Individuals and families can apply for grants of up to £1,500 to clear domestic gas and electricity debts. The Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund, administered by the British Gas Energy Trust, provides eligible customers with a grant to clear outstanding arrears with their energy supplier. Any British Gas and non-British Gas customer in England, Wales and Scotland who has sought money or debt advice, and not received a grant from the Trust in the past 2 years, is eligible to apply for the support. However, customers of Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, and Octopus should apply to their own respective funds. The Fund will close when all funding has been awarded. Grants to Help People Clear Domestic Gas & Electricity Debts (England, Wales & Scotland)

Charities and social enterprises working to support the UK’s most deprived communities can apply for a share of a new £4 million Cost of Living Fund from Social Investment Business and Access – The Foundation for Social Investment. Find out more here.

Grants are available to support children and young people living with severe poverty across the UK. The grants which are made available through the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials programme supports families with children up to the age of 17 who are living with financial, health and social difficulties, by providing items that meet children’s most basic needs such as kitchen appliances, furniture, baby equipment, beds, clothing, and other items and services that are critical to children’s wellbeing. Applications must come through a registered referral agency that is supporting the family or young person. The programme is delivered by Family Fund Business Services and applications can be made at any time. Support for Children Living in Severe Poverty (UK)

LMP Education are looking to deliver an initiative that will help young adults between the ages of 16 to 24 who have learning difficulties/neurodiversity’s or mental health needs. This will help clients who also have anxiety, depression or who may be dyslexic. We are looking for 100 young participants who can assist LMP Education.

LMP Education are trying to identify if learners in this age group are being marginalised, and if so, provide the correct pre-employment programme to support and guide. Our qualified work coaches will create an individualised programme for each learner and assist in placing them in a positive destination. Each learner will be eligible to a £250 bursary (paid in Love2Shop Vouchers) that is paid in increments throughout their journey with LMP Education. To be eligible, learners must be aged between 16-24, live in the Greater London Authority area, not be in education, employment, or training, have access to either a laptop or a computer, and have the correct “Right to Work” documents.

If you would like to refer any of your clients to this positive action initiative, please email with your client’s name, email address and contact number. Anais will keep you in the loop with how contact is progressing.

Groundwork London is helping dedicated community groups and organisations to apply for funding to safeguard and revive our Wild Isles! 

Aviva, in partnership with WWF and the RSPB, is dedicating £1 million to empower community groups and organisations across the UK in the vital mission of protecting and restoring nature right in your local area. The Save our Wild Isles Community Fund is being delivered with Crowdfunder. It will give £2 for every £1 raised to help a project reach its fundraising target quicker. This matching scheme extends to each individual donation, multiplying the impact of contributions up to £250. With a substantial total match of £15,000 per community project, the possibilities are endless.

Join our Live lunch time Q&A session at 12.30 on Monday 23rd October on Zoom, either through Facebook or LinkedIn , or register for the webinar by reaching out to Groundwork here.

Topic: Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund London

Time: Oct 23, 2023 12:30 PM London

Register your interest via Facebook or LinkedIn

If you cannot attend this session, please feel free to contact Vanessa to ask for more information or support.

Applications close on the 1st November, so you’ll need to apply soon, but the process is straight-forward and Groundwork staff are on hand to provide support and advice. 

Three key areas that the fund will cover are:

  1. Nature Restoration: Dive into activities that enhance local biodiversity. Whether it’s protecting or restoring habitats, creating nature havens, connecting green spaces, or addressing activities that directly impact biodiversity, your project will be a force for nature’s revival.
  2. Nature Connectedness and Pro-Environmental Behaviours: Take action to foster a greater connection to nature within your community. Promote pro-environmental behaviours that will benefit nature and leave a lasting, positive impact.
  3. Community Cohesion and Connection: Your project will do more than conserve nature; it’ll bring your community together in beautiful ways. By connecting people of diverse backgrounds, generations, and abilities to both nature and each other, you’ll build a stronger, more united community.

How to use film to boost your fundraising

Did you know that adding films to your emails can boost click rates by a whopping 300%? Take a look here.

Grant Makers and the LGBT+ Community

Have you ever wondered what financial support is available out there for charities that work with and for the LGBT+ community? Take a look here.

The third step in building your fundraising strategy

Richard Sved shares his tactics for delivering a robust fundraising strategy. Take a look here.

Top tips for developing a digital content marketing strategy

Nick Day, Associate Trainer at DSC gives us his five top tips for developing a digital marketing strategy. Take a look here.

Shedding some light on philanthropy advising

Emma Beeston clears up some of the misconceptions surrounding philanthropy advising. Take a look here.

Applications are now open for the Community Resilience Fund, a programme provided by the Greater London Authority (GLA).  It is a good opportunity for those that work borough-wide in the community and voluntary sector.  Grants of up to £5,000 are available and the GLA are looking to fund new projects in 11 local authorities.   Applications will close at 5pm on Friday 10th November 2023.

Please click this link for more details: Community Resilience Fund – Round 2 – London Plus, it includes a link to sign up to an information session on 16 October to hear more about the fund and to ask questions. 

The Social Investment Business has launched a new grant scheme to help social enterprises and charities address the cost-of-living crisis by providing funding to maintain or continue services, increase or launch new services, or meet increased demand. The grant operates alongside the Social Investment Business’s Recovery Loan Fund (RLF) which provides loans of between £150,000 and £1.5 million to UK charities and social enterprises based in England, Wales and Scotland. The Cost of Living Fund provides non repayable grants ranging from £40,00 to £150,000 to social enterprises and charities that already assist people impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. Grants are provided only in conjunction with the Recovery Loan Fund. Applications can be submitted at any time. Grants of up to £150,000 Available to Address The Cost of Living Crisis (England, Wales and Scotland)

Funding is being made available to help financially vulnerable people who are struggling to pay their energy bills. The British Gas Energy Support Fund has been set up in response to the increasing cost of living and rising inflation to help eligible British Gas customers with fuel debt of £250 to £1,500 to pay their energy bills over the coming months. Any British Gas customer in England, Wales and Scotland who has sought money and energy advice is eligible to apply for the support. Grants over £1,500 will be considered in exceptional circumstances. The fund, which is administered by the British Gas Energy Trust, will remain open until all funding has been awarded.

Charities, community and voluntary organisations, and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to two years that improve the lives of people in disadvantaged areas of East and West London. The funding is made available by the Health Lottery East London and Health Lottery West London through the Active Communities Programme, which seeks to support small projects led by and for people most affected by health inequalities living in neighbourhoods experiencing the highest levels of disadvantage. These can be groups of people living very close to each other, or groups of people who have a shared identity or experience who wish to come together to address something that is important to them. The deadline for applications is 1pm on the 31st October 2023. Funding to Tackle Health Inequalities (East and West London)