Grants of between £30,000 and £50,000 are available to charities and other not-for-profit organisations in England and Wales that are working to support Black and ethnically minoritised children and young people that are at high risk of becoming involved in violence.

A total of £2 million in funding is available through the Phoenix Way: Children and Youth Round to support projects aimed at:

  • diverting children and young people from crime
  • providing supportive home environments
  • improving education
  • fostering trusted adult relationships
  • engaging in positive activities
  • providing therapies

The funding is available to groups where at least 70% of the leadership are from Black or racially minoritised communities.

The closing date for applications is the 3rd December 2023.

Website links for guidance and applications:



UK-registered charities that working to combat the abuse and violations of human rights can apply for grants of up to £20,000. Applications are particularly welcomed from charities working to support migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; criminal justice and penal reform; and human rights, particularly access to justice. The funding is being made available through the A B Charitable Trust. The Trust generally makes one-off grants to charities registered and working in the UK with annual incomes of between £150,000 and £1.5m that do not have substantial investments or surpluses. The next closing date for applications is the 26th January 2024. Funding for Projects that Combat Abuse and Violation of Human Rights (UK)

Grants of up to £100,000 are available to support arts, library and museum projects. The funding is being made available through the National Lottery Project Grants programme, which aims to support thousands of individual artists, community and cultural organisations to create and sustain quality work and help people across England to engage with arts and culture. Priority is currently being given to supporting the grassroots live music sector, enabling museums to develop their collections-based work and increase public engagement with, and use of, their collections and work that supports, enhances and enriches libraries.The Fund is administered by the Arts Council England which has recently published updated guidance for the programme, and made the process of applying clearer and more accessible. Applications can be made at any time. Funding to Support Arts, Library & Museum Projects (England)

Go! London Foundation grants will help organisations ​continue delivering impactful work in physical activity and sport, ​reach more young people, and become more resilient and sustainable​.

Grants of up to £40k are available for up to 24 months are available to community groups delivering sport and physical activity to young people in London. We will fund project-specific costs, core costs or both​. ​

Foundation funding aims to

  • Improve organisational sustainability
  • Enhance services for children and young people​
  • Increase numbers of children and young people supported by sustaining provision

Organisations interested in applying for funding, and meet the eligibility criteria, will need to complete a short online eligibility/fit to fund quiz form. Eligible organisations will then be able to access an online application form.

  • The deadline for eligibility forms is 2pm, Friday 10th November 2023
  • The deadline for applications is 2pm, Tuesday 21st

More information, including eligibility requirements, can be found on

Grants of up to £10,000 are available to charities, community groups, and other charitable organisations across London and the South of England to support the mental health and well-being of young people, and encourage them to engage in youth social action. The SNG #iwill Fund 2.0 – Wellbeing Champions Programme will support organisations to upskill at least 15 young people aged 10-20 to become Wellbeing Champions, teaching them to look after their own mental health and wellbeing, support their peers, and raise awareness in their communities. Champions will go on to deliver their own youth social action project. The funding is made available by the Sovereign Network Group (SNG) in partnership with the Reverse the Trend Foundation, which will accept applications until midnight on the 19th November 2023. Grants to Support Youth Mental Health & Social Action Projects (London & the South of England)

Charities and community energy groups in England, Scotland and Wales can now apply for grants to support vulnerable households most at risk from cold homes and high energy bills, develop innovative products and services related to domestic energy use, or support carbon emissions reduction projects. A total of £14 million is available for grants through four funding streams. The funding is being made available through the Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme and is funded by energy companies who have breached Ofgem rules. Before applying, organisations need to pre-register by visiting the Energy Redress registration page. Applications for the sixth funding round close at 5pm on 14 November 2023. £14 Million Available to Support Vulnerable Households At Risk from Cold Homes (England, Scotland and Wales)

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities to fund equipment and services to support disabled and disadvantaged children under the age of 13 across the UK. The Toy Trust fund helps disadvantaged children and their families to alleviate suffering; support children through awful experiences; encourage achievement through adversity; purchase vital equipment; provide care; bolster existing initiatives; initiate brand new projects; and satisfy basic needs. Groups that have carried out some form of effective fundraising by themselves are particularly encouraged to apply. The next deadline to apply is mid-November 2023 for the December meeting of Trustees. Funding to Support Disabled & Disadvantaged Children (UK)

Individuals and families can apply for grants of up to £1,500 to clear domestic gas and electricity debts. The Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund, administered by the British Gas Energy Trust, provides eligible customers with a grant to clear outstanding arrears with their energy supplier. Any British Gas and non-British Gas customer in England, Wales and Scotland who has sought money or debt advice, and not received a grant from the Trust in the past 2 years, is eligible to apply for the support. However, customers of Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, and Octopus should apply to their own respective funds. The Fund will close when all funding has been awarded. Grants to Help People Clear Domestic Gas & Electricity Debts (England, Wales & Scotland)

Charities and social enterprises working to support the UK’s most deprived communities can apply for a share of a new £4 million Cost of Living Fund from Social Investment Business and Access – The Foundation for Social Investment. Find out more here.

Grants are available to support children and young people living with severe poverty across the UK. The grants which are made available through the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials programme supports families with children up to the age of 17 who are living with financial, health and social difficulties, by providing items that meet children’s most basic needs such as kitchen appliances, furniture, baby equipment, beds, clothing, and other items and services that are critical to children’s wellbeing. Applications must come through a registered referral agency that is supporting the family or young person. The programme is delivered by Family Fund Business Services and applications can be made at any time. Support for Children Living in Severe Poverty (UK)