Why JustCharityJobs.co.uk?

* Our site is designed just for the charity sector.

* Each week we publicise our site throughout the UK charity sector.

How much will it cost?

* Standard listings are completely free of charge.

* Premium Paid listings which appear highlighted at the top of all searches and allow logos cost just £75.

What are the site features?

* We have designed a simple easy to use site.

* You can include up to 4 downloadable documents relating to the job such as application forms.

* You can add your own website address so that applicants apply through your own website. Alternatively applicants can apply via email.

* The site has a map search facility allowing applicants to search for jobs in their area.

* Listings appear on the site until the closing date or 30 days whichever is the shorter period.

Add A Job

To post your job listing click Add Job and enter the job details.