Be aware of the upcoming industrial action dates during January 2023

A slew of industrial action and strikes have been well reported in the news in recent months, with transport industries, NHS staff and others walking out in protest.  Here are the dates of the strike action currently planned for January.  This may well change if unions manage to strike a deal with Government and employers.

Rail strike days:

  • 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th RMT members of Network Rail and 14 train operating companies
  • 5th January – ASLEF train drivers
  • 12th January – Prospect members on the Elizabeth Line

Bus strike days

4th, 5th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 25th and 26th January: Unite Abellio bus workers in South and West London.

We strongly recommend checking with staff and volunteers that they have alternative ways of getting to work on transport strike days.  It might be advisable to consider moving meetings online if a large number of attendees are going to struggle to travel to a face to face meeting.

NHS Ambulance Staff

  • 11th and 23rd January – Unison Ambulance staff
  • 11th January – GMB Ambulance Staff

NHS Nurses

  • 18th and 19th January – Royal College of Nursing staff