Hammersmith and Fulham’s Integrated Care Programme is working to improve health and well-being outcomes for local people by integrating care around individuals’ needs. When we talk about integrating care, we mean that a group of existing, local organisations need to work more closely together to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in H&F. To achieve this, we need to:
- Look at what we know and what people have already told us, because improvements must be based on understanding what local people need.
- Work together to develop and achieve the results that really matter to local people and help them to lead healthy lives.
We would like to invite you to a workshop focusing specifically on health and well-being priorities for older people. We would be most grateful if you could circulate this invitation to relevant patient and public networks and/or friends. We are seeking attendees who are older people with lived experience of using NHS services, and/or their carers.
You can register for a free ticket via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/workshop-to-discuss-health-and-care-priorities-for-older-people-tickets-4360667003
Alternatively, to get more information about the event, confirm your attendance, or request assistance with getting to the workshop or at the workshop itself, please contact:
Pete Ellis (NHS Hammersmith and Fulham Project Manager): pete.ellis@nhs.net / 020 3350 4869.
Please ensure you include your full name, role / reason for attending, and organisation (if you have one). If you require any kind of assistance or reasonable adjustments, please could you contact us about this by Thursday 7 June.
Date of workshop: Thursday 21 June
Time of workshop: 09:30 – 12:30
Location of workshop: White City Community Centre, 7 India Way, Hammersmith, W12 7QT
Refreshments will be provided.