Small Charity Week Banner

Small Charity Week (18th – 23rd June) is the biggest event in the small charity calendar providing free initiatives, competitions and support over six days for charities or local community organisation with an annual turnover under £1.5 million. Events include:

I Love Small Charities Day: Three social media competitions to win funds for your charity.

Big Advice Day: Free advice on any charity topic of your choosing from experts across the sector and business leaders.

Policy Day: Local and national events will be held to support engagement between small charities and policymakers and influencers.

Fundraising Day: Take part in free competitions and initiatives to raise vital funds for your small charity and join events to improve your knowledge on fundraising topics.

Small Charity Big Impact Day: Showcase your small charity and the fantastic impact it makes by applying for the FSI’s Small Charity Big Impact Awards.

Celebration Day: Get involved and run an event to help raise awareness of and celebrate your amazing work.

We are calling on all small charities to get involved and engage with the activities available. Check the website now as some deadlines are fast approaching. See for more information and follow @SCWeek2018 for breaking news.


Fundraising Conference: Heavily Subsidised Fundraising Conference in London

The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) are hosting their annual heavily subsidised fundraising conference for small charities in London on 21st June (open to charities with a turnover up to £1.5 million).

The conference features experts in a range of different topics, including fundraising guru Adrian Sargeant in addition to the following line up:

  • Building Donor Loyalty – Professor Adrian Sargeant, University of Plymouth
  • Making Major Gifts Work in a Small Charity, Christine Harris, London School of Economics
  • Building Strategic Corporate Partnerships, Brendan Hanlon, Just a Drop
  • Online Fundraising – Theory into Practice, Rachel Earnshaw, The Big Give and Suzie Rees, East African Playgrounds
  • Future Proofing your Fundraising – Maximising Millennials, Morgan Kainth, Raise your Hands
  • Meet the Donor – A panel of Trust and Foundations

Places fill up fast, so book your place today to access this fantastic opportunity:


Big Advice Day 2018: Free Expert Advice for Small Charities

Part of Small Charity Week, Big Advice Day 2018 involves a national London event and various regional events across the country where small and local charities and community groups (those with a turnover up to £1.5 million) can access free expert 1:1 advice on a variety of topics.

Have a question or an issue you need help with? Just sign yourself up for an advice clinic and you will be given an hour of dedicated time from an expert in that area. Advice is open in every charity related field including:

  • Fundraising – every fundraising topic available from digital to legacies
  • Marketing
  • GDPR
  • PR
  • HR
  • Law
  • Governance
  • Policy
  • IT
  • Finance

Places fill up fast, so book your place today to access this fantastic opportunity:

The North West London CCGs are committed to working with local residents and community groups on producing our equality objectives. ‘Equality objectives’ are the goals we set to ensure that we are working in an inclusive way to meet the diverse needs of our local residents.

Equality objectives should be specific goals that we can measure, which reflect your needs. Under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) of the Equality Act 2010, we are required to prepare and publish specific and measurable equality objectives every four years.

We have already engaged with a wide range of local residents, both face to face and via survey, to ask what they think our priorities should be. We are now keen to work with you to: check you’re happy with our North West London objectives; work with you to decide what our local equality objective should be; and start planning how we will make these objectives a reality over the next four years.

We recognise that North West London is not a small area, so we are providing three opportunities, in different locations and at different times, to take part in these workshops:

Hillingdon, Monday 25 June, 2pm – 4pm:

Hounslow, Tuesday 26 June, 1pm – 3.30pm:

Westminster, Thursday 28 June, 5.30pm – 8.30pm:

If you would like to give feedback to inform this work, but have not yet had the opportunity to do so or for whatever reason are unable to attend the workshops, please contact Beth Golding either via email ( or on 0203 350 4303.

Hammersmith and Fulham’s Integrated Care Programme is working to improve health and well-being outcomes for local people by integrating care around individuals’ needs. When we talk about integrating care, we mean that a group of existing, local organisations need to work more closely together to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in H&F. To achieve this, we need to:

  1. Look at what we know and what people have already told us, because improvements must be based on understanding what local people need.
  2. Work together to develop and achieve the results that really matter to local people and help them to lead healthy lives.

We would like to invite you to a workshop focusing specifically on health and well-being priorities for older people. We would be most grateful if you could circulate this invitation to relevant patient and public networks and/or friends. We are seeking attendees who are older people with lived experience of using NHS services, and/or their carers.

You can register for a free ticket via this link:

Alternatively, to get more information about the event, confirm your attendance, or request assistance with getting to the workshop or at the workshop itself, please contact:

Pete Ellis (NHS Hammersmith and Fulham Project Manager): / 020 3350 4869.

Please ensure you include your full name, role / reason for attending, and organisation (if you have one). If you require any kind of assistance or reasonable adjustments, please could you contact us about this by Thursday 7 June.

Date of workshop: Thursday 21 June
Time of workshop: 09:30 – 12:30
Location of workshop: White City Community Centre, 7 India Way, Hammersmith, W12 7QT

Refreshments will be provided.

Civil Society Logo

book a place on the upcoming Charity Technology Breakfast Briefing run in association with the Charity IT leaders group. The event will take place on 26 June at CIWEM, London.

We have worked together with the Charity IT leaders group to identify a topic which will provide functionally relevant information to technology decision makers in the charity sector.

Our next Breakfast Briefing, how we procure in the changing world of IT, will explore the processes charity organisations should undertake before making investments in technology and how charities can get the most out of their partnership with suppliers.

Speakers on the day include:

  • Rosie Slater-Carr, chief information officer, British Red Cross
    • Case study: How building a strong partnership led to website success
  •  Ian Conner, director of global procurement, British Council
    • Steps to procuring technology for charities
  • Lee Odell, technology transformation officer, the Disabilities Trust and Nathan Baranowski, CEO, Ojo Solutions
    • Building strategic relationships with suppliers

To view the full programme, visit the webpage.

Civil Society Logo

Digital training for trustees is returning to London on the 19 June. Don’t miss out, book today!

Understand which digital trends are critical for good governance, how to manage risk and what every charity board should be doing to delegate digital effectively.

Click Here for more information


Direcory of Social Change Logo

Our causes, mission and beneficiaries vary, however the way in which we operate as charities has much in common. We’ve got a mix of resources to help you improve the core functions that underpin working in the charity sector.

The Directory of Grant Making Trusts

This guide offers the information you need to seek a share of over £5 billion – the annual total awarded by the 2,000 funders featured in this edition. With data sourced directly from grant-making charities, each with the potential to give at least £40,000 per year, no charity – big or small – should be without it.

This is the key information source for fundraisers, with which you can save time on finding funding prospects, target the grant-makers most relevant to your charity and discover funders you might not have known existed. Click the image to get your copy.





DSC have helped thousands of charity professionals just like you with our training courses. There are a wide variety of courses coming up over June, July and August.

Click Here to view all our Summer Courses


Rehab 4 Alcoholism logo

Welcome to Rehab 4 Alcoholism in London, Birmingham & Manchester
Free information and signposting service for people seeking alcohol rehab and addiction treatment both in the UK and abroad.

Rehab 4 Alcoholism is a helpline for people experiencing addiction. This helpline aims to stop addiction before it becomes too late. 0800 111 4108

ICO Logo

As of the 25th May, all organisations, including charities, must comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law. The ICO have released a new FAQ page specifically to provide small charities with the information you need to comply.

You can have a read of the FAQs here.

Elizabeth Denham, the current Information Commissioner, has also written a blog announcing the Data Protection Act 2018, which sits alongside GDPR. Have a read here to make sure you’re in the know about data protection.


team-london-logoThe annual Team London Awards celebrate the individuals, groups, charitable projects and corporate volunteers who are making outstanding contributions and helping to make London the best it can be.

Each day, tens of thousands of volunteers help charities to deliver their services. The Awards is one of the ways the Mayor recognises some of those volunteers who go above and beyond to create better local communities.

This year’s categories focus on the Mayor’s priority areas of social integration, social mobility and community engagement. The deadline for nominations is 25 July 2018, with the ceremony taking place on 15 October in the Chamber at City Hall. Find out more here and nominate!


In my wrap-up of funding news for the last month:

I hope you find it a useful read.

Best wishes,

Paul Winyard
Senior Policy Officer