After Julia Unwin’s two year inquiry into Civil Society Futures, the final report has been published – ‘The story of our times: shifting power, bridging divides, transforming society‘.

The inquiry heard from over 3,000 respondents via conferences and events, workshops, interviews and meetings, exploring how civil society needs to adapt to the changing social landscape. The inquiry examined four themes: place; belonging & identity; reimagining work & purpose; and how we organise.

The final report identified four areas (PACT) which are in need of major changes to ensure that charities and other civil society organisations increase accountability to their beneficiaries:

  • Power: there needs to be a shift so that decisions involve everyone
  • Accountability: organisations need to be accountable to the communities they serve
  • Connections: broader and deeper connections are needed within and between communities
  • Trust: trust in organisations needs to be built and earned in line with their values.

Read the full report now.