As any organisation will know, change is difficult. However, there are ways to make it easier; the Theory of Change is a useful framework that supports organisational change in 3 areas:

  1. Focus (clear vision and goals) 
  2. Efficiency (best path between now and your vision)
  3. Unity (collaboration of organisation and stakeholders towards common goals)
  4. Evaluation: (evaluate activities so that your stakeholders/beneficiaries can experience better outcomes)

The Theory of Change may seem complex, but Boomy Tokan and the School of Social Sustainability are here to make this easy and straight-forward. Their motto is ‘Doing Good & Doing Well’ and they support Social Enterprises, Charities & Non-For-Profits to grow and be successful. One of their newest courses on the Theory of Change is bringing together the theory and 20 years of experience in the business startup arena for a highly efficient way to learn and apply this valuable framework.

Course Dates: Choose One

Theory of Change Online Workshop

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:30

Theory of Change Online Workshop

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 10:30