In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Comic Relief is launching a new funding programme to support changes in the way which community and voluntary sector organisations work. Funding of between £150,000 and £600,000 will be available for projects lasting up to 3 to 5 years. The focus will be on work in areas that are of particular interest to Comic Relief. This includes addressing homelessness, forced migration, gender justice, mental health, and early childhood development. Organisations will be able to apply in one of two categories. Grants for small and medium-sized organisations that focus on equalities and are user-led; and grants for medium-sized organisations. 20% of the available funding is ring-fenced for efforts led by and working with BAME communities. The fund will open for applications on the 13th July 2020 and close at 12pm on the 28th August 2020. Click here
The Corra Foundation has announced a community research tender on social action during the coronavirus pandemic. The project forms part of the wider Social Action Inquiry Scotland which aims to understand how social action can realise its potential to being about sustainable change. Social action has been at the heart of society’s response to Coronavirus and this research tender aims to further understanding of that. A total budget of £68,200 is available to deliver this project.