Due to popular demand our free digital marketing workshops have returned! With the Covid-19 national lockdown requiring many businesses to close, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is helping local businesses to boost their online presence asas the nation emerges from the latest Covid-19 lockdown. The virtual workshops will be delivered by Samer Bata from the Knowledge Acedemy to give business owners the essential digital skills they need to promote their business online.

Who can attend?

The training is open to all businesses in H&F and local residents looking to start a new business.

What will I learn in the workshops?

The workshops will focus on –

Building simple and effective marketing strategies
Mobile marketing platforms
Social Media
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
When will the workshops begin?

There are five separate course dates to choose from with each course consisting of two sessions (each session lasts three hours and will take place via Zoom). Each course is open to 30 people. The time and dates are:

Course 1 : 26 and 27 April 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 2 : 3 and 4 May 2021 , 6pm to 9pm

Course 3: 10 and 11 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 4 : 17 and 18 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 5 : 24 and 25 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Please note, the content for each course is the same so please do not sign up for more than one course. For more information, please contact Sam Ridley at sam.ridley@lbhf.gov.uk.

Sobus has great pleasure in announcing that the H&F Clinical Commissioning Group (H&F CCG) Health and Wellbeing Grants Programme will run again in 2017. H&F CCG have been very impressed with the projects funded in 2016 and as part of their commitment to continue to work with the VCS they are putting £100,000 into the grants programme for 2017. For information on the organisations currently funding please visit our website

Sobus is organising an event on Thursday 6th April from 3pm – 5pm and this is an opportunity to talk to the organisations currently being funded, find out about the project they have run and learn about how to apply for the 2017 programme. Full information about the event is available here and to book your place please click here. Further information will also be in our April funding bulletin.

A local charity football tournament will take place on 9th April to raise funds for those affected by the severe drought and famine in East Africa. All funds raised from this tournament will be donated to help those affected. For further details, please click here.

North End Road market is a traditional street market running since the 1880’s and managed by H&F Council. The council also hosts regular traffic-free seasonal markets as part of its drive, together with residents in the North End Road Action Group to revive this major high street. This is also an opportunity to showcase your wares on a major London stage.

The next traffic-free market in North End Road is on Saturday 29 April.  For further details click here.

The PEACE (People, Ethnicity, Age, and Community Engagement) Project is a cross borough partnership between PLIAS Resettlement and Nubian Life Resource Centre. They have been awarded £10,000 from Big Lottery Fund’s Celebrate programme, which will be used to create a PEACE Wall to be unveiled in September 2017 to coincide with World Peace Day. To find out more and how you can get involved, please click here.

In collaboration with Crowdfunder and The Social Innovation Partnership, Trust for London and City Bridge Trust have launched a £100,000 fund available to organisations using crowdfunding to raise funds and deliver projects that will address inequality and lift people out of poverty in the capital.

Called Improving life for Londoners, this fund will provide up to 50% of the target (to a maximum of £10,000), with projects expected to raise at least the first 25% from the crowd. Check out the Crowdfunder page for details of eligibility and how to apply. If you want to find out more about crowdfunding and how to run a crowdfunding project, click here to register for a short Introduction to Crowdfunding webinar on Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 1.00pm.

The Tri-borough is keen to get your views on future plans for Extra Care Housing across the boroughs of Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea to ensure that it gives people the best care experience possible. Extra Care Housing provides accommodation plus 24-hour care and support to predominantly older people.

The meetings are planned for 24th, 27th and 29th March. Refreshments will be provided and all venues are wheelchair accessible. Please RSVP by 5pm on 15 March 2017 by emailing Karen Joseph or call 020 8753 5129. Places are limited.

WAND UK is celebrating International Women’s day from 10:00am to 2:00pm on 29th March 2017. Everyone is welcome. The event will have fun activities, food and refreshments.

  • Zumba to start the day with energy and a good laugh
  • Cake and bread stall will be 50p per item & Henna 50p
  • We will also have beautiful prizes for the Raffle and Quiz
  • Free entry and Free Lunch

Venue: Small Chapel, St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, W10 6DZ

We have a limited number of sponsored tickets to give to community and faith groups for A Celebration of Diversity, a community cohesion event to celebrate diversity in Hammersmith & Fulham on Saturday 11th March 2017.

Please note: The tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis. For the booking form click here and for further information please contact mayor@lbhf.gov.uk.

Find out why Mike is running the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 23 April to raise funds for the local charity, Carers Network and support his campaign if you can here.

There are a limited number of places available in this October’s iconic Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon on Sunday 8 October.
If you would like to apply for a place to run as part of Team CN and help raise funds to support even more local unpaid carers, please email mark.bradford@carers-network.org.uk or call 020 8960 3033 to request an application form.

Join the national demonstration against cuts and privatisation called by Health Campaigns Together.

March to Parliament on Saturday 4th March. Assemble at 11am at Lyric Square or 12pm at Tavistock Square. For further information click here.