Schools, voluntary organisations and charities can apply for grants to help both children and adults suffering severe learning difficulties. The funding is being made available through the Baily Thomas General grants programme and can be used to purchase equipment, support capital works as well as covering project and core costs such as staff costs, general running and office costs. Previous grants have been used to support capital works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools; employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture; play schemes and play therapy schemes; day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs; support for families, including respite schemes; independent living schemes; support in the community schemes; and Snoezelen rooms. The next deadline for applications seeking funding in excess of £10,000 is the 1st March 2021. Applications for £10,000 and below can be submitted at any time. Click here
The Volant Trust’s current round of funding will close for applications on 31 December. The Covid-19 Response Fund looks to support charities operating in the UK and internationally, that ‘demonstrate a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable people’, particularly those who have been impacted by the coronavirus crisis. The trust will also consider applications for medical equipment and the production or distribution of PPE. Prospective applicants are advised to complete an Eligibility Checklist before making an application, which can be found here.