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Volunteer Organisers’ Fourum
Thursday 22nd October 2015

Venue: Dawes Road Hub, 20 Dawes Road, Fulham, SW6 7EN
Time: 9.45 am – 11.30 am

Refreshments from 9.45am for a 10am start

1. Presentation on Volunteer Management software by Kate Saunders from Better Impact
2. What are community organisers – how can they help support your organisation, presentation by Sharon Tomlin, Sobus
3. Equality, diversity and volunteers – Chris McCosh, HR Manager, HFV
4. Presentation on the health trainer programme by Nathan Asare, Turning Point
5. Working with clients with a history of substance misuse and supporting them to volunteer, presentation by David Cosgrove, Foundation 66
6. AOB & Future meeting dates for your diaries

Please email Catherine or call 020 9741 9876 to confirm your place (we need to know numbers for refreshments)