To register you will need to go to the Kensington and Chelsea Social Council booking page on their website: The KCSC booking page can be found here.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Nigel Jacques, Sobus Head of Organisational Development and Enterprise


Money4YOU is thrilled to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Dragons Den event and Special Awards Ceremony. To back the event, City Bridge Trust has awarded a grant of £100,000 to support BAMER-Led non-profit organisations whose work benefits Londoners.  

The event connects the Grantmakers with BAMER-led organisations, showcase the great work of some outstanding non-profits and offers 7 grants to win of up to £20,000 and an exclusive talk on re-imagining funding with sector leaders.

Date: 20 October 2022

Venue: Bluefin Building, 110 Southwark St, London SE1 0SU

More information and tickets here


🆓We offer Free tickets for Black, Asian, Multi-Ethnic, and Refugee organisations. 

💰Pitch to win one of these grants:

  • £20,000 X 3
  • £10,000 X 2
  • £5,000 X 2 

The VIP experience

  • VIP reception
  • Exclusive talk on Re-imagining Finance and Funding for BAMER-led nonprofits with Funders and Sector Leaders
  • #WorldChangers goody bag
  • One free raffle ticket (lots of surprises tailored to Non-profits!)

The British Gas Trust has launched a new Energy Support Fund to help British Gas customers in England, Wales and Scotland who are struggling to pay their energy bills. This fund, has been set up in response to the increasing cost of living and rising inflation, including Ofgem’s most recent price cap increase. Through the fund, thousands of eligible British Gas customers with fuel debt of £250 to £1,500, can apply for grants to help pay their energy bills over the coming months. The fund will remain open until all the money invested has been awarded. In addition, the Trust also runs the Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund which is open to British Gas and non-British Gas customers with an energy debt between £250 and £1500 British Gas Trust Launces Energy Support Fund (England, Wales and Scotland)

The Jack Petchey Foundation is delighted to announce that our internship programme is now open for new applications and will be funding year-long internships for up to 30 young people at 30 youth organisations in London and Essex in 2023!

If you are a youth organisation working with young people in London and/or Essex, with an income between £150,000 and £5,000,000, you are eligible to apply for a grant to help fund a paid intern at your organisation for twelve months, starting in March 2023.



‘Getting Ready For Your Crowdfunding Campaign’

Thurs 22nd Sept | 12:00 – 13:00 | Speaker: Rosie Oldham, Head of Fundraising and Communications at London homelessness charity Thames Reach

Getting ready for the Big Give? The Christmas Challenge and other crowdfunding campaigns are great for charities to raise awareness and funds when they are successful, but also require a lot of work and planning.

During her session Rosie will be sharing tips and advice on:
• Crowdfunding – is it right for you, what are the key things to consider?
• Who is your ‘crowd’?
• Timeline for a successful campaign
• Creating fundraising materials and messaging for your campaign
• Campaign plan including some practical examples
• What you need to do during your campaign



The BBC’s Children in Need has developed a new grant making strategy which will begin launching in autumn 2022. The strategy will focus on empowering disadvantaged children and young people, building awareness and empathy around issues, and building partnerships to bring communities and investors together. Project-based funding will continue to be offered, and funding for core/organisational costs will be offered as a separate grants scheme. These schemes will open to applications in October 2022. In spring 2023, an Emerging Grants Funding Stream will be launched for smaller, emerging organisations who may need greater support to access funding. Organisations will only be able to apply for one of these streams per year. BBC Children in Need to Begin Launching New Funding Programmes (UK)

Registered charities are invited to apply for grants of between £1,000 and £1,500 to run breakfast clubs for challenged and vulnerable young people experiencing food poverty escalated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding is made available by the 7stars Foundation through their Star Start funding stream to support young people aged 16 years and under living in London, specifically young carers, and those challenged by abuse, addiction and homelessness. The Foundation aims to help them to have the best start in life and aim high by addressing a lack of provision, and providing immediate support, not just in the short-term but with long-term benefits too. Charities must have a turnover of below £500,000. The deadline for applications is the 31st October 2022. Breakfast Clubs for Challenged & Vulnerable Young People (London)

To help with the cost-of-living crisis, the Aviva Community Fund is offering an additional £2 million in match funding for causes supporting financial wellbeing in their communities across the UK. The Cost of Living Boost will support charities and social enterprises to deliver initiatives that help disadvantaged and vulnerable people take control of their wellbeing by giving them tools to be more financially independent. Aviva has teamed up with the fundraising platform Crowdfunder and will match each donation given by the general public, up to the value of £250 between the 4th October 2022 and the 31st December 2022, or until the entire £2 million is allocated. A maximum of £50,000 of match funding is available per organisation. £2 Million in Funding to Help with the Cost-of-Living Crisis (UK)

The Hubbub Foundation, in partnership with the Co-op, has re-opened the Co-op Community Fridge Fund to build on their existing network of Community Fridges around the UK. Grants of £4,000 are available to support an additional one hundred not-for-profit organisations across the UK to establish new Community Fridge projects and help redistribute surplus fresh food within deprived communities. Donations are provided by local food businesses, producers, households and gardens, saving food from going to waste and bringing people together. Hubbub will also provide support, guidance and resources to help organisations establish their Community Fridge. The closing date for applications is the 30th October 2022. Applications Re-Open for the Co-op Community Fridge Fund (UK)

Schools in England, Scotland and Wales can apply for up to £500 worth of free outdoor equipment and up to half a day of professional outdoor training to deliver outdoor learning and play. The funding is being made available through the charity Learning through Landscapes’ Local School Nature Grant Programme and is funded by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Funding will also be open to Early Year’s settings which have their own building and more than five staff. The next closing date for applications is the 11th November 2022. Schools Can Apply for £500 of Free Equipment to Deliver Outdoor Learning (England, Scotland & Wales)