Sobus is incredibly proud that our own Sharon Tomlin was a winner in this year’s H&F Civic Honours!

Sharon was been nominated by her community for being a pillar of support and strength over the last few years. As a Community Organiser in Old Oak and North End, Sharon has helped many in her local communities by supporting and running nurturing resident networks and groups that develop projects and activities to benefit residents.Those that nominated her called Sharon “a rare gem in this community”.

Sharon is a local resident, and very active in her community. We only have to walk down North End Road with her to see her being hailed by locals who have known and respected her for many years. From local history projects, drawing together information on notable BAME H&F residents, her interest in genealogy and alternative therapies, to tackling the causes and effects of mental health, youth crime and substance misuse, and representing and advocating for her neighbours and championing the needs of her community, Sharon is a shining example of what one person, acting with integrity, passion and commitment can achieve.

Well done Sharon – we’re so proud of you!