The shortlist of inspirational local people nominated for a prestigious H&F Civic Honours award has been revealed.

These 27 finalists are members of the local community who continue to make an incredible contribution to H&F.

Cathy Maund, director of Hammersmith Community Gardens Association, receives her Civic Honour

Director of Hammersmith Community Gardens Association Cathy Maund (centre) wins the 2018 lifetime achievement award, pictured with Kim Smith (left), H&F Council Chief Executive and Cllr Sue Fennimore (right)


Now in their second year, the H&F Civic Honours are the council’s way of recognising the people who lead fantastic efforts to improve life in Hammersmith & Fulham.


We want to make sure we give people doing great things in our community the credit and gratitude they deserve,” said Cllr Sue Fennimore, Deputy Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham. “Which is what the H&F Civic Honours are all about.

“And when you read all the nominations it just really hits home how much is going on to support and inspire people every day.”


The finalists have been invited to a gala awards ceremony which was held at Hammersmith Town Hall on Wednesday 12 June.


The H&F Civic Honours were launched last year, and are now held annually to celebrate:

  • the bravery,
  • compassion,
  • dedication,
  • kindness
  • and ingenuity of our incredible community.


Visit LBH&F website to see names of the winners.