Successful implementation begins at the individual level, where capacity building activities increase a worker’s knowledge and skill. An individual who’s been empowered to facilitate change can impact their organisation and their community. All individuals in our membership organisations can access SOLID our online training package. Take a look SOLID – Sobus

However organisations, whatever their size, do need to consider their overall progression, their ability to adapt to change and their ability to become more sustainable. Or as someone put it recently, “In the current environment it is an ability for the organisation to survive!”

Sobus has highlighted the 5 stages of capacity building.  Organisational Development – Sobus . In this you can see where your organisation is on a scale. You may do things in each stage but unless you fulfill all the criteria of that stage and the stages beforehand your organisation’s progression and development will need some consideration.

If you would like to know more about the 5 stages and would like an assessment then please contact Nigel at Sobus;