During the week Carers Network will run a virtual programme of activities for local carers. See the full programme for the week here.

On Monday 8 June our CEO Sally Miller will be hosting a Welcome to the Week Zoom at 11am. She will be joined by carers, local councillors, commissioners from council and the Carers Network team. If you would like to join us there to find out what we have scheduled for the week and meet local unpaid carers there. The Zoom link is here, Meeting ID: 876 9997 2562 Password: 588752

The theme for this year’s week is ’Making Caring Visible’ to ensure that carers get the information and support they need from services and the wider public. Unpaid carers are currently dealing with more challenges than ever before, with the pandemic having done a lot to hide carers, confining them to their homes more and making them less visible. This makes it more important than ever that we come together to recognise the role played by unpaid carers, ensuring they are valued and well-supported.

If you follow us on social media please do share links and help us publicise our campaign to make caring visible over the week on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.