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Do you believe that people should be at the heart of the way our health and care system is designed and delivered?

At Healthwatch Central West London we have three local committees that represent the boroughs we work in.

They provide the link between local people and community members with the board, as well as a way of ensuring that Healthwatch is responsive to local issues and that our work plan is co-produced.

This year we became an independent organisation and therefore need to hold elections for local committee members. To find out more about what this role involves and the process of being elected, please click more information.

More Information

If you are already a local committee member, or wish to become one, you will need to complete an application form by the 9th September. To find out more, please click on apply.

If you need any help while completeting your application, or would like further information, please email




We want your views and opinions!

We plan to build the Sands End Arts and Community Centre which will house a nursery, community café, a large hall and smaller community rooms in Peterborough Road.

Our vision is for the community centre to not only provide new services for residents of the Sands End ward, but also build a stronger more vibrant centre for all residents in south Fulham.

We plan to open the community centre in late 2019.

Please complete the survey and tell us what you think?

Click here to got to the full post and link to the survey on the LBH&F

Kamal Hanif
Communities & Regeneration Manager

LB Hammersmith & Fulham Council
3rd Floor, Hammersmith Town Hall Extension, King Street, W6 9JU
Tel: +4420 8753 4563
Mobile: +447771 843975

World Alzheimer’s Month - Banner

Globally there is thought to be poor understanding and a great deal of stigma surrounding dementia, so the work of World Alzheimer’s Month is vital and is growing and targeting the stigma and lack of understanding and knowledge surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as well as supporting those suffering with the disease.The month is an opportunity for individuals, businesses and charities to hold events and raise awareness in their communities of the effects of dementia. Participants can get campaign materials for their event from ADI, and anyone unable to arrange their own event but keen to take part, can find events run by their National Alzheimer’s Charity and participate in those. For more info click here

 Local organisations are being encouraged to bid for funding for projects to get more people cycling - Banner

Community groups in H&F are being encouraged to apply for grants for schemes to help get more people cycling.

Transport for London’s Cycling Grants programme, now in its fourth year, helps groups who are traditionally under-represented in cycling, to get pedalling.

The scheme is managed by Groundwork London and this year has £240,000 available to help up to 30 groups deliver new cycling initiatives.

These can be anything from courses teaching basic cycle maintenance, to guided rides and more. Projects will receive up to £10,000 over three years.

Applications now open at  and close on 17 September.

You can read H&F Council’s cycling strategy here, which outlines our plans to make it easier and safer for more people to riding.

For more information about TfL’s cycling initiatives visit

Click here to see the article on the H&F website

Our programme 2027, aims to bring community power into grantmaking through placing talented people from working-class backgrounds into decision-making roles at trusts and foundations.

We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to the programme from the grant-giving sector, and as a result we want to re-open our applications to ensure that as many people as possible can access this opportunity to diversify the voices in these organisations and to accelerate their own professional development.

The deadline for applications is 5th August. If you would like to enquire please email:





GP appointments outside hours of 8am-6.30pm may be changing. Have your say at this free NHS workshop on Tuesday 21 August 2018, 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Light refreshments provided.

You can register on Eventbrite or contact the CCG’s Primary Care Team if you need to make alternative arrangements to make your voice heard.

For full details click here.

Sometimes we have to take a step back and appreciate those who go above and beyond to make the world a better place.That’s exactly what the Social Change Awards are all about. For further information click here.

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