New H&F Community Resilience Alliance will add the value of the Community Sector to emergency planning.

London’s resilience to emergencies is reliant on everyone working together. London’s responders, including emergency services and local authorities, play a key role but so do London’s diverse communities, faith groups, voluntary sector and businesses. Community organisations and businesses can provide knowledge, resources and contacts that would make a real difference at a time of an emergency. 

Hammersmith & Fulham Council, in partnership with the Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre, are launching the Hammersmith & Fulham Community Resilience Alliance.  It is a new initiative to enable the voluntary sector, faith groups, community groups and businesses to support and work with the Council in providing a coordinated response to emergencies in the borough.   

The new H&F Community Resilience Alliance will engage with organisations to offer the opportunity to play a role during times of crisis in the borough.   We would like to invite you to complete a short survey which will detail how you might be able to support in an emergency, subject to the availability of your resources

This could include anything from providing space (e.g. for people affected, storage, sorting of donations), transport, equipment, staff/volunteers, community contacts, languages and specialist skills (e.g. advice).

The results of the survey will clarify what potential resources are in the borough that could be available during an emergency.

Organisations and businesses in the H&F Community Resilience Alliance will take part on a purely voluntary basis and the only commitment asked for is specifying how and when they could be contacted if an emergency were to take place. It will add the value of the community sector and businesses to emergency planning in our borough.

Please click here to complete the survey (on Microsoft Forms) and I would be grateful if you could complete it by 24 June 2024.

If you have any queries about this initiative, please contact: Michelle Otoo / 020 8753 6724 / 07748932584 and Denise Prieto