Community Connect is a new grassroots initiative from People Arise Now, which aims to regularly connect residents, the council, local businesses, voluntary organisations, local police, and anyone else who wants to better the borough of Hammersmith
and Fulham. This month’s meeting is at Dawes Road Hub on 25th October at 11am-1pm and our focus will be Black History Month.

Further information

Community Connect is a new grassroots initiative from People Arise Now, which aims to regularly connect residents, the council, local businesses, voluntary organisations, local police and anyone who wants a better borough.

See the Flyer for more information


People Arise Now are inviting you to their 1st anniversary on: Tuesday, 30 August 2022, 11.00am – 1.00pm

Community Connect is an initiative of People Arise Now (charity no: 1154810) and aims to connect residents, the council, local businesses, voluntary organisations, local police, and anyone else who wants to better the borough of Hammersmith & Fulham.

Once a month they meet to discover available services, discuss issues, find solutions, and generally, become a closer, more efficient community.

Join them as they celebrate their 1st anniversary with food, music, and most importantly, community voices!

For more information and to register for the event click the link: Community Connect | 1 Year Anniversary



World Suicide Prevention Day and the theme Creating Hope through Action, North West London Suicide Prevention Programme will be exploring barriers to accessing support for people bereaved by suicide with a hybrid event.

“When you lose someone to suicide, the grief that you experience can be very intense and the emotions you feel can differ from the grief you experience following any other kind of death.” Samaritans recognises that those who are bereaved by suicide are a particularly vulnerable group who need support.

This topic is linked in with World Suicide Prevention Day because those bereaved by suicide are a group at risk and often overlooked.

  • Mo from Inquest will set the scene for our panel by speaking to the institutional response families have to contend with after a suicide and the complexities of seeking support. 
  • A representative from The Met will share current responses and challenges faced in signposting to bereavement services.
  • Ben from The New Normal Charity will discuss the stigma and taboos associated with mental health, with a focus on men.
  • John from SoBS will round off the panel by sharing his lived experience and highlighting the difficulties navigating bereavement support after a suicide.

The panel will be followed by a Q+A session.

Helen from MIND will discuss signposting. Every attendee will be receiving a London-specific signposting pack for bereavement support following a suicide.


Community Connect is a new grassroots initiative from People Arise Now, which aims to regularly connect residents, the council, local businesses,
voluntary organisations, local police, and anyone else who wants to better the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.


The Good Things Foundation is hosting an online roundtable on Monday16th May from 12-2pm.

We’re taking a closer look at what can be done to ensure older people’s voices are heard in the digital inclusion arena.  This feels more important than ever given the continued shift to online services, rising costs of living, and ongoing effects of the pandemic – which are all disproportionately impacting older people.

If you’re interested, we’d love you to join us virtually on Monday 16th May 2022 (12-2pm) alongside organisations across the UK working with older people, as we discuss how rapid digitisation during the pandemic has impacted on older people’s access to services.

What does government – UK, nationally, regionally, locally – need to do now to support older people with digital inclusion?

How can we ensure older people’s voices are heard in the digital inclusion arena?

Our CEO, Helen Milner, will be chairing, and members of Good Things Foundation’s Connect Up Community of Practice, as well as our Older People’s Panel, will be there so discussions are grounded in the experiences of people at the heart of the issues. 

Here’s the Eventbrite link if you’d like to join: Register here to join us for the event

As you may know, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) has begun the process of engaging with the local voluntary and community sector regarding their main grants programme, the 3rd Sector Invesetment Fund (3SIF).  The council wishes to coproduce its 3SIF Strategy with the community, and has already held the first of several meetings with the VCS on this recently.

Given the importance of local grant funding from LBHF, Sobus would like to invite VCS organisations based in or operating in H&F to come together to discuss this, and explore what we think should or could be included in this strategy. 

The council will be holding further meetings on this, but we felt that it’s important that the sector has the opportunity to meet seperately to discuss and share our ideas and explore questions or points that we might wish to raise with LBHF as part of this process.  

Please click here for further details.  You can book via eventbrite by following this link: CEO Forum  The meeting is on 7th April and will start at 10.30, and end with a networking lunch for attendees. 

We look forward to seeing you soon



Sobus CEO

National Day of Reflection 23rd March

The overall purpose of the Day of Reflection is twofold – to remember those we have lost during the pandemic, and also to pay tribute to the ongoing work of thousands of people, professionals and volunteers, who have supported us all during this time. Full information is available here.

  • A Minute of Silence at 12 noon which can be observed as a private moment or at your workplace or community. You can also join the Minute of Silence online from 11.50 where a short programme will include a specially written poem and the London Community Gospel Choir. (Register before the day.)
  • Wall of Reflection. A Wall of Reflection in your community is a place to share thoughts about those we have lost and those who continue to serve. You can display photos, poems, objects, music, stories, articles, hobbies or recipes – whatever feels right for you. A full guide is available to download and materials are available from any Marie Curie shop.
  • Tea and biscuits. This can either be in connection with a Wall of Reflection or as a stand-alone activity.  This is simply an opportunity to bring people together in your community – maybe those who have lost loved ones, or just a gathering of people who would like to reflect on the experience of these two years.

You can add your local activities to the national activity map by completing the online form here (where you can indicate whether your event is private or public).

 A full day of online activities – to participate in any or all of these you should register in advance.

  • 7.00-9.00pm. Coming Together in Hope; A National Service of Reflection for Black Communities affected by Covid 19 pandemic.  This is a Christian service to which everyone is invited. The service takes place in person in Birmingham and is co-organised by London-based Ubele Initiative. To attend in person register here. To view via a livestream on Youtube use this link which will go live on the day.  Ubele are also planning an evening event at the Conway Hall in London – if you are interested please contact us and we will send details as soon as we have them.

We want to know how you would like to get involved with Small Charity Week. As a small charity, or funder, or sponsor, we want to know your ideas and what you’d like to contribute to the week.  We’re open to all suggestions and excited for what we can achieve together. So, if you have the time, we’d love it if you could join our session on the 9th March at 14:00 to discuss co-designing this Small Charity Week. Click here to join us

APPG will be holding their next annual general meeting on Wednesday 9 March at 11:00, they’ll be discussing Communities Leading Change – the role of communities in levelling up. Click here to register your place.