The last Health & Wellbeing Board was held on MS Teams on Wednesday 2nd December.

You can find the agenda and papers by following this link.

To read on, click here.

An exciting update on the Hammersmith Bridge closure has been published on the council’s website: Click here

As well as our regular newsletter containing up to date funding opportunities Sobus subscribes to Grantfinder.

Grantinder is one of the largest database of funders from across the UK. It is well maintained and up to date. However, in order to search the database well it needs some clear information:

  • type of organisation e.g. charity, CIC etc
  • your organisations’s aims
  • what you are intending to do with the funding and who will benefit
  • how much you require.

From this point onwards the database will produce a range of funding opportunities. And within that it will give clear criteria about what the funder expects and what you as an organisation might need in order to apply e.g. a certain level of income. Usually there will be about 20+ funders for each search but it can be a good place to start.

If you need Sobus to carry out a search then contact us by email at

Alternatively if you are not too clear about how to describe your funding needs then please contact Nigel at

Age UK London urge now more than ever, to get your free flu jab and protect yourself and those around you. For the Age UK Flu Vaccine Toolkit, click here . For information and resources, click here.

The updated 2020 Charity Governance Code follows a rigorous consultation with the charity sector that received over 800 responses. The enhancements focus on Principle 3: Integrity and Principle 6: Diversity, now called Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Find out more.


We now have a new interactive platform for our local networks to upload details about their organisation and specific projects in borough – making your project or organisation easier to find and access.

The type of offers you can upload on the site, include:
• Programmes for young people (0-25yrs delivered within the community
• School based projects (for young people, or staff)
• Parent programmes
• Support for charity organisations / community groups – e.g. training, taster sessions, partnership opportunities, etc.

You can also use the website to support your recruitment efforts – if you upload any vacancies you have (paid or voluntary). We will then support this by promoting the offers within the local community and in any of the YPF boroughs with the platform.

Sign up to our website

To receive a ‘HOW TO’ guide or for futher support please contact on

Venue Bank

Charities working with Children and Young People are finding it increasing difficult to locate suitable premises from where they can deliver their much-needed services.

Sign up for the Venue Bank

How to guide is located here and for any more info please contact

The guide offers lots of helpful information such as:


  • Understanding the impact of debt to mental health – the different kinds of debt (e.g. tax debt) and how they can be a key source of stress, depression, and anxiety if not planned and managed properly.
  • Advice for dealing with debt such as setting up a Debt Management Plan or an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), qualifying for a Debt Relief Order (DRO), or even filing bankruptcy to get some protection and keep life essentials like pension savings safe from creditors.
  • What to do if debt problems begin affecting your mental health. This includes recognising the symptoms and early warning signs of mental health problems associated with debt as well as advice on where to turn to for help and support.
  • Other useful information and resources, including debt charities and organisations that are dedicated to helping people conquer their debt problems.

Click on the links below to read more:


The paper, called Civil Action, was published today by the research charity Pro Bono Economics, to mark the start of its Law Family Commission on Civil Society. Third Sector have reported that the commission is a two-year initiative that aims to examine how the potential of civil society can be unleashed in the UK. Find out more.

As we come out of the second national lockdown, three libraries in Kensington and Chelsea will open again on Wednesday, with limited services on offer and social distancing measures in place.

You are welcome to visit Kensington Central, Chelsea and North Kensington libraries from 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and from 9.30am to 5pm on Saturdays. Chelsea Library is open on Sundays too, 1pm to 5pm. Face covering is required to enter the library and we are asking people to submit their details for the NHS test&trace programme or scan the QR code if they have the app.

Click here for the most up-to-date information about services available after the lockdown. But our online library of newspapers, journals, comics, books, audiobooks and much more is available to you at all times, remotely, with your library card. Our events programme continues online and there is a lot happening on our social media platforms too!