H&F Connect 55 + is a new service commissioned by Hammersmith & Fulham Council for local residents who are in need of befriending. The service is provided by Bishop Creighton House through volunteers and is available for anyone aged 55 years or older who lives in the borough and is feeling lonely or isolated. The befriending will be short term (3-6 months) with the aim to help residents become more connected with their local community, get involved with activities they are interested in, meet new people to form lasting connections and to beat isolation in the longer term.
The project urgently needs volunteers and it will be a great chance to make a real difference to someone who may not see many people socially during the week, learn more about the community and make new friends. In addition, it will be an opportunity to create new community links for both volunteers and older people. To volunteer please call Marianne on 020 7385 9689, email mmandjano@creightonhouse.org or visit www.creightonhouse.org.