Hammersmith & Fulham Council recently launched an online survey to capture people’s insights and experiences regarding the local voluntary and community sector. Our borough has a vibrant array of these groups which support local residents. Many were instrumental in the community response to the Covid-19 pandemic and more recently the cost-of-living crisis.

We are determined to help maintain a strong and capable third sector that can support our changing communities. We want to build stronger, active, and more connected communities. To do this, we need your help. Please share your feedback for a chance to win a £50 Love2Shop gift card.

The survey can be found by clicking here and will close on 16 June.

The Charity Governance Code has launched a public consultation in an effort to refresh it for the first time in four years, including a question on whether charities would be willing to pay for it. Read more here.

Tell the VCSE Observatory and Pro Bono Economics what’s happening right now in your VCSE volunteering organisation so you can influence key decision-makers. Click here to answer the survey.

NCVO is currently planning their schedule for Small Charity Week, and they’d like to know what support you’d find most valuable. Fill in the survey here.

The next wave of the VCSE Data & Insights National Barometer Survey is out now – please complete before Wednesday 7 February. Data gathered in this survey has made a tangible benefit to our sector to influence govt policy, including £100m cost of living funding launched last year. Complete the survey here.

As your local health and social care champion, we are looking to understand how women access maternity services in the borough, what their experiences are, and identify areas that require improvement. 

Who can participate? Anyone who has given birth in the last three years would like to share their experience with maternity services in Hammersmith and Fulham. 

How to participate? Click on this link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Z4VETF/ to take the questionnaire.

If you prefer to complete the questionnaire over the phone or receive a paper copy at your home, please call Healthwatch H&F. We will arrange a time to call you back and assist you in completing the questionnaire. 

Alternatively, contact us for further support, such as if you need the questionnaire in another language or an easy-to-read version: Telephone: 0203 886 0386; WhatsApp: Send us a message on 07944387895; Email: info@healthwatchhf.co.uk 

Deadline: 1 February

We are looking for insight from women who live in NW London about women’s health and well-being services and experiences. We want to better understand the unique challenges and experiences that women face in their healthcare journeys. Share your thoughts and experiences through our survey.

Responses are confidential and the information provided will be used for NHS research purposes only. Sharing experiences will help us to understand the challenges women face in their healthcare journeys and how we can improve the quality of services for them.

Click here to complete the survey.

Please share the survey link with those it may be relevant to.

The GLA are asking charities with services in London to support them in order to create an online map resource for migrant, refugee and newly arrived communities

With the aim to help them navigate the charities in London in which they can access relevant support to meet their needs.  

By filling out this short survey you will be asked to share information about your charity project, including the activities you do. Your input will greatly contribute to this valuable resource.  

For those who’ve previously submitted their information you will be able to access your previous submission to update or add any information.

To access the survey and for further information, please click here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by contacting migrantmapofservices@groundwork.org.uk.


📢 Calling all Hammersmith & Fulham residents! Your voice matters! 🗣

🗓️ Save the Date! Join us for an engaging online event on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 6pm to 7:30 pm. Your insights are invaluable, so don’t miss out! Register here

We want to hear your thoughts on the proposed new Model of Care for Community-based Specialist Palliative Care in North West London.

The new model of care builds on previous engagement, and has been co-designed over the last year by a working group of NW London residents, along with clinicians, NHS providers and charitable hospices with the ultimate goal of making sure there is improved access to high quality services.

🔍 For in-depth information, visit our website where you’ll find a comprehensive document, a concise summary, and an easy-to-digest infographic: Read Details here

Prefer to write down your thoughts? Share your views with our quick online Survey or email us at nhsnwl.endoflife@nhs.net

Together, let’s make sure everyone gets the best care possible. Your feedback is vital! 🌟

In case you missed it, here’s some crucial information on the Commission’s latest trustee guidance, an opportunity to speak directly with the National Lottery Community Fund about the new Cost of Living Fund, and a survey seeking to understand the full impact of the cost of living crisis. Take a look here.