There is funding available out there to support your cause. If your role involves improving the prospects of others, you’ll know that getting the right information makes a huge difference. To help you get the best outcomes for those you serve, we’ve put together the resources you need to help you get it.

This guide offers the information you need to seek a share of over £5 billion – the annual total awarded by the 2,000 funders featured in this edition. With data sourced directly from grant-making charities, each with the potential to give at least £40,000 per year, no charity – big or small – should be without it.

This is the key information source for fundraisers, with which you can save time on finding funding prospects, target the grant-makers most relevant to your charity and discover funders you might not have known existed.

‘The Directory of Grant Making Trusts is an invaluable source of quality data connecting fundraisers with foundations. By providing such data, the directory saves fundraisers and grant-makers alike an enormous amount of time, effort and, ultimately, precious resources.’ Carol Mack, Chief Executive, ACF

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more info and to get your copy

The Guide to UK Company Giving 2017/18

Every year UK companies contribute to society by supporting their communities and voluntary organisations. To improve your chances of benefiting, you need to know which companies give, why they do it, what their criteria are, and how to ask in the right way.

This guide not only provides a detailed insight into more than 400 companies and their giving strategies, but also advises on how to identify those most likely to support your organisation. Their combined contribution in cash donations and a diverse range of in-kind support amount to over £420 million.

‘Before you start typing a target name into your search engine, pick up this book; clear and reliable information in and accessible format that will save you hours in web searches an help you make relevant approaches for corporate support.’ Victoria Copeland, Corporate Relationships Manager, Blind Veterans UK

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more info and to get your copy

The Guide to Educational Grants 2018/19 contains over 1,100 sources of non-statutory financial help for people in education, offering a total of around £55 million each year to the people you work with. It details who is eligible to receive grants, how to apply, different types of grants that are given, key information on what kind of projects are funded and the total amount of funding available.

If you work with students to advise them on money available to fund educational opportunities – whether school students, undergraduates or adult education – this guide is your one-stop-source for up-to-date information.

‘More than ever, we are humbled by the generosity and hard work of charities that support so many students in need. This guide is invaluable. Not only is it a comprehensive guide to sources of support available, it is testament to society’s commitment to access to education which changes people’s lives every day.’ Shakira Martin, NUS President

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more information and to get your copy

The Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need 2018/19 is a comprehensive, up-to-date and easy-to-navigate guide which will simplify the often difficult task of finding the most appropriate support for your clients by outlining the eligibility criteria, amounts available and how to apply.

The 16th edition of The Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need, containing over 200 new grant-makers, is the only publication to provide a comprehensive listing of all sources of non-statutory funding available for individuals in the UK.

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more information and to get your copy

Grants for Individuals in Need image
Raising Funds For Your School. This comprehensive manual is designed to help you and your school raise your game and maximise your fundraising returns regardless of your previous past.

At a time of severe cutbacks with schools facing a crisis in funding, this book will help you to develop alternative and additional income streams and to harness wide-ranging support.

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more information and to get your copy

Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook 2018/2019

The definitive guide to all benefits and tax credits is an essential resource for all professional advisers serious about giving the best and most accurate advice to their clients.

This book is an essential resource for welfare rights advisers, lawyers, local authority staff, social workers, union officials and claimants.

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more information and to get your copy

The Complete Volunteer Management Handbook is an invaluable source for any organisation that has or is thinking about setting up a volunteer programme.

What’s inside?

  • 592 pages of invaluable advice and guidance for volunteer managers
  • Information on recruitment, supervision and management of volunteers
  • Chapters on risk management, measuring effectiveness of your volunteer programme and enhancing its status

Click on the image to go to the DSC website for more information and to get your copy

Direcory of Social Change Logo

Our causes, mission and beneficiaries vary, however the way in which we operate as charities has much in common. We’ve got a mix of resources to help you improve the core functions that underpin working in the charity sector.

The Directory of Grant Making Trusts

This guide offers the information you need to seek a share of over £5 billion – the annual total awarded by the 2,000 funders featured in this edition. With data sourced directly from grant-making charities, each with the potential to give at least £40,000 per year, no charity – big or small – should be without it.

This is the key information source for fundraisers, with which you can save time on finding funding prospects, target the grant-makers most relevant to your charity and discover funders you might not have known existed. Click the image to get your copy.





DSC have helped thousands of charity professionals just like you with our training courses. There are a wide variety of courses coming up over June, July and August.

Click Here to view all our Summer Courses



Localgiving has once again partnered with the Postcode Community Trust to offer over 400 grants of £500 to small charities and community groups across the UK through its Magic Little Grants Fund.

The Magic Little Grants Fund is open to local charities and community groups who are either in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £50,000 – with priority to organisations with an annual income below £20,000. The grants will provide unrestricted funding to deliver sports and physical activities that help to overcome barriers to participation, and increase social cohesion.

More than 400 grants are available and applications are open until 31 October. You can find out more here.


In my wrap-up of funding news for the last month:

I hope you find it a useful read.

Best wishes,

Paul Winyard
Senior Policy Officer


Team London are offering grants of £10,000 – £30,000 per year, for up to three years, to community groups, small charities and voluntary sector organisations to run projects which encourage young Londoners to volunteer or take part in social action.

Funded projects will:

  • Work with 10 – 20 year olds on volunteering and/or social action projects which promote wellbeing and emotional resilience.
  • Demonstrate how volunteering and/or social action positively impacts on young people’s wellbeing and emotional resilience.
  • Work with groups that are disproportionately affected by mental health issues such as those within the criminal justice system or young refugees or asylum seekers.

Click Here for more information.

Deadline to apply is 9th July 2018.

Chloe Holness
Youth Social Action Project Officer, Team London
City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA
020 7084 2546 or 07522 218 637

Sign up for our Team London newsletters

Nominate a volunteering hero for a Team London Award

CrowdfuGlobal Giving Iconnding organisation GlobalGiving is now accepting applications for its May-June digital fundraising training and crowdfunding accelerator programme.

Participating charities will receive online training and support to build their strategy. They will also be entered into a three week crowdfunding campaign to raise at least £4,000 for a chosen project, using GlobalGiving’s platform and resources.

On top of this training and advice, GlobalGiving are offering match funding opportunities, bonus prizes and the opportunity for graduates of the programme to secure a permanent place on the platform. Follow this link to find out more or to apply.

From the FSI May Newsletter. Click Here to find out more about the FSI

lloyds bank foundation logo


The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales funds small and medium sized charities whose work supports people experiencing multiple disadvantages at key periods of change and transition in their lives to move forward and achieve positive lasting outcomes.

The Lloyds Bank Foundation’s Invest Programme provides multiyear grants of up to £25,000 pa to support core and service delivery costs of charities

The Foundation’s current Invest grant round is open with the deadline of 5pm on the 18th May for submission of initial applications.

Our Enable Programme provides grants of up to £15,000 for work which will strengthen and develop charities.

Charities receiving grants also can access further development support through our Enhance Programme.

For more information on the Lloyds Bank Foundation’s eligibility criteria, grant programmes and details of how to apply, please visit

If you would like to discuss your proposal before submitting your application, please contact or your local grant manager Sara Cooney on





In my wrap-up of funding news for the last month:

I hope you find it a useful read.

Paul Winyard
Senior Policy Officer

Click here to go to the full post at the NCVO website

Funders Fair Logo

This year’s Funders Fair will take place on Tuesday 3rd July at Kensington Town Hall in the Great Hall, Small Hall and Committee rooms 2, 3 and 4. This is an opportunity to meet with funders, pick up tips to improve your fundraising and learn about new ways to generate income. Sobus, One Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Social Council look forward to seeing you there!

Details of the timetable, workshops etc will follow. Click Here for more info and to register on Eventbrite

“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.”



To help your charity catch the big fish and reel in the right funders, our funding websites have thousands of potential leads.

 They contain more sources, commentary and funding analysis than anywhere else. Subscribing will allow you to narrow down your search and give you more time to write a winning application!

From just over £1 a day can you afford not to subscribe?

Hear from two of our subscribers

Find out about East African Playgrounds funding efforts to help bring the joys of play to the children of the region. They’ve built over 200 playgrounds, trained 45 Ugandan staff and impacted the lives of over 300,000 children across East Africa.

Read more here



Scottish Ballet link

Hear about Scottish Ballet’s research on, to provide a ballet and dance experience for young people with social & behavioural difficulties.

Find out more here