating what, what tools people are using to find charities, and the future of charity donations in our new article by Jay Kennedy, Director of Policy and Research. Originally published by the Benefact Group, click here to give it a read.

How to make sure your proposal stands out

‘As fundraisers, we are all faced with two main constraints:  our budget and time. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and the need to rush and churn out proposals. However, the art of proposal writing is not just in the narrative but is in the preparation, planning and research that needs to go beforehand.’ Read more here.


Five tips from a fundraising professional

‘Select your supporters and donors wisely. We are, of course, very grateful for the financial support, gifts in kind, time given to fundraising, partnerships and the like provided to our charities. And it is only right that we should recognise that a pensioner giving £5 could be as much of a sacrifice as an employed person at the peak of their career giving £10K.’ Read more here.

‘You might think this is the beginning of an in-depth, detailed analysis of branding concept, marketing theory and blah, blah, blah. No, this blog post is remarkably simple, allow us to explain. People will talk about branding and marketing like it’s akin to rocket science. But the truth is, the theory and concepts are startlingly simple.’ Learn more about branding here.