Historically, the World Health Organisation has called for an end to violence against women and girls through 16 days of activism that runs from 25th November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10th December, Human Rights Day.

As a Community Organiser, I have met both women and men in this borough who have experienced violence and abuse that for some has lasted for many years. The impact of living with and in this experience has had a measurable impact on the mental health of those who have survived. This article will focus on the experience of women in recognition of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence of women and girls.

For one local resident, she described living with the effects of her experience as impacting on the wellbeing of the children – now young adults – she was trying to raise. She shared that she feels tremendous shame and guilt for what she described as “not protecting my daughters enough” , the poor relationship with the people she was closest to and initially was unsure of who to seek support from.

Some women now describe themselves as survivors – including the female resident above.

Hammersmith and Fulham are fortunate to have a number of organisations – charities and charitable, public and statutory, forums and networks seeking to support residents in need of help, raise awareness and work both collaboratively and in partnership with agencies and organisations to address this.

Events occurring in Hammersmith and Fulham:

Tuesday 12th December – H&F Council – 16 Days of Activism to end Violence Against Women and Girls event.

For tickets, visit Eventbrite: Making an IMPACT on Domestic Abuse Survivors’ Criminal Justice Outcomes Tickets, Tue 12 Dec 2023 at 18:00 | Eventbrite

Useful web links:

Some local voluntary and community organisations operating in Hammersmith and Fulham supporting women and girls experiencing domestic abuse and violence: