Public, private and third sector organisations in England and Wales can apply for funding to improve the performance of existing heat networks. The £32 million Heat Network Efficiency Scheme, funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, will provide funding to heat network operators to make improvements to existing heat networks or communal heating projects that are not performing to their maximum efficiency, resulting in better outcome for customers and operators. The scheme will provide up to 50% funding for capital works, and up to 100% funding for Optimisation studies. The scheme will run until 2025. The next closing date for applications is the 7th July 2023. Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (England & Wales)
Grants of up to £75,000 are available to special schools and colleges for children and young people with special educational needs. Grants are awarded towards capital costs such as new buildings, the refurbishment of existing buildings and equipment. The funding is available for projects that are is focused towards helping pupils to develop skills which would help them to gain employment or live independently after leaving school or college. The grants are made through the Wolfson Foundation’s Special Schools and Colleges grants programme. There is a 2-stage application process and the next stage 1 closing date is the 1st July 2023. Applications successful at this stage will have until the 1st September 2023 to complete the stage 2 application. Funding for Special Schools and Colleges (UK)
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to local charities and not for profit organisations for projects that will fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for of those in need in the UK. The funding is being made available through the Screwfix Foundations and the grants are available for all kinds of projects, from repairing buildings and improving facilities in deprived areas, to decorating the homes of people living with sickness and disabilities. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The next closing date for applications is the 10th August 2023. Screwfix Foundation (UK)
Schools, charities, and community organisations seeking to offer breaks for disadvantaged children, young people and their families can apply for support for a residential stay in England and Wales. The Youth Hostel Association’s Breaks Programme offers bursaries to primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, schools offering alternative provision and colleges to help meet the costs of a residential trip. The programme also offers fully or part-funded residential trips to groups of young people and families facing challenges that make travel and adventure difficult to access. They are arranged via application or referral from partner organisations including charities, community groups and home education networks. No application deadline is given. Residential Breaks for Disadvantaged Children, Young People & Families (England & Wales)
The Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund, administered by the British Gas Energy Trust, is now open for applications. The fund provides eligible applicants with a grant of up to £1,500 to clear outstanding arrears with their energy supplier. Unlike some other funds, eligibility is not limited to British Gas customers. However, customers of Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, and Octopus should apply to their respective funds instead. To qualify for the grant, the applicant must live in England, Scotland, or Wales and not have received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust in the past 2 years. Additionally, they must be seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current or open gas, electricity, or dual fuel energy account in their name, or be a member of the household with the debt. Furthermore, the applicant must have electric and/or gas debt, be in or facing Fuel Poverty, and have received help from a money advice agency. If the applicant does not satisfy all of these criteria, their application will not be assessed. Financial Support for Individuals and Families who are Experiencing Fuel Poverty and Struggling to Pay their Energy Bills (England, Scotland and Wales)
The National Lottery Community Fund has provided £3.2 million in funding for the Women’s Urgent Support Fund, which will respond to the cost-of-living crisis faced by women. Round one of the Fund, administered by the Smallwood Trust, will award three-year grants of between £15,000 and £60,000 to enable 20 women’s-led community organisations to respond to the increase in demand for urgent and basic needs from women in England who are most at risk of poverty due to the crisis. The funding can be used to pay for core and frontline staff salaries, running costs/overheads, provision of services and goods to women, and other organisational costs. The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 19th May 2023. New £3.2 Million Fund Launched to Respond to the Cost of Living Crisis Facing Women (UK)
UK charities can apply for funding of up to £2,500 to help them improve their online digital presence. The funding is available to charities with an average income of less than £400,000 a year to support hard-to-fund digital expenditure that other funders will often not cover. Funding will help organisations to build websites and apps, digitise services, and purchase digital products. Each quarter there is a different priority for support. The next deadline is for projects relating to Human Rights and the closing date for applications is 5pm on the 30th June 2023. Funding to Improve Online Digital Presence for Small Charities (UK)
The Big Give has launched a match funding campaign to support charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in the UK. The Women and Girls Match Fund is making up to £10,000 in match funding available to enable charities that are led by and for women and girls to run their own match funding campaign during one week in October. Priority will be given to applications from charities that are led by Black and minoritised women and girls, LGBTQI women and girls, or Disabled women and girls. Charities wanting to participate in the campaign have until the 23rd June 2023 to submit their application. Match Funding Campaign to Support Vulnerable & Underrepresented Women & Girls (UK)
Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available to churches across the UK requiring small but urgent maintenance works and repairs. The funding will enable listed and unlisted Christian places of worship, of any denomination, to investigate or address small problems and control building deterioration. This could include improvements to rainwater systems; removing vegetation growth from buildings; repairing flashings and masonry; replacing roof tiles; and electrical work. Project costs should be up to £20,000 excl. VAT and awards will never exceed 50% of the costs. The funding is made available through the National Churches Trust Small Grants Programme, which will accept applications on a rolling basis until the 27th April 2023. Grants for Urgent Maintenance Works & Small Repairs to Churches (UK)
Families, as well as groups of children, schools, organisations, and other registered charities, can apply for financial assistance from the Adamson Trust for the cost of holidays or respite breaks for disabled children with physical, mental, or emotional impairments. To be eligible, the child must be a resident in the UK, between the ages of 3 and 17, and the Trust requires evidence of their disability or illness from a medical or social services professional. Grants from the Trust usually only cover a portion of the holiday expenses. The next closing date for applications is the 30th June 2023. Funding for Respite Breaks for Disabled Children and their Families (UK)
20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN
Telephone 020 7952 1230
Registered Charity No.1071089
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Sobus is a new Community Development Agency for Hammersmith & Fulham. It has been created through the merger of the Community and Voluntary Sector Association Hammersmith & Fulham (CaVSA) and the Fulham Community Partnership Trust (FCPT). Building on the strengths of both organisations, sobus aims to provide a wider range of support services for local charities, community groups, social enterprises and start up businesses.