How prepared is the voluntary and community sector to support Europeans and their family members to stay in the UK post Brexit?
Who is not being supported to access the Settlement Scheme?
New Europeans are surveying London’s voluntary and community sector to find out where the gaps are in terms of understanding, practical support and capacity.
The voluntary sector will be significantly impacted by Settled Status: London’s charity sector is made up of 14% EU National charity workers.
Furthermore, the voluntary sector makes up one of the primary interfaces between civil society and European Londoners and their family members, of all walks of life.
Please respond to our short survey and please help us to distribute this survey throughout all corners of the voluntary sector: we particularly need to reach groups who are not already tuned in to the Settlement Scheme.
The results of this research will form a short report which we will be launching in October 2019 at our ‘EUSS and the voluntary sector’ seminar.
Survey Link: