On Tuesday 14 March from 11am to 12pm, we will be joined by London Catalyst at our Meet the Funder event, taking place online via Zoom.

London Catalyst grants are available to charities and voluntary and community organisations across Greater London to fund initiatives that will tackle the effects of poverty and ill health and make a difference. 

Project Grants: £1,000 – £5,000+ depending on purpose, outcomes, and budget for all relevant project costs. This can include salaries, training, volunteer expenses, management, supervision, and evaluation. ‘Catalytic’ projects that are improving a service or responding to emerging needs are prioritised.

Samaritan Grants: A hardship fund which frontline advice and welfare agencies can use to assist people in immediate need by providing one-off emergency hardship grants of between £100 and £2,000.

Partners for Health 2023: A collaborative programme normally launched in March. Grants can be up to £10,000 to fund a new approach or a thoughtful development. The aim is to encourage partnership between registered charities and expert health agencies (including NHS and specialist services).

This online session will consist of a presentation from the funder, followed by a Q&A session.

Priority will be given to questions organisations submit by email in advance. Please send any questions you would like to ask to zina@kcsc.org.uk by 1pm on Friday 10 March 2023.

This meeting is for representatives of local voluntary and community organisations in Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham and Westminster. On this occasion, representatives from the NHS and specialist health services are welcome to attend. It is not open to members of the public.

Here are the Zoom joining details for people who have registered to attend. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 1760 9560

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